Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/30

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20 VAUX. VI. 1838. 6. Qborqb Cuarlbs Mostyk, of Kiddington, oo. Oxford, B. and h. o£ Charles Mo9Tyii(*) (d. 11 Marob 1821), by Mary {d, 2 Dec 1881), da. and b. of George Butlkr, of Dally ragset, co. Kilkenney, waa 6. at Batb, 7 March 1804, and being thro' hia laid mother and the familiea of Vaui, Simeon, and But- ler, a M)heir(^) (aeuiur heir to a moiety) of the Barony of Vauz de Harrowden, the abeyance thereof was terminated in his fa7our,(*) by writ, 12 March 1888, in which he was sum. to Pari, as LOUD VAUX DK HARROWDEN, and was plaoed next below Lord Willouffhby de Broke, a Barony er. in 1492. He m., 9 July 1828, at St, Marylebone, Caroline, 1st da. of Arthur Vansittabt, of Shottesbrooke, Berka, by Caroline, 8d da. of William (Edim), lat Baron Auckland. He (i. 28 Jan. 1888, at 6 Upper Qruayenor street, and was bur. at Gay ton, oo. Northampton, aged 78. His widow a. at the same house, 80 Sep. following, and was bur, at Gayton afsd. YII. 1883. 7. Hubert OiOROB Charles (Mobttn), Lord Vaux Di Harrowobn [1629 !(<:)], grandson and h. ; being Ist s. and h. of the Hon, George Charles Mosttn, by Mary,(^) da. of the Ut Ra? . James Henry Monk, L. Bishop of Glouceater, which George Char|es was Ut s. and h. ap. of the late Lord, but d v.p. at Cairo, 31 May 1879, aged 49. He was b. 4 June I860 ; tue. to the peerage, 28 Jan. 1888 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1883 ; MA., 1886 ; was Attach^ to the mission to Cairo, 1886; Sd Sec. in diplomatic aervice, 1886 ; 2d Sec., 1891. He m., 26 Aug. 1886, Eleanor Maigaret^ 2d da. of Sir Alexander Mathison, 1st Bart., of Lochalah, co. Ross, being lat da. by his third wife, Eleanor Irving, da. of Spencer Pibobyal. She d. 18 Sep. 1896, aged 88, at Muirtown House, and waa 6iir. at Great Harrowden, co. Northampton.^ FawkUy SSitalM.— These, in 1888, oonaisted of 4,828 acres in the counties of Westmeatb. Kilkenney, and Meath, worth £2,401 a year ; inherited from the family (*) He waa 1st s. and h. ap. of Charles Browne-Mostyn, of Kiddington aboTenamed, 2d a. of Sir Edwanl Mostyn, 6th Bart., of Talacre, co. Flint, by Biarbara, da. and h. of Sir George Browue, Burt., of Kiddington. 1'he mu Cliurlea t4K>k the addit. imirieof Browne on inheriting the Kiddington estate, and d. 19 Sep. 1844, aged 90, being eue. by his grandson, afterwards Lord Vaux. (b) ie., on the supposition that the Baron ▼ was one er, by writ, and accordingly descendible to heirs general. See p. 18, note " o," as also note " e " below. (•) See p, 18, note '* f." (d) They were m. 9 Aug. 1859. at St Paul'a, KnighUbridge. (•) The Lords' Committee found that this waa a Barony er. by writ, temp. Henry VIll, i^nd was then in abeyance between the aaid George Mobtym, Robert, Eaul op PuCBROKi, and Edward Bourchier Habtopp, Esq. Of these three coheirs (1) the said George Mosttn represented an entire moiety thro' his mother, Maria (who d, Nov. 1881), da. and sole h. of George Botlbr, of Ballyragget, co. Kilkenney (who d. 1812), the only a. who left issue of James B., s. and h. ap. of George B. {d, 1748), the only a. who left issue of the Hon. Edward B., a younger s. of Edmuttd, 4th Visoount MouimiABRBTT [I.], but only s. of his second wife, Elisabeth, da. of Sir George SlMSON, who was aole h. to her mother (his first wife), Mary, elder of the two siatera who left issue of Henry, 6th Lord Vaux ; (2) Robert [Hbrbirt], 12th Earl of Pbmbbokb, another coheir, was s. and h. of the 11th Earl, s. and h. of Uie 10th Earl, who was s. and h. of the 9th Earl, by Mary, eldest da. (whose issue became coheir) of Richard, (Fitewiluam), 6th Visoodmt Fitiswiluam [L], by Frances, da. of Sir John Shblmit, Bart, and only child and h. of his first wife, Winifred, da. (whose issue became heir) of George (Kbviixb), Lord ABKBaAVBimy, 2d but eldeat surr. s. and h. of Henry, Lobd Abbbqavbnmt, by Catharine, younger of the two sisters who left issue of Henry, 6th Lord Vaux ; (3) Edward Bourchier Hartofp, of Little Dulby, oo. Leicester, another coheir, was i. and h. of Edward H., who waa s. and h. of Edward HaBTOFP-Wiqlbt, by Juliana, da. (whose issue became heir) to Geoige (Evans), 3<i Ba&ON Cabbkbt [Lj, who was s. and h. of George, 2d Lord, by Frances, second and youngest da. (whose issue became coheir) of Richard, 6th Vjboount J^^tswiluam [L] aboyenamed, These laat two (of whom Mr* Hartopp was a petitioner for t|i«