Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/280

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270 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. HOLMISOALI, 1867-80 ; If.P. for West Kent, 1869-68 ; for Mid Kent, 1868-80. Wat •um. to Pari. T.p. 17 April 1880, in hia father'a Barony, aa BARON AMHRKST OF MONTRKAL, and me. to the Earldom, &c., about aiz } eara later, 26 March 1886. He M. 27 Aug. 1862, at Linton, Kent, Julia (who, by royal licence, 22 Oct. 1844, had been authorised, when a few mouths old, to bear the surname of Ookhwallis only, in lieu of that of Mahn), 2nd and yst. da. and coheir of Jamea (Mann, Jormerljf CoRMWALUs), 6th and lost Karl Cormwallir, and only child of his 8rd wife, Julia, 4th da. of Thomas Baoon, of Itmllauda, Berks. She was 6. 2 July 1844 and tuc. to the estate of Linton Place, Kent, on the death of her father, 21 May, 1862. She (as YlsoouNTttS Holubsdalk), d. s.p. 1 Sep. 1888 at Linton afsd. Will pr. March 1884, over £81,000. He m. secondly, 26 April 1889, at Christ Church, Down street, Alice Daiton, Dow. Coumtkss ov Libduhn [I.], 1st da. of Edmund Pbobyn, of Huntley manor, co. Gloucester, by Sophia, do. of Richard Dalton, of Knaith, oo. Lincoln. Family Setatee.—TheM, in 1888, consisted of 4,269 acres in Kent, 1,789 in oo. Warwick, 834 in SuKstz and 741 in Kasex. ToUl, 7,688 acres, valued at je8,781 a year.(*) Frineipal Hetidenee* — Montreal Park, near Sevenoaks, Kent. AMHERST OF HACKNEY. %,e,f '*Amuer8T oi« Hacknby, co. Londou," Barony (TysenrAmJiertt), ar, 1892 ; see vul. viii, p. 281, in Appendix. AMIENS. i.e., "Amibmb," Viscountcy [l,] (Strat/ard), er. 1777 with the Eabl- DOM OF Aldbobodoh [I.] which see ; ex, 1876. AMORIE, see D'amorib. AMPTfllLL. , ^'Bruob of Ampthill, CO. Bedford" Viscountcy (Bruce), er. 16G4 with the Rabldok of Ailrsbuuy, which see ; ex. 1747.(^), ** Upper Ossort of Ampthill, co. Bedford " Barony (Fifz-Patrick^ er. 1794 ; see '* Upfkb Ossort," Earldom [I.], er. 1761, under the 2d Earl ; ex, 1818." Jid at end of page 80 at notet : " (*) The return made Joj Lord Holmesdale of his then wife's estates (those of the family of Mann, of Linton Place, Kent) early in 1888, waa 18,063 acres (of which 16,209 were in Kent, 970 in Sussex and 874 in SUffurd) valued at £30,744 a year. These, after her death, in Sep. 1888, went to the family of Wvkeham-Martin, descended from her eldest sister. Lady Jemima laabella Wykebam- Martin, Ist da. of the 6th and last Earl Comwallis." " (^) See as to the honour of Ampthill, vol. i, p. 38, note (»)." p. 81 ; in margin, for ** Baron*," read Barony ; for " Dukes," read

  • < Dukedom." Line 18, fur *'his widow," read *' Will, recitiug that over

£75,000 Consols were in settlement, pr. 17 Dec. 1884 above £46,0C0 personalty. Hia widow, who " ; line 19, after ** Midz.," intert ** was a Lady of the Bedchamber since 1886 ; V. and A., 8<> class, and was liviog 1897." Line 20, far '* Lobd." read '* Babom " ; line 22, eontinve '* ed. at Eton " ; me. to the peerage, 26 Aug. 1884 ; matria at Oxford (Kew Coll.) 12 Oct. 1888 ; 3<^ class history, 1891 ; B.A., 1892 ; Priv. Sec. t<» the Colonial Sec, 1896. He n. 6 Oct 1894, at Madresfield, oo. Worcester, Margaret, S^ da. of Frederick (Lvqon), 6th Earl Bbauchamf, by his first wife, Mary Catherine, da. of Philip Henry, 6th Eabl Stanhopb. She, waa 6. 8 Oct 1874^' ; Imes 26, 32 and 60, /or " of Eresby," read '* de Eresby " ; liue 26 after '*Erb8BT," wtert ** Lord Qbbat Chaiihbrlain(^)" and add at thai note **(b) See aa to thia great office, p. 707, note (d), mb Aveland ' ; liue 26, fur ** 1716," read <* 1716(-V' and add at that ncte '* (a) By sUtute 1 Qeo. I. it waa enacted that, notwithatandiug tUe statute of 31 Hen. Vlll. (whereby the Qreat Chamberlain takes precedence uf all Peers of his degree} this Dukedom should rank [only] lu»ordmg to the date of ita patent. This unjust iufriugemeut of the existing