Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/283

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. I. 273 ]«dj/* r$ed "(to which Inclv he wm oontraoUd 18 Oct. 1440 [mc Frucr*! Bwtk of Douflat, vol. ii, p. 42] bufc who " ; line 16 for " uncle " r^d '* brother(0*' and mM at thu noU " (*) Though generally considered unde of the last Earl, that statement is refuted by Qodscroft's MS., and by a document, dated 26 June 1450 at Durham, reciting the ' Relazatio Willielmi Douglas, Comitis de Angus, patris Comitis modemi' and by other proo& in Fraser's * Book of Dougltt»; vol. ii, pp. 45.46 " ; line 24. for ** Isabel, da. of Sir Andrew " road

    • probably before 1446, Isabel, only da. of Sir John " ; line 25 after ** m " inftri
    • Sir " ; line 26 for '< 1489-90 " rend " 1489/90, but was desd in 1502."

p. 96 ; dtU lines 7 and 8//'0fit "Catherine" to "thirdly," and ineort <* probably about 1498 " ; lines 11 and 12, deU "if sheerer did marry him " ; line 14,/or "in," read "an "; line 16 deU "(b)" and ineert "In 1581, 'Janet Kennedy' founded a prebend, near Edinburgh, for the soul of Archibsld, Earl of Douglas, dec^, formerly her hus- band. He m. lastly, in 1500, Catharine, da. of Sir William Stiruno, of Keir, by Margaret, da. of James Cmiohtoii, of Ruthvendeny. She signs a discharge as ' Cath- arine, Countess of Angus ' 10 Aug. 1510, but on 14 May 1518 is designated simply as * Catharine Stirling *if) " and after having deleted the existing note ' b/ imeri a» oaid note " {^) She was then probably separated from the Earl, and living with Alexander, Lord Home, by whom, she, about this time, had an illegit son "; line 16, for " 1514," read * « between 29 Nov. 1613 and 31 Jan. 1513/4 "; line 17, for " or," read <• poesibly etyUd " ; line 18, for ** He m. before 81 Jan. 1488-9, Elizabeth," read **hj first wife; b. about 1469. He m. before March 1487/8, Elisabeth, widow of Sir David FLMfiHO "; line 19, after " Drummond " tneert ** [S.] "; Une 27, for " before many years must have been " read "in March 1542/8, was" ; line 32, after "firstly'*^ ineert "(contract 26 June 1509) " ; line 84, after <* Margaret," ituert " (then aged 24, being b, 29 Nov. 1489) " ; line 37, for " in March 1526.(<l) He m. thirdly^ 9 Aug..," read " 11 March 1526/7(<l). He m. thirdly, after her death (having never recognised the said divorce), 9 April " ; line 89, for -* 1556 '^ read " Jan. 1556/7, of erysipeUs " ; last line, after " m " add " before Sep. 1570": after "Lamington" add "andt^. 1598"; note (d) last line, /or •• 1539 " read " 18 Oct. 1541." p. 99 ; in margin, /or " 1556," read " 1556, Jan.," and/or " 1558," read "1557, Juna" Line 2, for " living Aug. 1547 but d. young and v.p. " read •* He d. v.p. in infancy Feb. 1547/8 " ; line 6,/or " had " read *' who was I, about 1515 " ; deU "ten years previously, vis.,"; line 7, for " Margaret," read (contract at Linlithgow, May 1552) Margaret (sometimes called Elisabeth) widow of James Johngtonb, the younger, of Johnstone" ; line 8, for " 1558" read " June 1557 at Cockburnspath. His widow is said to have m. * the Laird of Whitelaw.* "; dele lines 16 to 25, from

  • ' Mary," and ineert " 18 June 1573, at Stirling, Margaret, da. of John (Erbkinb),

Earl OF Mar [S.], Regent of Scotland, by Aonabella, dn. of Sir William Murray, of Tullibardino. She d. a.p. 8 May 1575, and was hur. at Holyrood. He m., secondly, before 1581, Margaret(*), yst. da. of George (Lnui), Earl of Rothbs [S.] by bis 1st (and 4th) wife, Margaret, illegit da. of William (Criohton), 8d Lord Criohton [S.] From her he was divorced 12 July 1587. He m., thirdly, directiv afterwards, being asked in church the Sunday following (contract 29 July 1587) Jean, widow of Robert Douglas the younger, of I^chleven (sometimes called Master of Morton, who d. 1584), da. of John (Lton), 8th Lord Glamis [8.]. by Elisabeth, da. of Alexander (Abbbnbtht), Lord Saltoun [S.]. The Earl d. (probably of consumption) at Smeaton, near Dalkeith, 4 Aug. 1588, s.p.m., and probably s.p.s., his death being attributed to sorcery (^). His widow m. before 1 July 1592, for her 8d husband, Alexander (Lindsay), 1st Lord Sptnib [S.]. who d. July 1607. She was living 7 Aug 1607, but d. before 23 Feb. 1611." Between lines 25 and 26 ineert " [According to Burke's peerage (1877-97) he was sue. by an infant s. and h., who d. the same year, 1588.] " Line 29, after •'Archibald," ineert "(who d. 1570)" ; line 85, /or «'in 1551." read •'(contract 14 Feb. 1551/2)"; line 36. for '•July," read "of a fever, at Gleubervie, 1 July"; for " wife survived him " read "widow living 1606"; line 88,/or "15f5, read "1550, being 42 years old in 1502"; line 89. e^ " plot," intert " (known as * The Spafiieh blanks *) " ; line 40, for " subsequently," read " having thereby incurred forfeiture, subsequently (before 1608)" ; line 40, after *'m." insert "between 12 April (date of contract) and 24 June 1585" ; line 42, c^fter «• M.I.," ineert " WiU dat. 1608. His widow si., before 1619, James HAMn/roH.