Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/438

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428 OORRIGENDA, BTC, TO VOL. IV. p. 296 ; line 10, fir "Jane," nad <' Janet'*; line 12, <feb "He" (o <*«nd"; tiiMH "She d, at Strathbugia, 27 Oct 1610. He m. seeondly, before"; line 16, far "21," rtad *' 16"; line 43, for "Margaret, 2d," read "BiirUra, Ist"; line 46, conclude ** Hia widow m., before 14 Deo. 1668, Jamea (Plbmino), 4th Lord Flimimo [S.l, who d, a.p.m. 16 Deal668, in hia 24th year." p. 2d7 ; Une 4, for " High," read " (whUe etiU under forfeiture) appointed "; far " 28," read "20"; line 14, for "in May," read " 18 Oct"; line 80, ^fUr " 1688," odi "at Holy rood." p. 298 ; line 29, eondude " Hia widow living 26 Deo. 1707." Note (•), Une 2, for " inadTertanoe," reacl " inadvertence." p« 299; line 86, for "]1660]," read "[1660]"; line 89, for "Alezader," read "Alexander." p. 300 ; line 14, <^fter " Kent," add " and was hur. 24 (from Seal) at Buated, Suaaex* aged 61 "; line 22, after " 1826," add " at the Royal Lodge, Windsor "; Une 28. for "B.p.," rtad "B.p.m.a., at Orton Longuevilie ^' ; Une 82, fnr "UTingl891," read **d.lO Aug. 1898, aged 71, at Orton afsd., and was 6iir. there. Will pr. at £84,281 "; Une 40, after " 1890," add <« 1898 and 1896." Note (•), Une 2, ybr " Antionette." read " Antoinette." p. 901 ; dde the ftrat five lines, which are misplaced. p. 302; line 29, for "1476," read "1466"; line 80, for "before 1608,*' nad " 1497, at Blackheath, and made a Banneret, 1612." p. 303 ; line 8, efter " Gloucester," add " by Rleanor, da. of WiUiam Daubimbt." Note (»), eondude " By hia first wife he left a s. and h., Sir Giles Hussey." p. 304 ; Note (•), line 10, for " ooneoUon," read " connection." p. 305 ; Une 26, for " 1467," read " 1687." p. 306 ; line 80, for "famliy," read "family." p. 308; line 4, after " Uuderdale," add " [S.] "; Une 6, e^/kr " 1787." odd " at his seat at Garmiohael"; line 9, for "6.," read "bap,"; for "1700," read "1700/1"; Une 20, fir "1784,'^ read »*1782"; line 21, fbr "widow," read "relict"; Une 88, for "about," read "at Preston Grange, 7 July." p. 309 ; Une 10, eonelude "at Mauldsley Castle." P« 310 ; Une 84, eondude " late "; Une 87, for " Uving 1891," read " and who ia I., Uving 1898 "; Une 40, i^fter " 6.," add " in Devonabire street, Marylebone." p. 311 ; line 2, for " 1864," read " 1869 "; line 8, conclude " 1st ckss history, 1892; B.A. and Student of Ch. Ch., 1898; M.A., 1896"; line 80, eondude " Will, 1696, m Prerog. Ct. [L]." p. 313; line 6. for " 72." read " 69 "; line 18, for " 1798," read " 1794 "; line 16, after " 1801^" read "of gout in the head, at Buit«)Q "; line 16, efter " 1842." read "at AhboUbury, and was 6ttr. there"; Une 18, afier "1787," add **at Kedlynch House"; line 28, eondude "at Cowes"; line 42, after "if.," add " s.p."; line 48, after " 69," add " and was 6ur. at AbboUbury." p. 316; line A, after "P.O.," odd "[!]"; Une SS, efter " 1664(«)," add "BARON O'BRIKN OF BURHBN, co. Glare, and"; last line, efttr '* m.," add "about 1 Oct. 1686." Note («), eondude " See vol. ▼, tui ' Lamodalb,' for a list of the peerages er, by Charles XL, during hia ezUe." Note (0, Une 1, after " 149," add «• note (d)." p. 316; line 8, deU "dat. 11 Sep."; Une 4, for "1698," read "1686, in Pierog. Ct. [L]"; line 23, after tt^led," add "from 1674"; Une 29, for '^Vahobn- Bbmdb," read " Vah-dui-Bbmpdb ": Une 48, for " 28," read " at Taplow» Bucks, 29 "; line 60, eondude " Her wiU, 1798, in Prerog. Ct [I.]."