Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/334

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524 CORRiaENDA, ETC., TO VOL. 11. >t line to"; line 16, far « 1818," rtad '* 12 Deo. 1812 "; line 22, after " Buehan, add [3.]. Will pr. at Linoolu, Jan. 1842"; Hue 27, ./^r <« between Aug. 1879 and, ' rtad 'Mu or a few montlia before"; line 28, after "Ross [S.]," add ^ and and who if. 1882"; line 82, after ** 1889," add ^'aud became Abbess of £lcha She was bur, at Hortrose about 1394, leaving issue by her first husband." Note(*), see additions to this note in the eorrijfendat kc, on p. 446 of toL iL pp. 55 to 68; in margin, for "XIII" to XXV," read "XIV" to " XXVI" respectively. p. 55 ; line 8, after *' [S.]," add " styled himself Earl op Robs [S.] in consequence of the resignation by his niece, Euphemia, in 1415, of that Earldom"; line 7, for " of," read **for "; line 10, after " in," add " Nov." ; line 16, after " </.," add " about 1451 and "; line 23, dele ** on his younger sous"; between lines 23 and 24 (after the black line) insert ae under — [In 1435 THE EARLDOM OF BUCHAN [S.] was [accoi-diug to Forilun] conferred on George DuiibRr, who had been deprived at that date of the Earldom op Dunbau or Mahou [S.], but it is spuken of [Fraaer's VouylasBookt vol. ii, p. 81, only aa " the empty title of Earl of liuchan," and was certainly one which was little, if indeed at all, used by the grantee. See vol. iii, p. 200, sub " Dunbar." it was, however, soon afterwards again disposed of as below.] XIII. 1444 1 1. Tub Lady Mary Stbwart, da. of James I [S.], to by Joanna, da. of John (Bkauport), Earl op Somkrskt, in. at 14G5. ter Yeei-e in Zealand, in ]444,(") Wolpaut Van Bor88BLI,(**) 1st s. and h. ap. of Henry van Borssklb, Codnt op Qiiandi'k£ in Champagne, " Heer van der Veere in Zealand," (<^) by his second wife Jane, da. of Oliver van Halbwyn, " Heer van Lacken and Hemserode." She appears to have been granted the Earldom of Buchan, probably on the occasion of her marriage, her husband thus bectiming *'jure mariti*'{^) EAllL OH* BUCHAN [S.], and being sfiukeu of as having " had the compliment made him of the title ut Earl uf Buchan."(*) She d. s.p.s. 20 March 1465, and was bur. at Sandenburg at ter Veere in Zealand. H.I. He m. sectmdly (contract 17 June 1468) ** Charlotte dm Bouuuon, da. of I^uia I, Count op MONTi'KNSIKU, OP ClKRMONT AND OP SaNORUUK, DaUI'UIN OP AUVKRQNK, by liis 2ud wife, Qabriulle, da. of Bertrand VI, iSeigneur de la Tour, Count OP Auvkuqnk AND BouLOGNS."(^) She (f. 14 March 1478, and was bur, at Sandenburg afsd. 11. 1. He is called in 1464 " Marshal of France and Chamberlain to the King," but is never afterwards so described. He sue, his father, 17 Feb. 1474, as C/OUNT op Qrandfr^, &c.,(0 was Gov. of Holland, Zealand and Frieslaud 1477-80, and was cr, a Knight of the Gulden Fleece at Bruges, 1-2 May 1478. He d. s.p.m.s„ at Ghent, 29 April 1487, and was bur, at Sandenburg afsd. M.I., in which he is styled '* Grave van Qrootvelt, Bouchane,(v) Heere van ter Veere," kc, (^) This date is expressly given by Jan van Reigersberch, who adds that the man-iage was ** met grooter triumphe. [ex inform Q. W. Watson, who came acrosd the passage in this obscure chrcmicle, after he had compiled his article on Van Borssele (see note next below), in which he had conjectured the date to be 1449]. (^) See an able article by G. VV. Wataon, in ITie Oeneal't^ist, N.S., vol. xiv., pp. 10-11, entitled '* Wolfart van Borssele, Earl of Buchan." This gives full particulars of him and his ancestry, and furnishes almost entirely the facts and statements in the above notice. («) This title is spoken of as " Lord of Campvere in Zealand " in Burnett's Stewart genealogy (see note ** e " below) end elsewhere. {*^) He is thus spoken of in Burnett's Genealogy of the Stewart family in the preface to voL iv. of the ** Exchequer Rolls " [S.], 1880, and on the M.I. his wife is described as " Mary of Scotland, da. of Jsmes, Kiug of Scotland, Countess of Buchan," a description which somewhat implies a suojure Countess, and which is not given to her husband's second wife. See altfo note " g " below. («) " Yair," p. 80, as quoted in an article by *' A.W.C.H." on " ScottUh trade with Flanders," in Northern Notesand Queries or the Scotlisli Antiquary, vol. iii,p. 141 (1889). (0 In 1487 he sold " the Comt^ of Grandpr^," which his father had purchased. (S) In 1469, or certainlv in 1476 (that is to say after the death [1 465] of the Counter Mary, but Ions before that of her husband, Wolfart [1487]), the Earldom of Buchan was undoubtealy again disposed of, being then coufeired on James Stewai-t.