Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/332

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322- OORRIOBNDA, BTO., TO V'OL. IL ';]iMS8»ybr29 0ei..fmiSlA9ril(mli lMii« ths date gfrcniolbeEiriolBrMtol'iilMrr)'-; fine 81,>r nd wm," ffvuT^aeed M, p. 28; fine 18. /0r pwith ehardi of," rvnl " chapel of Mr. Uenin't hoaM, at"; Una 16, /4)r "ooDtinaad aa aoch tiU bcr," rmd "oootnetad a"; lino 17, •fUr "1769," tuU "at St. Geo. Haa. aq. (baiag thonia ragkterad aa ^mttery; hamdd.amdmWWmpr.lSOL" Mota (•), lino 2. 4lrfc -^ He." p. 29; Una 14, mfisr " 1844," «M "ia Soaaaz aqnara, Bivfaton " ; mfter " 1859," «U " of goot in tbo atomacb, at 8 St. Jamoa' aqoam ^l jar. S8 April 1859, under £90,000. Both kur. at Idtworth"; Hno 21, far Oct/ rmd <" Oool"; Una 28, •fier " Idcworth," mdd " WUl pr. 9 Pob. 1864, under £100,000 "; lino 85, mfter •'1862," adtf -at St Qeo. Han. aq/* p. 90: Uoe 2,/ar " Dbbuz, 2nd and yst," rmd " Bbraovb, 2nd "; linea 8 and 4,/0r haviog fiM.hia father in 1808 in his Bngliah eaUtea, waa," muf «* waa ▼.p."; V. Barony. XII. fine 6, for •'On," read " Harinf in Nor. 1805 mo. hia father in tho En|^ eatatea, ho waa, on"; Hno 7, dtU "ho waa"; lino 11, far "DmBOX," rcoi

    • BBlTAOn "; Une 18, /or •'I April (1885) 9," read ** 24 July (1884) 8 "; linea 16

and 17, Jor ** Pbffib Habbow," read ** Pbpbb Harow." p. 31 ; in mafgui«/>r •* 1492," read " 1491." Line 19, for ** 1492," ivad " 1491." p. 32 ; lino 1, /or '« alluded," reod -* referred "; line 8, o>i€r ** 1554," «M " waa dejwrt LosD WiLLOUOHBT DV fisom"; lino 88, /or *• Bsimn," read ** Bstdqb "; lino 40, for " wife aurrived him," read " widow Uring 14 Jan. 1647/8." p. 33 ; lino 14, tfi£r *' London," add " She d. Sep. 1705 "; Uno 21, dde <* 22 "; after " afid.," add •« of fever, 24 "; lino 26, after " Chapel," odd ** (Bepatorod at Long Burton)." p. 36 ; lino 1, for '* of Mbxbobouoh,*' read " Mcxboboimih of Lcffobd "; line 15, /or

    • She," read *« He d. at Warwick Ciiatio, 2 Dec 1898, aged 65. Will pr. at

£156,000. Hia widow, who waa"; after *' 1829/' odd " waa Uring 1897 "; linea 16 to 18, deUoMfaroMto*' 1879-85 "; and ituert a$ uader— Xarldom. '^ 6 and 12. Fbancib Richard Charles Gut (Guvilue), Karl Bbookb of Warwick Gastlk [1746], looo Babl of Warwick [1759], and Barom Brooks of Bbau- CHAMPS Court [1621]. lat a. and h. ; 5. 9 Fob. 1853, in Gariton Gardona ; olylod Lord Brooks from Aog. 1858 to Deo. 1898 ; ed. at Ch. Ch. Oiford ; M.P. for Bast Somenet^ 1879-85, and for Colchester 1888-92 mctiO tU peerage aa sboTO 2 Dee. 1898." between linea 22 and 28, insert as under — [Lbopold^uy-Franois Matnaro Bbooki, ityUd (since 1893) Lord Brooks, Ist n and h. ap ; 5. 10 Sop. and bap, 19 Oct. 1882, in the Chapel Boyal, St. Jamea'a, H.R.H. tho Duke of Albanj (Leopold) being one of tho sponsors ; od. at Eton]. between linea 82 and 88 insert as under — BROUGH, see BURGH otherwise BOROUGH. lino 42, after " Cowgate," add " and bap aa Henry Peter, SO, at St. Gilea'." Note (•), lino 7, eonetude ** See Quarterly Review (vol. 177, p. 408) for Oct. 1898, loferring to Oent. Mag. for 1848." Note (^) comvunee *' This Henry was son of another Henry Brougham, a solicitor (agent fur the Duke of Norfolk's estates in Cumberland), who had inherited Brougham Hall from a relative, by whom it had been purchased from Mr. Jamea Bird [N. # Q., 5th S., v. 522]." n.36; note(*) eoneluds "See vol. iii, p. 62, note (^), for some socount of the 11 Counsel engaged in this memorable trial." Note (^), line 6, for " for," read " of." p. 37 ; line 1, after " 1819/* add «' at CoUlstreara "; line 6. for " when," read " Will pr. 17 June 1868 under £2,000. At his death"; line 9.for Uighead," read** High-head." p. 3S; line 8; for "Twikdam," read " Twbkodale "; line 11, for ** Personalty sworn," read," Will pr. 29 July 1869 "; line 28, Jor " July," read " 20 July." p. 39 ; Une 2, after -* h.," odd '* matric. at Oxford (Wadham Coll.) 81 Oct. 1617, aged 15"; line 6, a^ter **m.," add "about 1 May 1661 (*a great jointure and great panM>nal esUto ') "; Ime 29, after " daughters," add ** Will pr. Jan. 1808 "; lino 80, after " Midx./' odd « Will pr. May 1847."