Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/402

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    • il.," and tiiMH " 4, 16 Oet"; tin* 84, ufUr ** 1225/' mU •" He m. flntly, ICaiy,

who 1^1.11."; line 26, o/^r **by/' add "hie ftnt wife';' liae 27, a/ter «*«./' ffiM "before 16 May 1227"; line 28, after *• BuBOH,*' tM *«(who wee drowned in the Loire, July 1280), and d. 8.p. before 26 Hiiy 1288." Note (*) daU. Note (<*). Une 1, after " Juhn," add " FiU tieuifirey." p. 282 ; line 12, ftfr *' 80 Nov.," read ** 31 Dec."; Une 27, /ur *' oouain," rmd " ancle "; line 44, ftn' ** 1406," read '* 1404." p. 283; line 8, for '^TICKILL," react '*TICKHILL"; line 17, irfUr "«.," a^if

    • Sir Kdward Winomkld, and thirdly "; Hue 22, fur '* Henry," rtad ** WiUi«m."

Note (•), In the VUiL of Salop^ 1628, she ia aaid to have m. 8ir John Grey, who d. a.p. end waa bur. at Stuke." Note (0, line 8, qfter " vol. U," add " of that work." Mote (K), line 2, deU the full atop after *« poil." p. 284 ; line 8 and 18, for " Bouchier," read << Bonrohier"; line 40, after *<if./' add '* apparently of dyaentery, but"; line 41, a/(er **6«r./' add 26 Nov." p. 286 ; line 8, after " M.I.," add *' Will pr. 1685"; Unea 29 and 80, deU "and in whoee" to end; inaeri **8he waa 6iir. 28 Feb. 1681/2, in Tunbridge church"; line 38, after *< London," add '*ed. at Merton ColL, Ozfoid ; M.A., 1680"; laat line but one, for " Bouchier," read *' Bourchier "; Uat line, after •« 1606," add ** and, for the aeonnd time, 81 Aug. 1686." p. 286 ; line 11, after '<1646," add «It waa voted in Pari., 1 Deci 1646, that he ahould be made a Duke [aee vol. v, p. 207, note (c)] "; line 22,>br "Sxeier," read '* J'taee." Note (»), Une 4, for «* Saville," read **Savile." Note {% Une 2, for

    • or," read " of " ; line 6, eondude " See SPUe TrUde," Note (i>), deU and ineeri

" She waa apparently guilty vt erim, eon. with Sir William Uvedale, with whom Eaaei, conoequently, fought a duel. Particulara are in the Ven%ey Memoirs (vol. i, p. 181} and the Court and Timee of Ckarla L (vol. ii, p. 289)." p. 287; laat line, V^ "^m" •id <Mn Charlea atreet, Berkeley aquare." Note (•), line 2, dde '* tho' by no meana cerUiifdji.** p. 288 ; line 8, from bottom, for <* OaoBiobory," read " Caahiobury." Note (>»), Une 8, for <* Violinoello," read *< Violoncello." p. 289 ; line 6, efter **[!.], add *< He d. 11 Sep. 1892, at Caaliiobury Park, aged 89. Will pr. at £67,841. Hia widow Uving 1898 "; Une 9, ofter ** 1868," add at St. Georxe'a, filoomabury "; Une 12, /«r «* 1890," read *« 1898 "; Unea 18 and 14, dde from, *' [George" to *'h.ap.," and ineertae under — XXVII. 1892. 7. Gborgb Devxriuz DK Verb (Capsll, /oriiMr/^ Capil), Kaiil op BasBX [16611 Viscount Malokn [16611 and Baron Capill op Hadham [1641], grandaon and h." line 16, ofter ** 1867," add <« in I<owndea aquare "; after *' 1866," add ** having been et^led Lord Cafbll, from 1879, tiU he aue. to the peerage, aa above, 11 Sep. 1892 "; line 18, for '* Oannea]," read " Cannea. The Karl m. aecondly, 14 iJea 1898, at St Margaret'a, Weatni., Adela, lat da. of Beach Ghant, then late of New York, U.S.A., deed. [Algbrnon-Gxoros-di-Ykrr CapkJj, . Mfyled, since 1892, Visooukt Maldin, lat a. and h., being only chUd of lat wife ; 6. 21 Feb. 1884]." laat Une, fur " ^uere" read " guare" p. 290; Note (»>), Une 2, for "TickUl," read ** TickhiU "; line 8, after "which,*' add

    • many of"; line 4, after " taken," add '* but much addit information haa been

iupplied by G. W. Wataoa" Note («), Une 8, and NoU ('), line 2, for •« decendant£," f«aif '* deacendanta." Note (•), Une 8, for *< Pcvenaey," read

  • ' Fevenaey." Note (0, laat Une, for *' Surrtp," read *< Survey, p. 120."