Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/372

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"14 July 1617, at Paulespary "; line 40, for "Panlaspury," read "Paulespury " ; line 41, for "co. Essex," read " Colchester."

p. 5 ; line 2, after " wife," add "bap. 20 Jan. 1610. at Paulespray afsd." ; line 8, for "them," read "it"; line 9, after "m." add "between 1 Sep. 1638 and 3 May 1642"; line 16, for "April," read "Sep. "; for "d. at," read" who was b. before July 1624, 'd. in." Note (e), line 4, for " decent," read "descent."

p. 6 ; line 21, after "Sussex," add "7th da. of John Morely-Taylor "; line 31, after "d." add " at her house at Wimbledon."

p. 7 ; line 1, for "Gordon, Bart" read "Benjamin Gordon, 6th Bart. [S.]" ; for "1860," read "1806"; line 3, after "d.," add "at Glynd, 23"; line 12, for "She," read "He d. a.p. 26 Feb. 1890, aged 81 at the Hoo, and was bur at Kimpton, Herts. His widow"; lines 13 and 14, dele "He" to the end, and insert "She d. at the Priory, Royston, Herts, 13 and was bur. 18 Aug. 1896, at Kimpton, aged 89. Personalty, £13,652 "; line 33, for "Sarton," read "Saxton, co. York."

p. 8 ; line 9, after "Maud," add "or Mabel " ; line 11, conclude "The will of Mabel, his widow, dat. 20 Nov. 1503, is on the Close Rolls " ; line 17, after "m.," add "after 27 May 1487"; line 26, for "and" read "et"; line 27, for "of," read "de." Note (c), line 5, for "De-la-pole, read "De La Pole" ;line 9, dele de Chartley "; line 12, for " Wells," read "Welles "; line 18, for "varations," read "variations."

p. 9 ; line 1, for "decided," read "decided"; line 13, after " Westmorland," add "being 1st da. by his second wife, Helen, da. of Thomas Preston, of Levens"; line 16, for "in 1668," read "4 Sep. 1567." Note (a), line 1, for "doubtless," read "probably."

p. 10 ; line 17, after "said," add " (Visit of Cumberland, 1615) "; after " da.," add "and h."; after " Derwentwater," add " by Catharine, da. of (—) Grimstone"; line 19, after "Derwentwater," add "i.e., Avis, da. of Thomas Tyrrell, of Heron, Essex, by Mary, da. of Sir John Sulyarde, of Suffolk." Note (b), line 1, for "Council," read "Counsel"

p. 11; in margin, for "1359," read "1350"; for "1618," read "1619, with precedency of 1618." Line 15, for "1359," read " before the castle of Auray, Aug. 1350." Note (a), line 3, dele "With," to the end, and insert the corrigenda to this page, as in vol iii, p. 410.

p. 12 ; line 14, after "m.," add "before 1685 "; lines 27 and 28, for "Dalhousie, read "dalhousie"; last line, for "June," read "Jan."

p. 13 ; lines 28 and 34, for "Brown," read "Broun." Note (b), conclude "and as applied to the Earl of Chesterfield by Dr. Johnson; see vol. ii, p. 234, note (a)"

p. 14; line 3, for "Tweedale," read "Tweddale"; line 41, for "1889," read "1898" line 50, for "1777," read "1877"; line 53, for "(4 days afterwards), 23," read "the next day, 25."

p. 15 ; line 35, for "1441," read " 1441(b)," and insert as said note "(b) His step-mother and yr. br. appear to have taken advantage of his state, to state detriment of his infant son"; line 38. for "shout," read "about"; lines 43 and 44, for "since," read "after"; for " was not regranted with the, "read" has followed the course of that."

p. 16 ; line 18, for "Tuscany," read "Florence"; between lines 33 and 34, insert as under


See "Hotham of South Dalton," Barony [I.] (Hotham), cr. 1797.