Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/424

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414 OORRIOBNDA, ETO., TO VOL. IV. p. 139 : Une 4, ^fUr ** llTing;' imM <« u bk wife, 20 '*; Un« 18, >br •« 10 July 1469," rtad *< May 1469, 0.p.m." Note («) condude '* See corrigtiida, to this page, in ▼oL iv, p. 427." p. 141 ; line 5, for " about 1580," nod " between 80 Deo. 1677 and 10 Feb. 1578"; line 9, for ^*1616," read "21 April 1628." Note («), line 1, for " 168," read " 168." Note (*), eondude aa in corrigenda to tbia page, in yoI. iv, p. 427. p. 145 ; line 16, for ** lat," read «* 2nd but lat anrr."; line 19, for ** about 1686," read *<in Jan. 1681 or 1632"; line 24, for "8d," read "4th"; line 26, /or

  • ' 1635," read '<1634 "; line 27, for "Dncheea," read Duohesa."

p. 147 ; line 11, after *< firetly," add " ahortly before 5 Jan. 1687 " ; line 12, eonelade

    • and bap. June following at Brington " ; Une 1 4, after *' aeoondly," add '* 17 July

1698" ; line 18, after *• 54," add *'and waa bur, at Hamilton. Note (b), laat line, for *• voU i." read '* vol. iu." Note (•), line 6, for •• grow," read "grown." p. 148; line 3, after "1702," add "ed. (1716) at Wincheater"; Une 5, for "dynaatly," read "dynaaty"; Une 22, after "1724," add «'ed. (1784) at Wincheater "; Une 29, after " Huntingdon," add "and bap. theie, 17 Dec 1783.', p. 149 ; Une 9, for " 1788," read " 1778 " ; Une 12, after " diaoreed,*' add " at her own auit"; Une 20, for "aeeond," read ** third"; laat line but one, after " Suaan," add " Euphemia." p. 151 ; line 7> eoueUtde " He, who waa well known iu the raoiug and aporting world, d, at Algiera, after a long illneaa, 16 May 1895, aged 49. Peraonalty £812,890, the effecta at Hamilton paUuse being valued at £83,500, and thoae at Eaaton, at £37,000. Hia widow Uving 1898. XIII. 1895. 13. Alfrrd Douglas (Douglas-Hamilton), Dukb of Hamilton [1643], ko., in the peerage of Scotland, alao Dokb 0¥ Brandon and Bakon Dutton [Q.B. 1711], &c, cou&in and heir male, being only a. and h. of Gharlea Henry Hamilton, Oapt. R.N., by hia aeoond wife, Elizabeth Anne, da. of the Yen. Juatly Hill, Archdeacon of Berka, which Charlea Henry (who d, 30 Nov. 1878, aged 65). waa 2d a. of Auguatua Barrington Price Anne Powell Hamilton, Lieut. R.N. {d, 27 Aug. 1849. aged 68), who waa 2d a. of Gharlea PoweU Hamilton, Admiral RN. (i. 12 March 1825, aged 76), who waa 2d and yat a. of Lord Anne Hamilton (b} Anna Charlotta Maria, da. and h. of Charlea Powill, of Penybauk, oo. Carmarthen, and Mary, hia wife, da. of Sir Thomaa Powbll, which Lord Anne Hamilton (who d, in France, 25 Dec, 1748, under the age of 40), waa 8d and yat. a. of Jwmea, Dukb of Hamilton [S.l lat Duki of Brandon [O.B.]. He waa b. 6 March 1862 ; waa aumetime Lieut. R.N. and eue, to the peerage^ 16 May 1895. Note (»), Une 2, for " unm." read "a. p." p. 152; Une 8, eonelude «< Hia wUl 1678 and hera, 1690, in Prerog. Ct. [L]"; between linea 80 and 81, ineert as under — HAMILTON OF STACKALLAN, t.e., ** HAMiim>N OF Staokallan, 00. Meath," Barouy [I.] {HannUan)^ er. 1715 ; aee **Botn«," Viacountcy [1], cr. 1717. p. 1S3 ; Uu« 20, for " ouUawly," read " outlawry." p. 154 ; lioe 21, for "by," read " under "; Une 41, dde ** Van." p. 155; line 1, for "St. Jamea' Weatm.,*' read "Bath"; Une 4, for "about," read " in Qreen atreet, Qroavenor aq., 27 June," p. 156 ; line 9, after "aua," add " 26 Feb. 1890 "; line 10. eondude ** He i., at Pan, in France, 4 March 1892, aged 77, and waa Mir, at Qlyude. WiU pr 80 July 1892, above £54,000, Hia widow living 1808.