Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/329

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOLS. I. AND U. 319 p. 401 ; lines 5 and 6, far *' 1638 [or 1639]," rtad *' 1630 "; line 9, fir ** 2," rtad

  • ' 8 "; line 12, after " d.," add " about 1 "; after last line imert a< below—

BOYLE DE LANESBOROUOH. Charles Boylb, s. and h. np. of Richard, Earl of Burlington, Babon CurFORD OF LANBSBoitouaH, was 16 July 1689 sum. T.p. to the House of Lords by writ directed to Charles BoyU de Lanuhorough, and took his seat therein as Lord Boyle. By royal warmnt, 10 Aug. following, this writ was amended, and he afterwards sat ns Lord Clifford in his father's Barony of Clifford of Lanesborough, er. 1644. He eue, to his fnther's other dignities 1698. See *' BuBLUfOToN " Earidom, cr, 1664 ; ex. 1753, under the 2d Earl. p. 402 ; line 13, afUr " 1660/' add ** under the 4th Eari "; deU lines 17 to 20, and intert 1.0., " Errib of Botle, CO. Roscommon," Barony [L] (Kin^), er, 1800 ; see '* Lobtoh" Visoountcy [L], er, 1806. See " LoRTON of Boylb, co. Roscommon," Yiscountcy [L] (King)^ cr. 1806. p. 403 ; line 9, after " m.," add" in 1737(*)," and add at taid note '* (•) He sought to set aside this marriage, and in 1746 went tliro' the marriage ceremony with a Miss Moore, by whom he had children, 'whose status was for soma time doubtful' "; line 17, afUr "1789," add "in Ireland. Admon. Feb. 1790"; line 19, after "Matilda," add "(a fortune of £49,000)"; line 21, after "1816," add "in Prince's street, Hanover square"; line 23, after *' 1826," add "Admon. Nor. 1826 "; line 26, for " He </.," read " in BelgraTe squnre. He d, there "; line 30, after "1828," add "at HasUngs"; Hue 40, after '*1S5S," add "at St. Peter's Pimlico." P« 404 ; dele lines 2 to 25 ; dde line 41 to end of page. p. 405 ; dele lines 1 to 29 ; dele line 45 to end of page. p. 406 ; dele lines 1 to 42 ; dele line 56 to end of page. p. 407 ; dtlt lines 1 to 20 ; A/« lines 27 to 30. VOLUMR II. p. 1; line 9, /or "Thomas," read "Edward"; after "Surrey," add "Clerk of the Oreen Cloth to' Queen Elix."; line 27, after "1852," add "at St Steiihen's,. Herts "; line 28, after " EliKabeth," add " 2d and "; Hue 80, after "Devon." add "She d. at 3, Queen Anne's gate, 26 May 1889, and was hur, at Smeeth, co. Kent Vill pr. 20 June 1889 at £594. He m. secondly 3 June 1890, in the chapel at Msxwelton, Glencairn, Ethel Mary, 3d ila. of Col. Sir George Gusta^us Walker, K.O.B., of Crawfordton, co. Dumfries, by Anne Murray, da. of Adm. George Gustavus Linnook, of Brownrigg in that county. He d. 6 Feb. 1893, aged 68, at Smeeth Paddocks, and was bur, nt Smeeth! Will pr. at £13,800 gross and £ 4,356 net. His widow living 1897. II. 1893. ^. Edward (Enatchbulij-Hugbssbn), Baron Brabournb [1880], Istson and h. by first wife ; h. 5 April 18.^7, at Great Malvern ; ed. at Eton and at Mag. Coll., Oxford; sometime, 1879-85, tin officer in the Coldstream Guards ; M.P. for Rochester, 1889-92 ; tite. to the peerage, 6 Feb. 1893. He m. 2 Nov. 1880, at St. Margaret's Westm., Amy Virginia, 2d da. of Wentworth Biackett Beau- mont, of Bretton Hall, oo. York, by Blargaret Anne, 4th dau. of Ulick John (di Burqh), let Makqobss of Clanrioardx [I.]."