Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/367

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CORRIQBKDA, ETC., TO VOL. II. 857 Earldom. III. Barony. IV. S and 4, Hbnrt Arthur Morhington (Wbl- LB8LIT), Earl Cowlbt [1857], Visoonirr Danoan [1867]» 1895 "°^ Baron Cowlbt op Wrllbblbt [1828], only ■. tnd h. ; 6. 14 Jan. 1866, at Wilton place, Midz. ; it^led VmcotJNT Danoan till 1895 ; ed. at Eton ; Lient. OIouo. Yeomanry Calvalry ; lue. to the peerage^ as above, 28 Feb. 1895. He m. 17 Dec. 1889, at St Oea Han. iq., Violet, 6th and yat. dn. of William (Nbtill), let llARQuns or Abiroavbnnt, by Caroline, da. of Sir John Vandkn-Bbmpds-Jobnvtonb, 8d Bart She, who was 6. 7 Dec. 1866, obtained a decree of diroroe (iitf<), 2 Feb. 1897* [Christian Arthur Wbllbslbt, styled (since 1895) Viscount Danoan, only a. and h. ap., (. 25 Dec. 1890.] line 28, after *' on," <mU " 9 Not., or." Top note, line 11, fw ** Runian," rmd " IVnaaiaD." p. 396 ; line 22. ^fter " widow," add « who was 6. 1685 "; line 80, far '< 29," read <' 27 "; last line bnt one, after " bap.,*' add "V Sep." p. 396 ; line 12, for *< Cowpbk," read " Cowpkb "; line 18, nfter ** nnm.," add "at Cole Green, Herts, of hemf>rrhage of the lungs." p. 397 ; line 8, /or " who," read " 1st s. and h. He"; line 4. /br <*0F,*' read •* DR"; line 7,>r »<and who,*' read '* He"; line 8, /or "LORD," read "BARON "; line 18, for "Eluott," read '"Eluot." p. 399 ; line 21, for " 1660-74," read " 1660 and 1661-74(M>)," and ineeri a$ eaid iiole, " (y*) See Tol. iii, eah Falkland, for a list of Sootch Peers who satin the English House of Commons." p. 401 ; line 8, after " 1886/' add " to 1892 "; Une 9, afUr " War," add " He was er. 2 Aug. 1892,(«) BARON MBDWAY OF HEMPSTBD, eo. Rent, and EARL OF CRANBROOK," and ineeH ae tnid noU " (•) See toI. ▼, p. 126, note («), as to the creations of that date"; line 11, for *'is O.I.," read "who was O.I., d. at Hemsted Park, 18 Nov. 1897 ; Admon. 2 Jan. 1898, at £1,019." Between liuee 11 and 12 ineeri ae under — [John-Stswart Qathornb-Hardt, formerly (1839-78), Hardy, etyled (since 1892) Lord Mbdwat, 1st s. and h. ap. ; 5. 22 March 1889 ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; sometime Lieut. Rifle brigade ; was M.P. for Rje, 1868-80, and for Mid Kent, 1884-92. He m., 12 June 1867, at Plaztol, Cicelv Marguerite Wilhelmina, da. of Joseph Ridqwat, of Brantfold, 00. Kent^ and of WallsocheB, co. Lancaster.] p. 402 ; line 17, ^or " of (— ) Rnraoii," read " of David RmoH." p. 403 ; Hne 9, after " d.," add " at St Christophers afsd."; Une 16, for " 1888," read "1898"; line 19, for " Jesut,"r«ad "Jesus." p. 404 ; in mandn,/or " 1664," read " 1665," and /or " 1666," read " 1666." Line 7,/or "(16 Car. IL) 1668/4, he was," read "(17 Car. II.) 1664/6.(«) he was, by priTy seal (the patent never having been enrolled) "; line 14, for "1665," read " 1666(«) "; line 17, for " was 6.," read '* who was aged '18 years, 278 days, and no more,' on 17 March 1626/7, was bap. at St. Andrew's, Undershaft, 26 "; add OM eaid noU " (•) The Rev. W. J. Starert, M.A., in his ' Notea on the Pedigree of the Cravens of Appletreewick ' [York Arch, Journal, vol. siiil gives copies of these Documents. He also demonstrates that that Sir W. Craven, the L, Mayor, waa broUier (not nephew) of Henry and Anthony, and that the father of all these three was William (not John) Craven, whose widow, Beatrix, d. 1597. Many other difllciilties are therein fully and mof>t ably dealt with." Note (^), fn- "Thomas C. [1327] d. 8.p. [before 1664]," r«id "Thoman C. [1627; bap. 16 March 1616/7] d. s.p. [in France. Admon. 13 Feb. 1686/7]"; so also /or "Sir Anthony C, 1664]." read "Sir Anthony C. [1665]"; for "William C. [1664]," read " William C. [1665]," and for " Sir Willi«m C. [1665],** read " Sir WiUUm 0. [1666]."