Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/339

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CORRIGENDA, RTC, TO VOL. II. 329 p. 92 ; line 9, afur ** year," add '* in South Andley tfavet ; will nr. April 1792 "; line 15, fffer ** year," add "and whs hur. (with her father) at Worttey. Will pr. 21 Nov. 1794**; line 17, after "Stuart," add *' ed. at Winoheater, and at Oxford"; line 21, aftiir "Windsor," add "or Blackoastls'*; line 84, afUr

    • 1800," add " nt her father'a house, Stratton street, St Geo., Hanover sq."; last

line, fiftfr *< 1814," add *' Will pr. 1815"; after "1882," add"iA Dde park, nged 59, and was bur. at Cardiff ; will pr. Deo. 1882." Note (b), line 4, fir "ante," read "p. 91." p. 93 ; line 6, fffier '* v.p.," «« " by a fall from his horse"; line 7, afUr *• Essex," add " Adnion. Feb. 1794 "; lino 8, after " Cumnock," add " Will pr. Oot. 1797 "; line 21 , after " firstly," add •* at 8t Geo., Hanover sq."; line 24, after *' 1841," add •• at Walmer beach, and was bnr. at Kirtling, co. Cambridse"; line 27, e^fter "year," - add " of heart disease, and was bur. 28 at Kirtling afsd."; line 28, after " 1869," add "at Edinburgh "; line 36, for " Ayr," read " AiB." Note (•) for "h," read "e." p. 95 ; in margin, /or " 1290," read " 1299." Line 8, after " Leia," add "She d. 10 Feb. 1248 "; line 28, for " 1290," read " 1299." p. 96 ; line 26, /or " Ormondk, &c," read " Ossort and Ormorz»." p. 97 ; in margin, /or " 1679," read « 1666," also /or *' 1684," read •' 1680." Linea 6, 10 and 12. for " of," read " Di "; line 9, for " 5 March 1678/9," read « 17 Sep. 1666 (taking his seat next day as the junior Baron)"; line 11, /or ** 1684," read " 1680 "; between lines 16 and 17, ineert ae under — III. 1871. S, Francis Thomas dib Grbt (Cowpsr), Earl Cowpbr, A:o., heir ccnernl to this Barony as well as to the Barony of Dingwall [8.1 beoame LORD BUTLER DE MOORE PARR [1666], as also Lord DiitowALL [S.], by the re?er8al, under Aot of Pari., 81 July 1871, of the attainder (1715) affecting both thoae dignities. See full particulars under *' Dingwall " Barony [S.], er. 1609. p. 98; line 2, fer "SHEFFIELD OF BUTTBRWICK," read "SHifmLD. erroneously called Shbffiild of Bottbrwick "; line 23, for " rem.," reoa "spec rem,(**)'*; and add ae eaid note, "(>«)This is an early, if not the eariiett ease of a rem. to oollnterals. See vol. i, p. 869, eub Bolingbroke, for a list of spea remainders "; line 30, /or " Dnme Cecilia," read " Cecilia, widow of Sir Frauds." p. 99 ; line 86, /or " Aug." read 31 July." p. 100 ; line 2, after " 1788," add '* probably at Dover [N. is Q., 8th s., iz. 889], bat possibly"; line 8, o/ter " Street," af/<^ "and was baf, 1 March following at'*; line 18, ofUr " («c)," add "pr. 1824 "; line 28, afUr ^« year," add "of bronchitia. Will, as Baronen Nod-lhtron, pr. 1 Aug. I860, under £60,000"; line 82, a/ter " 1868,*' add " at Brii^hton. Will pr. 20 March 1868, under £80,000 "; line 88,

  • »/W " Leic«8tor." add" pr. 26 Sep. 1873, under £5,000"; line 89, after

"Hall," add "Admon. 3 Feb. 1871, under £800"; line 40, afier "1878," add " and was living 1898." p. 101 ; line 8, for " 1670,'* read " in or after 1672 "; Una 31, after " John," add •* or William " ; line 86, for " Oct." read " 22 Oct." p. 102 ; in margin, for **1838,'* read '* 1832." Line 21, after •* 1807,- add *«at Hsnton Downham, Suffolk. Will pr. May 1807"; line 27, after '^882,*' mici "at Enfield and was bur, 8 Jan. 1833, at Chelsea, having been more than twenty.five years insane": line 41, after "1845," add "at Wiesbaden "; last line, /or " 83d," read "82d "; after •• Midx," add " Will pr. 19 Oct. 1864 under £35,000 ; resworn May 1865, under £50,000." p. 103 ; line 8, after "street," add " bap. 8 Oct. 1813 at Palermo and received into the Church 4 Feb. 1814 at Chelsea "; line 9, after ** Durham," add " Cathedral"; line 11, after " 1808," add "and bap, 1 Aug. 1809. at Hampton Court"; line 12, after " Norfolk." add " Both were bnr. at Chelsea. His will pr. 22 July 1878, under £80,000"; line 16, after " Durham," add "College, and bap. 26 July at St. James' Westm/'; line 19, /»r " 1886," read *• 1886-92 ; Vicen>y of Ireland (rs L.. Lieut.) since 1895"; line 28, after 'M868," add "ed. at Eton and Trin. Coll.. Cambridge ; M.P. for Bury St Edmunds, 1892. He m, 80 April 1892, at Trinity Church, Sloane street, Mildred Cecilia Harriet, 8d da. of Henry Genrd (Sturt), 1st Baron Aumoton of Criorbl, by his first wife Augusta, 1st da. of George Charles (Binqhau;, 8d Karl of Lvoah [1.]. She was b. 27 Feb. 1869." 2B