Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/43

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VESBY — VIVIAN. 33 VESEY [VESCI, or VESOY.] See " FiTZGBRALD AND Ybbbt [Ybsoi, or Vbbcy], of Clabk and Ikchi- OBONAH/' Barony [[.] {Fiiz^erald, nad Foey), «r. 1828; ex. 1860. VESSY, see VESCI. VILLIERS. f.e., " ViujBRS." Visoountcj (ViUier$), er. 1616; see " Buotinqham/' Dukedom, er. 1628 ; casL 1687. ».<?., "ViLUBRS," Visoountcy [L] {Mason, ne& Fitzgerald otherwise VmUn), er, 1767, with the Eaeldom of Granduon [I which lee; tx. 1800. VILLIEliS OP DARTFORD. /.^., "ViLLiBRs OF Dartford, 00. Koiit^" Viscountoj (Villiers), er. 1691 ; Me " Jbrsbt" Earldom, er. 1697. VILLIERS OF DAVENTRY. ue.f "ViLiiiBRfl OF Davbntrt, CO. Northampton," Baronj {VilUera), er. with the Earldom o¥ Aholbsbt ; ex, 1661. VILLIERS OF HOO. t.e,y " ViLLiBRS OF Hoo, CO. Kent, Barouy (ViUiers), cr, 1691, with the ViscooMTOT OF ViLUBRS OF Dabtford ; see " Jbrsit " Earldom, er. 1697. VINE, see VYNE. VIVIAN OF GLYNN AND OF TRURO. Barony. 1, The Rt. Hon. Sir Richard Hussbt Vivian, Bart I. 1841. ^" ^' ^^ ^"8- ^®*^ BARON VIVIAN OF GLYNN AND OP TRURO, oo. Cornwall. He waa let a. and h. of John Vivian of Truro afad., Vice-Warden of the Stannariea {d, 7 Dec. 1826, aged 76), by Betay, da. of the Rev. Richard Crakch, Vicar of St Ciement*a, near Truro wna b, 28 July and bap. 24 Aug. 1775 at Truro; nuitric. at Oxford (Ex. Coll.) 26 March 1790 ; entered the army 81 July 1793 ; aerved with diatinction in the Peniu- aular war, and waa aeverely wounded Insfore Toulouae ; aerved in Flandera and waa in command of a brigade of Cavalry at Waterloo, receiving a medal and datp for hia aervicea at Sahagtia, Benevcnte and Orthea, and becoming finally, 22 July 1830 Lieut. Gen. in the army ; wna at one time Com. of the Forcea in Ireland ; Col. of the let Dragoon (niarda, 1837. He waa M.P. (in the Whig intereat) for Truro, 1820-26 • for Windeor, 1826-31 ; for Truro (again) 1882-85 ; and for Eaat Cornwall, 1837-41 ; waa er. d BaronH(im " of Truro ") 19 Jan. 1828 ; P.O. 1831 ; er, D.C.L, of Oxford* 11 June 1884 ; a.O.B., Q.O.H., O.0.M.a. ; Knight of Maria Thereaa of Auatria| kc ; waa Equerry and Groom ot the Bedchamber to William IV. ; Maater-Gen. of the Ordnance, 1885-41, and waa rotted to the peerage, 19 Aug. 1841, aa above atated He m. firatly 14 Sep. 1804, at Truro, Elisa, 3d da. of Philip Champion de Creapigny, of Aldborough, co. SuOblk, Kiug'a Proctor, by hia 4th wife, Dorothy, da. of Richard Scorr, of Iktton, co. Salop. She d. 15 June 1831. He m. aecondly, 10 Oct. 1833, Letitia, 3d da. of the Rev. Jamea Aguew Wbdstbr, of AshSeld, oo. Longford, by Anna Maria, aiater of Sir Henry Brooks, lat Bart.', of Oolebrooke, co. Fermanagh. He d. 20 Aug. 1842, in Germany, aged 67, Will pr. Feb. 1848 and Jan. 1849. Hia widow d. i.p.m. 4 Jan. 1885, at 51 Cadogan Place aged 80. ' 11. 1842. iB. Charlbs Crbspiqnt ^Vivian), Baron Vivian of Gltrn and of Trdro, lat a. and h., by firat wife ; b, at Truro 24 Dee. 1808 and bap, there ; aometime an officer in the 7 th Huaaara, retiring aa Major in 1884 ; waa M.P. for Bodmin, 1835-42 ; me. to the peerage, 20 Aug. 1842 * Dep. Warden of the Stannariea, 1852 ; Li.> Lieut, of Cornwall, 1856-77. He m. firatly' 2 July 1883, at St. Jamea', Weatm., Arabella, da. of the Rev. Jolm Middleton Soon' D