Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/355

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CORRIGBNDA, RTC., TO VOL. II. 345 p. 260 ; line 13, fw «« 1786/' rend " 1726, in Dublin. His will pr. 1728 in Prerog. Ct [I.] "; line 19, nfur " 1720," acM " ed. at Winchester ; line 21, fw " 1804," rend "1803"; last line, ofier " Powlstt," tM "or Paulbt." p. 261 ; line 1, ofitr "1797," add "at Portiirana Cmtle"; line 6, «/f*r "drowned," add "in Southampton water"; afiwr "1843," ndd "at Sydney lodge, near Southampton, aged 76"; line 11, /or *'but one," rend "then no"; line 14, 9fter *Ma.," tidd " Rkf. Pbbr [I,], 1801 08, being one of the 28 originally elected"; line 15, «//er "1799," ndd "at her fatber'a house"; line 16, i*fi9r "1808," add "in Dublin"; line 18, for "1884," refid "1864"; line 28. ifler " 1825," add " at Qlouceeter lodge "; line 33, afiir " liidz.," odd "ed. at Eton." p. 262, line 25, dd^ "who was h, 18 May 1789"; line 26, after "July," aU " 1803, or"; line 28. «fi^ " 1806." aid " Will pr. 1806 in Prerog. Ot. [I.] "; far '* 1808," rtad " 22 Feb. 1811, at Silbwg, on her estates in Garinthia *'; line 86, for "O.O.B.," read "O.O.H."; line 87, far "8," read "6"; line 41, afUr " Wilts," add " Admon. 1 3 Nov. 1868, under £14,000 [B.] "; Une 43, for 4 and jp," read "2 and 4." p. 263 ; line 2, after « 1886," add '* Com. in chief at Portomouth, 1891-94 ; Adm. of the Fleets 1896 "; after " 1887," add a.O.B. 1896 "; line 7, after " 1881," add " He m,, 6 Sept. 1896, at the chapel of Douglas Castle, oa Lanark, Mary Eliza- beth Margaret, 1st da. of Charles Alexander (Douolas Homb), 12th Earl or HoMB [B.], by Maria, da. of Charles Conrad Qrrt, Gapt. R.N. She was 6. 12 Nov. 1871]"; line njar "3d Earl,*' read " Hid. (2d) Earl "; line 23, after "|I.]," a^fd "She was living 1616." p. 264 ; line 18, after '< </.," add « 23 "; line 26, dde '* is said to have '*; line 26, t^fter '•and,** add "is said"; line 29, after *< death," add *" 20 April 1741"; linea 88 and 89, dele ** Oauthier " to '*Marchioiib8S db Chrfprbyillb," and ineert "da. of Francois Qadtbibr, Marquis db CHinrRBViLLB"; line 43, /or *'1648," read "1662*'; line 46, for "1774," rtad " 1774(«)," and ineert ae eaid note "(^) The date and pince are sometimes given as 21 July 1774, in Dover street.'* Note (0), dele amX ineeit "James (FitKJames), Duke of Berwick, tlie husband of his maternal aunt, had been similarly honoured, 8 June 1724, and, on 1 Jan. 1776, Arthur Dillon, Archbishop of Narbonne, brother of the 10th and 11th Viscounts Dillon [I.], as also the famous Duke of Wellington, 27 Nov. 1815." p. 265; line 18, after "1786," add "at St. Stephen's Green, DubUn"; after "Chapel," add "laod"; line 19, after "1802," add "and was bur, 31 at St. Peter's, Dublin " ; line 20, after " 63," add " Will pr. 1802 at Prerog. Ct [I.] "; a/ter" 1844,** add "in Belgrave square"; line 25, /or "1834," read "1836." p. 267; lines 7 and 8, dele "Brion" to "of Brion)," and ineert "BRiomiB*'; line 23, for " 1086," read " 1066 "; line 27, for " RooBr," read " RouoT *'; /m " 1117(<>)," read " 1117. His widow m. [Bouchard] db MoHTMORBiroT "; Une 29, for " B. and h.," read " s. and h.(*)." p. 268; line 1, deU "probably"; line 2, after "Chrstbr," add "and so dsMnibet herself in the Cartulary of Gloucester Abbey "; line 14, after " Clare, Ac," add s.andh."; line 18, /or "1226," read "1218^*; line 26, y»r "2 May," read "(aa his 2nd wife), 80 April"; line 29, ** after "&a," add "s. and h. by 2nd wife." Note 0), conclude " but see vol. v, p. 86, note (*), tub Linooln." p. 269; line 2, after "v. p.," add "18 June"; line 8, /or "1316," read "3 Feb. 1316/6, at Bristol"; line 8, for "he," read "she." Note {% last line, /or " Barnadiston," read "Bamardiston." p* 271 ; line 7f after " Milan," add " by Bianca, da. of Aimone, Count op Satot " ; line 8, /or " Papia," read "Pavia"; line 12, after "w.." add "secondly in 1377"; line 13, after " Montfbrbat," add "who d. 1378. She m. thirdly Ludovioo VisooNTi (s. of Barnabo, Dukb of Milan) and d, at Pavia, 1386 "; line 14, after ** ttyled," add "like all his brothers." p. 272 ; line 12, /or « in," read « 22 Dec." p. 273; line 16, /or "William," read "John"; after "A," add "at Haughton"; line 17, after " widow," add " who was b» in the Netherlands, but naturalised 21 Jac I.'*; line 29, after " 1661/2," add " and was bap. 16 at Edwinstow, Notts "; line 83, for " Feb. 1690," read " about 1 March 1689/90 "; line W,fir " 1693," read » Jan. 1698/4." 2P