Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/444

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434 CORRIGENDA, RTC., TO YOL. IV. Mta ftre erlcUiitlr drawn on the same model, the opening eUoee deeb with the title in peealier language, which I need not repeat. This was nnoeoeasarj in the Kildare case, becauae the heir was already Earl under the creation of 1554. Again, in all 8 cases, the Barony recognised by the Act of ParL ia limited to the heirs male of the body, and is therefore held to be further distinguished from the forfeited Barony in fee. This also does not apply in the case of the Earldom of Kildare in which the limitation had always been to heirs male of the body. In the cases of Lamley and Darcy it ia held that, the attainder not having been formally roTersed, the original Barony is still under forfeiture ; in that of Stafford the f(»rm of restitution approaches so closely to that employed in the Kildare Act that ita words ought to be quoted ' [llound's Barldom of tiidmrt, aa above] ;*' lines 19 and 20, for *' repeal the statute (28 Hen. VIIL), attainting," read •' restore in blood " ; Une 25, after ** 1585," add ** Will, 1586, hi Prmg Ct [I.] " : line 26 after " Kildare," add <* WUl, 1608 Uui] in Prerog. Ct. [I.]." Note (<>), lines 4 and 5, dels '* thus " to '* reatoraUon,^' imeri *' and his rasUm- tion thereto (in 1554) by Queen Mary ' with the same preheminenoes, Ac, that any of his ancestors, Barls, had ' is recited." p. 373; line 7, ftfr *< hoisting," read *• hosting "; line 8, fir ** rebellion," read '< rebels" ; line 28, fir ^50," read " 40 " ; Une 81, ecnelude ** WUl, 1666, in Prerog. Ct [I.]." n. 374; Ime 84, for '*4 Dec," read *<9Nov."; line 48. oonelude *< WiU, 1780, in Preroff. Ct. [I.]." Note (»), Ime 2 and 8, deU "and" to *< were," insert *'80 that tbeae Barls were not "; line 4, after ** 1554," oiU " or rather new creation in taU male." Note («), last line, /or " ormaUty," read " formaUty." P* 375 ; between lines 19 and 20, imert at under — [As to the earlier owners of the Honour of KnjKiMinr, one of the five divisions made, in 1245, of the great Palatine Honour of Leinster, see vol. i, p. z]. line 85, after •* [1.]." ^M ** {Mondston)." P> 376 ; between lines 8 and 4, tfueri as under — KILLARNEY. i.a., "KiLLARNBY," Baioiiy {H.ILH. Pniice Oearge Frederick Ern^t Albert), er. 1892, with the Dukboom of Yobk, which see. Note («), eandude " See abo vol. viii in the wrrtgenda to vol. iv, p. 892 under the Barony of Kingsaie." p. 377 ; in margin, for *< 1567 Vrsad*' 1561." line 19, for ** about," read ** shortly before 8 June*'; line 28, fir about 1567." read "between 12 March 1660/1, and 8 June 1561 "; Une 85, for **1595," t^od " 1589." p. 878 ; between lines 18 and 19, ineerl ae under— KILLOWEN. See '* RuasBLL of Killowbn, oo. Down," Barony (RtisaeU), cr. 1894. p. 379 ; line 22» f^ " 1668," read *' 1686(b)," and intert as taid noU " {^) 17 June 1686, according to Milne's list, but, in a letter to Iiord Charlomont, 19 Dea 1766, Sir John Browne [the then Bart] himself gives it as 21 June 1682 "; line 25, conclude '*His will, 1794, and that of his widow, 1798, in Prerog. CL [I.]"; line 80, after '*60," add ** in Pultoney street, Bath"; line 84, for "1882," read "1822, in Portland pUce, Marylebone"; line 85, after " 1884," add ** in South street, Park hine." p. 381 » line 11, e/<«r ** m.," add «' 15 June 1724."