Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/407

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CORRIGENDA^ BTC, TO VOL. III. 397 Between lines 88 and 89, i$uiri oi under— FABRER OF ABINGER. i.e., " Farrbr of Abinobr, co. Surrey," Barony (Fairer), cr. 1893 ; see Tol. viii, p. 240, in Apfbndix FARRINYEAN. rectius ^'Tarrinzban and Maucunb," Baronyi [S.] {Campbell), cr. 1633. with the Earldom of Loudouh [S.], which p. 321 : line 20, dds " living 1366 "; afier *< dower," add *< Her will, dtrecUng her burial to be at Gisbume priory, dat. Baater and pr. 1 Julj 1401." p. 322; Hue 2, 'for a. p. at Pontelarge," read*' an. lesit. at Pont de TArche"; line 26, for " Vbooumt." read '* Viboouht." Note (^), line 2, for " Bedhowing [Bechom," read "Bethom["; afUr "a-p.," add "and aeoondly, Thomaa BrocJcet, of Herta, and had iaaue." p. 323; line 11, for "1636," read "1686/7"; line 42, for "Jane," read "at St. George's chapel, Windsor, Jane, 1st"; line 8, from bottom, for "Bennington, 00. (tester," read " Bennington, Herts, by (— ), da. of Lieut Col. Bbbrron*" p. 324 ; line 7, for " 66," read " 66, at the Friaiy, Unoaater "; line 18, nfter " 1816." add " at Iianoaster.*' Between lines 16 and 16, ineert as under — ?>., " Kniohtlby of Fawslby, CO. Northampton," Barony (Knighiley)^ cr, 1892 ; aee vol. viii, p. 244, in Appbndix ; ex. 1896. line 17, /«r " Fikldino," read "FaiLOiHo"; line 19, /or "Padox," rsod " Paddockm "; line 20 deie, and ineeri — "ue., 'NawNHAM Paddockbs, co. Warwick,' Jkrony (Felldhg), cr. 1620, with the Viboouhtot of Fbildivg ; see ' Dbnbiob,' Earldom, cr. 1622." p. 326 ; line 16, for "A," read "who was h. 4 Feb. 1716, d, suddenly 20 Jan."; line 27, efier " unm.," add " at May Place, Kent" D. 327 ; line 88, for " Sir Donald O'BmRif," read " Daniel (O'BniBN), 1st VisoouMT Clabb [I.) "; last lue, eondud* " Will, 1636, in Prerug. Ct [I.]." p. 328; line 9, dtU "[or Ellen]"; afUr "Power," add "by Helen, da. of DaWd (Babrt), Visoount Barrt of Bt)TTBVAifT[l.], which John Power was"; line 12, /or "1703," read "in London, 27 Sep. 1706"; line 22, for "Ann," read "Anna MaHa"; line 26, conclude "in Preroff. Ct [I.]. His widow's pr. there 1763"; line 26, for "John," read "Raymond"; line 27, for "he," read "and to have d, 28 May 1762. M.I. atTortona, in the Duchy of Milan. He (under the name of John), or another such sssnmer"; last line, for "living 1890," read **d, 26 April 1897, at Windermere, Torquay, aged 74." p. 329 ; line 2, after " 1860 ** add tii Twyford Abbey." Between lines 12 and 18 interi as under — FEBNHUR8T. ».«., "Davby of Fbrnhurst, CO. Sussex," Barony (Davby), er. 1894; see Tol. Tiii, p. 228, in Appbkdix. line 16, for " of Mbxbobouob," read " MxxBOROUau of Lifford "; line 83, after " a." add " at CoUon afiid. aged 87." Note, line 8, for " O'NeUL" read " O'NeilL'*