Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/430

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420 OORRIGflNDA, ETC., TO VOL. IV. HENDRE. See " Llanoattook of tee Hbndbs, co. Monmouth/' Barouy (RolU), 0r. 1892. HENEAGE OF HATNTON. t.e., ^ HsNKAOB OF Hainton, go. LincolD," Barony (Hmeage)^ er. 1896. Sm vol. Tiii, p. 242, in Appbhdix. p. a(H; Une 29,«//«r *<«•./' add "9 Nov. 1799"; line 88, afUr ^'Hubavd/' tuid •* Bart." p. 205 ; line 8, M " 20/' read ** 80 "; line 29, afi$r <* 78/' add " at Stratford Housei Easex"; Hoe 82, a^ **ed.," add "at Ktou and"; Hue Z9,afi$r " 1819/' «i/il " at Major Houae, Suflolk, aged 64.*' If p. 206; line 10. afUr <*54," add '<at Major Houae afad."; line 11, after *' 1887, add "at Thoruham, aged 60"; line 12, for " Hkmikir," rtad <'Hbmn)KBR"; luie 25, aftmr " 1842/' add "in Belgraye atreet "; line 27, fur "and 1886," read

  • < 1885-86 and 1886-92"; line 80, conclude "and^. at Veutnor, 18 Nov. 1898,

aged 49 "; Une 44, for " CU'r," read •• OTrl*)/' P. 207 ; line 2, eanelude " who waa aged 80 at her lather's death, 16 July 1491 "; line 38, for " Ricbad," read ** Richard." p. 208; line 12, for << 20," read "5"; line 14, i^fter '*».," add "at Bridgewater Houae, Barbican, 19 Nov. 1627 "; Une 84, for " 1620," read ** 1640 "; line 41, deU " [58 ?] "; Une 60, ajUr " 1691," add " and waa bur. 28 at St. Qilea' in the fields." Note (»), Une 6, for "aole aurTiving," read " aaid to be." p. 209 ; in margin, for " 1861," read " 1861. Jan." line 5, dde "She d. 7 July 1698 "; line 8, after " h./' add " waa M.P. for Bewdley UU he "; Hoe 12, b^ore «' April/' ineeri "19." p. 210; in margin, /or "1861," read "1861, Aug." Liue 8, for "1891," read " 1898 "; Hue 25 dele, and mbttUule " Ralph dv Mamtks, s. of Dreux, Count of Amikns AMD TBI YuiM (yr. br. of Walter, Count op Mantbs), by Goda "; Une 80, for " Count," read "Seigneur"; Uoe 81, for "a/' read "and said to have been, afterwards. Steward of England, elder"; line S2,for "(—)," read "fimma"; Une 88, for " Baioux and I very," read " Bayeux and Ivry." p. 211; Une 8, /or "Balwin," read " Baldwin "; /or "of Hainult," r«i(f "INTBB Ardbmnu "; line 9, for '* Reginald," read "Bninier"; liue 10, for "Raven- oboven," read " Bavinchovfn "; line 11, for " 1086, at Liege," read " 15 March 1086/7, at the Abbey of Mesainea, near Iprea"; line 12, for " Hannon/' read " Hanon "; lines 20 and 21, fur " (or Ita), da. and h. of Ralph Di Wauir," r^d " da. of Ralph, Sirs db Montfort Gaxl, in Britanny (who waa a. of Ralph, Earl of Norfolk)"; Une 80, after "Emma," add '* probably"; line 81, a/kr " Brecknock)." add " which Walter waa a. and h. of Roger db Pistris, who was oonatituted Hereditary Sheriff of Glouceatershire, by William " Note (®), line 2. for " Becoo," read *• Bea" Note (•), line 7, Jor " as," read •* viz,"; Ust Une, for « 1440/1," read " 1140/1/' p. 212; line 2, for "1121. Mary," read "April or May, 1121, Sibyl"; line 7, eondude " 6. about 1122 "; last line, after " Ewyaa," add '* by Sibyl." p. 213 ; in margin, for " 1199," read " 1200." Line 2, after " af terwarda," add " and waa bur. at Lanthony "; Une 8, for "d. a.p./' read "m. Walter DB Mainb, (who d. before 1 190) and waa Uviug in 1201, but d. 8.p. shortly "; line 8,/or " 11 88," read "1181 ";Une 9, fur "mother (whoaurvived tiU 1201)," read "aaid grandmother (who d. 6 April 1187)"; line 10, for " 1199," read •• 1200"; Une 88, for "db LuaiGNAN," read "D' Bxoudon (db Lusiqnan)"; liue 84, for "living," read •* 6. before "; Une 86, after " bur.," add " with both hia wives." Note (•), Une 8, after **s.p.," add "about Jan. 1160"; Une 4, for "and Mahell," read •< (murdeiMl by the Welah about 1168) and MaheU (d. before Feb. 1166)"; line 6, /or <* waa," read •< d. before 1166, being.*' 1