Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/365

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GOBRIQBNBA^ BTC, TO VOL. II. 355 p. 304 ; line 8. /or •' hli," rmd " hiV ; line 6, after « 1847," add "She d. 1342 " ; line 11, far "On 1 Dec 1880," read *'ln the pari, at Salisbury, Oet 1828"; line 12, after " Corhwall," add " and received a charter of that Earldom, 1 Dec 1880 "; line 19, dele " in FlunderB." p. 366; line 9, after "1361," add "at Windnor "; line 10, e^fter "Joan," add " Bometimee oooeidered as "; line 12, for " her right was," read " right of such alliance, was aum. to pari., 2U Noy. 1860, as "; line 21, for " 8 July 1886," read " 7 Aug. 1385, and wns bur. 29 Jan. 1385/6, at the Orey Frian, Stamford." Note (•), line 2, for " ommitted,*' read " omitted." p. 366 ; line 5, for " the," read " and "; Une 28, yU- " 6 May 1471, two days after," remi " 4 May 1471, at" p. 367 ; line 80, for " on 24 Aug. 1488, was er.," read " was cr. 8 Sep. 1488 "; last line, after " <i.," add " suddenly at Middlehim Castle, 81 March 1484, and was, presumably, bur, at Sheriff Button." n. 371 ; in margin, /or " 168," read " 1688." Lines 16 and 28, for " Chabub IL," read " Cbablm L"; line 17, >br ** 1680," read " 1620." p. 372 ; line 2, e^ter " rank," add " In 1692 he was nom. X.a. t>y his father, when in exile" p. 373: line 18, for " BBADSitBUBa," read "Brandbnburo"; for "1707," read "1706/7'*; €^ "Hanover," add "He appears, after the accession of his grand&kther, in 1714, to the throne, to have been known as DUKE OF GLOUOBSTER, and certainly receiTed, 10 Jan. 1717/8, a royal warrant for behdg so created." p. 375 ; note (*), between lines 22 and 28, ineeri a$ under — p. 376 ; note, Une 6, afUr " see," add " Clabihoi abd Avondalb, Dukedon^ 1890 ; H.RU. Prince Albert Victor Christian Edward "; between lines 41 and 42, iruert "Ely, Marqueteaie ; 1726, er. with the Dukedom of Edinburgh, which see." p. 379 ; Une 6, after "1627," add "in his 17th year"; Une 18, /or "1684," read " about 1680 "; line 19, e^ " widow," add " who was Uving 10 Dec 1667." p. 380 ; line 8, after <* Elisabeth," add " (£12,000) "; Unes 14 and 15, for " 1782," read "1781/2"; line 23, e^fter "Charlotte," add "then aged 20"; Une 24, after " 1726," add " at Tunbridge." p. 381 ; Une 81 ; for " Brone," read " Brome." p. 382 ; Une 8, /m* " 82nd," read " 8l8t "; Une 13, after " ed.," add " at Eton and "; Une 28, e^ '* 1840," add "in HUl street"; line 25, t^fter <« 1847," add "at St. Leonards on sea"; Une 28, for "Place," read "Place, co. Kent" Between lines 88 and 84 ineeri a$ under — COROGHMORE [now Curraghmore]. i.e,, "Lb Power and CoRoaHiiORE^ co. Wateiiord," Barony [I.] (Power), See under " PowiB," er. 1585 ; attainted 1704. CORREN. See "Taafpe of Corbbn, oo. Sligo," Yisoouutcy [I.], (Taafe), cr. 1628. p. 383 ; line 80, after " birthday," add** end was bur. at Totteridge, Herts. M.L" : Une 44, for ** 1888," read " 1898." p. 384 ; Une 18, e^ " 71," add " He d at Swanboume, 8 Dec 1890, aged 92. WUl pr. Jan. 1891, at £78,888.