Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/432

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432 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. IV. p. 226 ; line 1, ofter " 1626/' add " M.A. (Oxford), 16 Jan. 1642/8 ; KniphUd, at Oxford, 17 Jan. 1644/5"; line 24, for « grandfather/* read "father"; lines 32 and 86,/or " bap.," read " b." p. 227; line i,for <* Boulogne, in France,'* read ** Bologna, in Italy "; line 88, a/itr "94/'arfrf"ed.atEtou." p. 228; line 12, for "Suxfbabd,** rtad " Shiphbard "; last line, after *'m./' add

    • at Southampton."

p. 229; line 29, afUr '*1889/'atfi "at All Soula, Langham place"; Uuei^, after "1868/' add "at the Chapel Royal, Windsor Park." Note (^), Une 1, for

    • never/' read " aeldom."

p. 230 ; in margin, ftn- " 1689," read *< 1689, April to Dec." Une 28, after " May," add " 1597, or "; line 26, after " 1607/' add " Will dat 22 April, and pr. 14 Not. 1607 "; line 27, fin- ** Anslby, of," read " ANHxaLAT, of Kidbrook and "; line 28, after " Pensioner," add " by Audrev, da. of (— } Tihbux, of oo. Essex, Warden of the Fleet Prison"; line 85, for " Humtinfikld," read "HuNTiKaniU)"; line 48, for " Kenebworth," read " Ruebworth." p. 231 ; between lines 89 and 40, itisert ae under-- , HEYWOOD. ,«.«., "Ludlow of Hbtwood, co. Wilts, Barony (Ludlow), cr, 1897 ; see ▼ol. yiii, p. 246, in Apfbndiz. p. 232 ; line 12, for " Barony," tead " Viscountcy "; lines 13 and 14, dde " whidi," to the end, inuri " 1734 ; see ' Rockingham,' Marquessate, cr. 1746 ; ex, 1782." p. 233 ; lines 8 and 42, for ** Hawkstoue/' read " Hawkeutone "; line 11, for " 69/' read "70"; lines 11 and 12, /or " Personalty above," read "under"; line 28, after *< Brighton/' reiid "Will pr. at £9,268"; line 84, after "1876," add "Became Bankrupt (liabilities nearly £250,000) July 1894 "; line 40, /or *<Slie," read " He d, after a long and painful illness, at Uawkestoue, 80 March 1895, aged 61, and was 6ttr. at Hodnet. His widow, who"; conclude "living 1898. IV. 1895. ^ RowLANii Richard (CiiEGO-HiLL), Viboount Hill op Hawkntomc and of Habdwiokk [1842], and Baron Hill of Alvabaz AND Hardwiokb [1816], aloo a Baronet [1727], Ist s. and h., by first wife, 6. 12 Feb. 1868, at Hawkestoue; siic. io the peerage, 80 March 1895. He m. July 1890, Annie Kdith, da. of WmUm Irwin. i» p. 234; in margin, for "717," redd "1717"; fw "Earldom [Q.B.] II.." read '^ " Barldom [Q.B.]. I."; for " 1866," read " 1886." p. 235 ; lines 5 and 6, for ** CO. WORCESTER," read "co. Worcester"; line 8, for " His widow living 1891," read " Will pr. at £557,577. His widow living 1898 "; line 17, conclude " He d. of cancer, at 22 Hill street, 12 and was bur. 16 July 1897, at Hindlip, aged 55. Will pr. at £482,149 gross and £248,854 net. His widow living 1898. III. 1897. 8. Chabues (Alsopf), Baron Hindlip of Hindlip and OF Alsop-bn-lk-dalb [1886], alto a Buronet [1880], 2d and yst. but only sunr. s. and h. ; h. 22 Sep. 1877 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1897 ; fttc. io tke peerage, 12 July 1897." Une 85, for " TURTON," read " Tubton." p. 236; in margin, for "IV.," read "V."; for "1487," read "1485." line 14, e^ter "do," add "so"; line 15, conclude "HU widow d. 1848"; line 41, for ^when," read **but"; after '*atUinted," add "in 1485"; hist line, fiir " became," read " were thereby." p. 287 1 line 16, for "29," read " 25 "; line 28, for " 1884/* read " 1882."