Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/33

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VENTRY. 23 VENTRY. Barony [I.] 1, 8iR Thomas Muluks, Dart [I.], of Buniham, oo. I 1800. Ko<^* >• ^^^ ^* of WUIinm MuLrjitfi,(>>) of the mme {d, 8 Miiy 1761, •gsd 71), by lilary, da. of Qeorge ilowAN, of Mnham, oo. Deny, wns h, 25 Oct. 1736 ; wna er, a Barnnii [I] 7 Dee. 1797, nnd was er, 81 JnW 1800,0) BARON VKNTKY of Ventryi oo. Kerry [f.] He m, 6 Oct 1755, Elisa. beth, da. of Townaeiid Qunn, of liattoo, oo. Kerry, by Klisabeth, da. of Conway BiJaiNiRBAflSBiT, of Ca«tle Conway in that county. She </. 16 Jan. 1823 in her 88th year, at Rurnham House, co. Kerry. He d, there (a year afterwards), 11 Jan. 1821, in his 88th year. II. 1824. 2. William Townbsnd (Muujns), Baron Vbntry FL] Ist a and h. ; 6. 26 Sep. 1761 ; $ue. io ike p^traye [L], 11 Jan. 1821. He m. firstly, 12 July 1784, Sarah Anne, 5th and yst. da. of Sir Riggs Falkihbr, 1st Bart. [I.] of Auno Mount, eo. Cork, by Mary, da. of (— ) Darkrr. She d,, Not. 1788. He m. secondly, 12 May 1790, Frances filixalieth, only da. of Isaac Saor. This marringe was dissoWed by Act of Pari, in March 1706. He m. thirdly, 10 Sep. 1797, Clara, 6th da. of Benjamin Jones. He iL,(k) 5 Oct 1827, at his residence, Chateau de la Cocherie, near BfMilogiie. His widow si', April 1882, Peter FiUGibbon Hbncht. She cf. 17 Jan. 1887, in Dublin. III. 1827. S. Thomas Towkbbnd Arbmbbro (Mullins, afierwanh^ 1841, DR Molbtnr), Raror Vrhtrt [I.] nephew and h. male, being only 8. and h. of the Hon. Townsend Mullins, by Christabella, da. of Solomon Datrollbs, of Henley park, oo. Surrey, which Townsend was 2<l s. of the 1st Baron, and d, 1799,(1) aged 86. He was J. Jan. 1786, and ttte. to the peerage [I.] 5 Oct 1827. By royal licL 16 Feb. 1841, he took the name of dr Molbtnr in lieu of that of Mulun8(">) of Haselwood, co. York." Tliis branch (who were Baronets from 1628 to 1826) coutinued in the male line till 1826. (®) It seems probable that the name is merely snolher B|)elling of Ze Vief, to distinguish the elder from the younger man of the mme sumnine. (0 See Bound's article on " The Barony of Dattbeneg " in " The Oenealogiti," N.S., ▼ol. ir, pp. 42 — 46. (S) Conrthope adds that *' his representttton oontinued to exist in unbroken male descent till about the reign of King Henry VI., when it passed into the family of Msthew, by the marriage of Alice, da. and h. of Robert Veel, with David Mathew ; which DaTid died, leaving four daughters and coheirs, vis. (1) Katharine, wife of Sir Henry Wogan, (2) Elizal^th, wife of lUchard Hoord of oo. Salop, (8) Anne, wife of John Baynham of Westbury, and (4) Margaret, wife of Sir Thomas Throckmorton, amonsst whose descendants the dignity [if any hereditary dignity can be hold to have been created by the summons of 1842], is in abeyance." An elaborate |>edigree is given in Banks's " Bar. Awjl. Cone.** among his " Baronee pretermUsL** (n) This Willinra (a and h. of Frederick, who d, v.p. 8 Oct 1605), was grandson' and h. (8 Nov. 1712), of Col. Frederick William Mullins, a native of Burnliam, in Kngland, who first settled in Irfhind, and was M.P. [I.] for Dingle, 1692-05, nnd for Tralee, 1695-96, by Jane, da. and coheir of John Kveleigh, Deuu of Uo»s. In right of this match, the 4th Lord rentry, their descendant in the 6th [I] generation took, some 200 [ I] years later, (i.e. in 1874), the surname of Eveleigh in addition to his (then embellished) patronymic of de Moleyns. (*) Ventry was the 9th of 16 Baronies [I.] made that day. The patent was never enrolled, but was produced in the House of Lords. See vol. iv, p. 205, note *'c,*' eub " Henniker," and see also vol. vi, p. 876, note *' d," iub " Hiversdale." (k) Thomas, his only s. and h. ap. (by his 8d wife), 5. 12 Aug. 1798 ; d. T.p., unnt, 81 May 1817. {}) It was said (but the truth of such saying has not been ascertained), that he was hung for forgery. (">) "At Bamham, in Buckinghamshire, was an Abbey to whioli Sir John DR Molbths was a benefactor, cirea 1888. He was the favourite knight of William de MonUente, Barl of Salisbury, K.Q., who gave him his own arms on a chief. These arms, varied by the intToduction of ermine spots, are now borne by Loni Ventry instead of the oross moline formerly borne hv the family." [Letter from H. Chough.] II is presumed that the noble house of Mullins claims descent from this Sir John,