Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/410

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400 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. III. p. 355; line 2, afUr *' 1885/' add *<at Leamington, bufc wu bur. at Killeen" ; afltr '*1886/' add "at Kingstown, near Dublin"; line 9. »fier "m./' add "at Cor- baltim " ; line 10, for " widow." rsad " relict "; line 20, after " 1867," add •' at the Rom. Oath, church of the Redemptioiiiat Fathers, Clapham"; line 28, afUr '* 1882-85 " add " P.C. [I.] 1892 " ; between lined 80 and 81, in9$rt at undtr-^ [Olivbb Jambs Horacb Plunkbtt, atyled Lord Killkb^, Ist s. aud h. ap.,^. 17 June 1896.] line 33, for '-Oaatle" r»ad "CH8tle(»)" and inurt at taid nott "(») Killeen Castle wa* sold in June 1894 fur £60,000 to Thomas Kevins, an Irish American." p. 356 ; line 18, /ur "one of," read "the"; line 19, after "Worcester" add "by his first wife, Margaret, da. of Richard Skimmbr"; line 20, for "B.p.m.," rtad "B.p.m.(«»)." p. 357 ; in margin, for '* 1805," read " 1302." Line 15, for " Brian FtU-Alan," rtad " Alan Fita-Brian(^^)," and interi at taid noU " {^) This Brian was great- grandson of Aliin Fergant, Earl of Richmond." [Ex. inform' E. Chester Waters]"; after " same " add " by Agnes Haqbt "; for •'^before 1276," read " May 1267 "; line 21, for " He d. s.p.m. about 1805," read ** He m. firstly, Muriel, wl.o d, before 1290. He is said to have in. secondly, Anne, da. of John Baliol, King^ of Scotland. He m. lastly, Matilda (by whom only he had issue), who Aurvivoil him. He d. s.p.m. in 1302 (Inq. p. m. 20 Ed. L)." Note (^, Hue I. for "Maud" read "Agnes"; line 2, for "gi-eat" read "great great"; line 8, for •' (— )," read « Sir William." p. 358; line 8, after "He," add "is said to ha?e"; line 15, far "Yalois," read " Valoinm." P' 359; line 8, for "nephew," read "cousin"; line 10, for "Maurice was nezt br.," read "Qerald was uncle"; line 13, for "earlier," i*ead " earlier(k>b)," and add at taid noU " (^) Mention is made of ' Thomas Fits John, Earl of Kildare, Lieut, to the Justicinry of Ireland,' in the State Papert [I.]. It is conjectured tluit this may be Thoniios, father of the grantee (1316) of the Earldom of Kildare. [Sx. inform, Hamilton Hall] "; lines 13 and 14, deU " His widow," to "s.p."; line 82, after "73," add «*at Dublin." Note (O), line 2, after "cousin," add " Gerald." Note (% line 2, for "QlenberTie, ex, 1823,'^ read " Eardley, ex. 1824." p. 360 ; line 18, after " extinct," add " He was hur. 20 at Kensal Qreen"; line 19, after " 1848," add " Personalty alwve £150,000 left to hU two illegit children "; line 42, after *' 1860," add " at the Rom. Cath. church, Mortlake, Surrey"; line "47," for "1820," read "1890"; for "1890," read "1898." p. 361; line 11, after *<body," and line 80, after "Household." add "M.A., Oxford, 28 Sep. 1633"; line 17, after "m.," add "June 1674"; line 41, after " wife," add " who was bap. 8 July 1623, at Spelsbury, Ozon." p. 363 ; line 19, after " Surrey," add " He d. s.p. at 9 Hill street, Berkeley square, 29 June 1896, in his 70th year, and was bur. at Berkeley. Will pr. at £98,426. His widow d. SO Jaly 1897, at Thombury Castle, oo. Gloucester. Will pr. at £22,888. III. 1896. 3. Charlbs Pagbt Fitz-Hardinqb (BBREBUiTX Baron Fitz-Hardinok ov Bristol, only br. and h., b. 19 April 1830 ; was M.P. for Gloucestershii-e, 1862-65 ; tuc. to the peerage, 29 June 1896. He m. 6 Dec. 1856, at SL John's, Paddington, Iiouisa Elizabeth, only da. of Henry Liudow LiNDOW, formerly RawuNSON, of Gawcomb, co. Gloucester." p. 365 ; in margin, for " 1608," read " 1487." Line U, for "about 1608," read

  • <20 Nov. (1487) 3 Hen. YII. His widow m. (as second wife) Sir Henry

WiLLOUQHBY, of Wolirtton, NotU (who rf. 1628), and d. 1 Aug. (1607) 22 Hen. VII."; line 13, after "h.," add "aged one year in 1487, who, when of age "; line 16, after " Vlll.," add " He »i. Katheriue, da. of Humphrey (Daouk),