Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/347

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CORRIGRNDA, BTO., TO VOL. II. 337 p. 163; Hoe 8, ^Jltr "m./' add '<2S Jno. 1698/4, ftt St Bdmand the King, Ijondon'*; lines 24 und 25, for *' IWinfi; Aug. I76i. Her will or admon./' rtad " d. 21 May 1791, in her 8Ut jenr. Will pr. June." p. 165 ; Hue 2. after ♦* widow w.." add *' before 1849 '*; after " CaWer," add •' who d. before 1858 ": after '* thirdly," add *' before 1864 "; line 8, after ** fourthly," add '* before 1868"; line 18, after " 1370," add '* He wm m. in infancy, as early as 1867, to Animbelln, lat da of Sir John Druumoro, of Stobhall, by Mary, Ist da. and coheir of Sir Williniu DB Mohtifbx, of t^tobball afad. She d, in 1401, eleven years after he tue, to tn^t t krone [S.] as hereafter stated "; line 80,/f;r " Korert," rrad ** Robrrt "; between lines 37 and 88 ineert ** IIobbrt Stuart op Scotland, 8d B. of Kino Jambs VI [d.j, b, 18 Feb. 1602 and d. 27 May following, appears to have been d^ei^nnted DUKB OK KENTYUB, MARQUESS OF WlOTON and EARL OF CAHKICK [S.] ; see uuder Rintyrb.'* p. 166; line 82, /or *< 1719," read "1718 '; line 87. a/Kfr " Kilkenny," add "Will pr. at Prerog. Ct. [I.] 1775"; after *' 1804," add "at Kilmorey, new Thomas- town, aged, tt is said, 98 [Qy. 78] *'; line 42, /or " 4 April," rtad « at Salt Hill, Kingstown, in her 86th year, 14 Aug."; line 44, after "[L]/' add <*8. and h."; line 45, after "1811," add "at the house of her mother, the Hon. Mrs. Wynne, in Rutland square"; line 47, f^r "1849," read "1829, in ohildbirtii, at Mount Juliet"; line 49, after " 1838," add "in Dublin, aged 58." p. 167 ; line 24, after " Uicester/' add " (who d. 6 May 1629, aged 69)." p. 168 ; line 5, /or " d. in his life- time. He d, 21 Feb. 1664/5, aged 66," read " was bvr. 21 March 1658, at Wotton Waven. He tf. 4 March 1665, aged 65 "; line 7, after "church." add "of St Madou "; line 11, after " Bart," a<W '* She wa«  living 5 Dec. 1670',; line 12,/or " 8," read " 28 "; line 16, after " Midz.," add "Will dat 81 Aug. 1747, pr. May 1748"; line 19, after "male," add " *. 6 July 1635, regd. at Harting, Sussex"; line 22, for "15 July 1698 and was hur. at Ashby Folville," read " 8 July 1698 and was bur, at Wotton Waven." Note (c), cmtehut* " 8(*o Morlcy, in 1815 ; Tarn, in 1800, ftc, for airailnr aasump- tioiis of titlea of former posaeiuiors, by |Nsrsous who bore the same surname, but who were in no way related." p. 169 ; lines 8 and 6, after " if.," add "at Whitehall"; line 8, ttfter " 1888," add "under £120,000"; line 17, ir/^er " 1822»" aifif "at Lambeth palace"; linea 21 and 22, for " Drummond-Willoughbt/' read " Drummond-Burrbll, formerly " BCRRBLL "; line 25, after " Bucks," add "Will pr. 18 July 1868, under £70,000 "; line 27, for " Carrinoton, aftericardn^" read " Wtnn-Carrinoton, fonnerly" line 86, after "1881," add G.G.M.a., 1885"; line 87, for "1886," read "1885-90; L.-Chamber1ain of the Household, 1892-95. He was er, 16 July 1895, VISCOUNT WENDOVEU OF CHKPPING -WYCOMBE, Bucks, and KARL CARRINOTON. Having purchased, from the Earl of Ancaster, Qwydir Castle and the estates, formerly belonging to their common anceators, the family of Wynn, he, by royal lie. 24 April 1896, took the name of Wynn- Carrinpten in lieu of that of Carington. [Albbrt Edward Samuel Charles Robert Wtnn-Carrinoton, etf/Ud VisoouiiT Wbndovbr, b, 24 April 1895, the Prince of Wales (Albert Edward) being one of the sponsors. p. 170 ; line 4,/or " 1669," read " 1667(^} "; and ineert a$taid noU " (b) His vounger br., Philip, was hap, 20 May 1669, at Hawnes, Beds." Line 6. for " 1679," read " 1679/80(«) "; and inteH at taid noU **{^) He d, two days after the warrant for raiBinK him to the peerage, 11 Jan. 1679/80, had pasneil and by royal warrant, 11 Feb. following, his widow, Damk KuXAnitTit Cartrrbt (da. of Sir Philip CarTKRRT, of St. Owen, in Jersey), had the prereilency of the widnw of a Barony becoming thus, apparently iuo jure BAKONKiSS CAUTEKKT"; line37,/or **He d, unm.," read ** He m. 9 Jnly 1810, at Hawnes, Eleanor Smart, of that parish. Spinster. She d. 20 March 1817, in her 76th year. MI. at Hawnes, recording that she was more than 50 [tie] years wife of Tjord Carteret. He d, s.p."; line 38, for " 91," read "90, at Hawnes afsd. M.I. Will pr. Feb. 1827 "; line 42, after " 1770," add "ed at St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; M.A., 1 791 '*; line 44,/or " 12/' read " in GroBTenor street, St. Qeo. Han. sq., 9"; line 47, after "1888," add "at Dalkeith palace, aged 68." 20