Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/300

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290 CORRIGRNDA, ETC., TO VOL. !• "(«»)ifii. Om, H Her., lat s., toL i, p. 268 "; /or '< [or Deal l^^l." read " 1490. Inq, p.m. at Borcheater, 26 Oct (1490), 6 Henry Yll. ; line ]0» far "m. John RoGBBS. Shed, a widow,"md"d.7May";line27,/or '<Calaia/' r«ui *'Oalaia,C^)*' and add a$ taid note, " {^^) According to the Heraldic Viait. of Warwickshire, 1619, Elizabeth, da. of Sir Juhn Dauvera, of DauuUey, Wilti, by Anne, aiater and h. of Sir Edward Stradling, m. firstly ( — ) Borrowea [».«., John Abarrow, who, with her, was living, 20 Nov. 1539, tlie date of her mother'a will], and seoondly, ' Doniinua Audley.' No such nintch, however, appears in the Audley pedigreo " ; line 29, /or " Elizabeth," read *' ElizabeUi(d<ld) » ^nd add at taid note, " {^ Query if not the ' laabel Audley ' bur. 28 June 1564, at St Margaret'a, Weatm. " ; line 80, after "Hen. VIII.," add ** by Qrisel, da. of Nicholas Bodohton, of Woolwich " ; Une 82, for " d 1560," read " waa bur. 8 July 1660, at St Margaret'a" ; line 87, afier ** 1668," add " and waa bur,, 6 Jan. 1668/4, at BeUey. His widow d. at Thelwall, co. Cheater, Dea 1609, and was bur,, 4 Jan. 1609/10, at Qrappenhall, in that oounty " ; line 89, /or " 1617," read " 1616." Note («) ctmdude, ** where, however it la erroneously stated that hia s. and h. waa again cr. Earl of Castle- haven [1.] ; see toI. il, p. 181, note (^)." p. 201 ; in margin, for *< 16S4" read 1693." Dde lines 1 to 8 down to " also of," and %MtH at vndet — IS. Jambs (Tughbt), Earl of Gastlbhavin, kc [I.], b. and h. ; line 4, for *'1684," tiitert '^1688, with the 'place and precedency of Qeorge, his grandfather, formerly Baron Audley of Hely '(*) " ; d^e note (<^) and intert in lieu thereof " See app, to 47th Rep. of the D.K. Pub. Reoorda." p. 202 ; in margiu,/or ** Barons (or Baroness)," read " Barony " ; for " 1247," read «< 1847.*' Une 6, after " 1786," add *< at Sandridge lodge, near Melksham, where she was bur." ; Une 7, after " Augusta," add '* Henrietta Catherina " ; line 9, after '< 1818," add " at Sandridge lodge afsil."; for " 84," read '< 82, at Sidmouth. Will pr. May 1844 " ; line IS, after 1837." add '* and was bur. 23, at Melksham, aged nearly 64 " ; after " 1866/' add ** tit Dover" ; line 15, after '*at," add <'St Mark's, Darling Point" ; line 28, for ^'ia now (1885)," read

    • d. 22 Aug. 1888, at No. 16, Gloucester square afsd. Will pr. 29 Sep. 1888,

above £164,000 "; note (0, for " 1886," read ** 1897." Between lines 23 and 24 intert at under — AUDLEY OF HELY. ».«., "Audley of Kbit," Barony (Tuehet), cr. Ifi33. See " Audlby," Barony, er, 1813 under the 18th holder; ex., with the Earldom of Cabtlkuavbm [I.], 1777. AUDLEY OP ORIER. f.«., "Audlby of Orikr, co. Armagh," Barony [L] (Tucket), er. 1616 with the Earldom of Castlehaven [I.l which see ; ex. 1777. p. 203 ; in margin, for '< Baron," read " Barony." Une 26, dde "Yth (12th) "; after " Audley," add ** above described." p. 204 ; line 6, after " Suffolk," add " by Elisabeth, da. of John (or Roger) NitWPORT, of Pelham, HerU"; for " He m. secondly in," read " 23 Jan. 1687/8. He m. secondly 22 "; line 8,a/Cer "s.p.m.," add '*at his residence, Chriat Church, London," p. 205; in margin, for *< Earls," read "Earldom"; for "Barons," read " Baronv." Une 8. for " Baron [I.]," read " Barony [I.] (Aungier)" ; after " ex." add *' with the Earldom of Longford [I.]." Between linea 4 and 6 intert eu under — AVA. See ^'DuFFBRiN and Aya," Marquessate {HamiUori'Temple-Blackwood), cr, 1888. line ^; fir'* Yisoount, er. 1659 ; ex," read " Viscountcv (Mordaunt), er. 1669 ; ex., with the Earldoms of Peterborough and Monmouth. ' Between lines 7 and 8 intert at under — Saa " Hood of Avalon, oo. Somerset/' Barony {Hood), cr. 1892.