Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/342

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S32 OORRTORNDA, ISTO., TO VOL. II. Pl 122 ; liM 25, mfUr << Crown/' «W 8e6 f aller aeeoaot under ' ComvwALL,' Doka- dom, 1714 to 1727"; Una 88, ^fier " G.CB./' «» " 2 Jan. 1815; O.O.H."; Uoe 4S, jor '*iD," r«ait "at the Queen's peUce"; line 44, nfttr "Cassh^" «iM '^ bj Gerolina Poljsena, da. of Charles William, Pnufci or Namah UsniOBH "; •fier ** year," mdd *< of cramp in the stomach, and was bur. 17Ui at Kew. Will Er. Aug. 1860"; last Hna, for "was linog 1888," rtad «at the Cbstle of nmpenhetm; d. at 8t James' Palace, 8 April 1889, in her 92d jear, and was bur, at Kew alid. WiU pr. 31 May 1889, at £169,840." p. 123; lioe 5, f/^r the second IBCe," add "to 1896"; last line, mfitr year," mM " in Hill street, Berkeley aq. Will pr. April 1794." 9. 124 ; Una 19, s/<«r ** Smtth," add " or Shitu "; aft^r " 1829," mdd «' at Bayliam Abbey "; afUr " 1840," add "at the Wilderness af«d. Will pr. Oct 1840, under £40,000. The landed esUtes were sUted not to exceed £8,000 rental "; line 22, after ** at," add ** Eton and at "; line 28, after ** 1888," add ** at Bromley Palace, Kent"; line 82, for " He d, 8," read "at the Wilderness afsd. He d. of heart disease, 6"; line 88. a/ier " Ahhey," add •'and was bur, 13, at Seal, co. Kent. Will pr. 16 Not. 1866, under £200,000, ra-swom Jan. 1868 as under £180,000 "; line 42, after ** Midi.," add " WUl pr. 14 June 1872, under £160,000." Top note, line 8, after "< BiU,** add " (1792)." D. 125 ; line 17, for " to," read " on "; line 24, for " Ltttlroh," read '* Lytfilton"; line 28, for "1784," rtad 1784(<»)," and add aa mid noU "(••) Although peerages were conferred on no less than four members of the family of Pitt within the space of 88 years [1719-1802] only two such members can be considered as having obtained them by the influence of the great statesman, the first William Pitt. The peerages granted were [1] the Barony of ChaibAro, conferred (1761) on that Statemau's wife, and the Earldom of Chatliam, conferred (1766) on himself (man and wife being here reckoned aa one persuu), and [21 the Barony of Camelford, conferred (1784) on his nephew, Thomas Pitt. The others were [8] the Barony (1719) followed by the Earldom (1726) of liondonderry [I. bestowed on Thomas Pitt, uncle of the future stateamiiu, but conferred during his minority, and [4] the Barony of lUvers of Stratfield Saye (1776), followed (1802) by the Barony of Rivers of Sudley CasUe (this last having a spec, rem.), granted to George Pitt, 4th cousin, once removed to the sa^ statesman, and 6th cousin to William Pitt, the younger ; line 30, after "Norfolk," add "a Merchant of London"; line 81, after "Florence," add " Will pr. Feb. 1798 "; line 82, after " Hidz.," add " Will pr. May 1808 *'; line 88, after " Capt," add '* Thomas "; last line, after " stone," add " WIU pr. Aug. 1804." pp. 126, 127. 128; in margin, dde "I. 1264" and "II. 1277"; for "III! 12991" read "I. 1818'^; for "IV I" read ** 11"; for "I. 1388," read "III. 1888"; /or •* II.," read "IV."; /or "III.," rtad "V.," and for "IV.," read "VI." p. 126 ; lines » to 20, dde '< which " fo " thus,*' and insert " for which see Vol. ii, p. 11, line 1, tub * Bbatb.' Thus, the effect was that." Lines 24 and 29, dde " 1 ^' and " 2," and insert the said lines within black lines " ; line 27, after "Hen. Ill," aitf "such summons, however, does not originate(*«) an hereditMry Barony "; intert a$ said note " (•») " See Vol. iii, p. 365, note (<^), eub FitsJohn"; line 29, for " 8," read " 1 "; line 82,>r " 4," read " 2." p. 127 ; iMt line, after " Stonor," add " WUl pr. 24 Feb. 1881, under £35,000." p. 128; line 5, after "1886," add "and again 1892-96; President of the Henley RegatU Club "; line 9, /or " she," read •' He d. at 28, Aldford street, Park lane, 14 July 1897, from the effecta of an operation, aged 40. WUl pr. at £3,726 gross and at nil net His widow, who "; line 10, after " Glasgow," add " living 1898. VII. 1897. 5. Ralph Francis Julian (Stonor), Lord Cahoys [1888] 1st i. and h., b, 26 Jan. 1884, at Stouor afsd. ; eue. to the fmrage 14 July 1897."