Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/460

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450 ooBRionmA, btc., to vol. y. fmd'^S^"; am7,M '^mmmT ftmd 'After"; liiM 10,*^ -1827.-«^ **«< apoplesj, at hii mU^ CoBYamore. eo. Cock"; liiic 11, camdwit **ai lfcwga><<i haam uiaiL, aad wm kmr. in Curk Cmthtdtml" ; line 18, /«r " 1833-41," rmd

  • 1840-41. 1846-52"; line 23, «Aur ** vkiov," •itfij "vho vaa «. 11 and ^'^.

20 Jan. 1805, at Ftdhria** ; M "<7>" raarf (SO." f.l23: Kna S, /or" 3d," mil •'(wlwdL June 1 750) beiagSUi": liaa 23./«r]78»/' rmJ-iyW; tiiie24./«r *« Fefau," fvad " 9 Keb."; Use 26, /or -Sk« ^" r«rf «" tgr FnuMca, da. of [— ]. Sba ^ ia eUldbed "; liaa 29, >r ^ 2d,'* m^ " lafc "; Bm 82, #/iar ** 1827." «U "ai 28 Hertford aliwi, H^yfair" ; Km 84. mftm- "rratf 'and k^. 29"; Una 88, aytcr - M.P." adtf •'for Applebj, 1780, Ini apparaoUj Bcrer took hia acat;" Ihia 40, m/ur "Cabinet," a^ *aa Sac. for ForasB Afiun, ]8014>4." F*124; liM8,>te'HaBm,fWil'«HBrm"; Ima 4, aytcr - Sha." mU ^. Feb. 1767 "; ime 8, m/ur" 1822," mdd**U Hamptuo Conrt Palaee "; Kiie 7. mfter '*at,"adtf"hkieak1ence,CocTObe Wood, KingatooopoaTliamca, to which ha bad baea icmoTed from " ; Una 8, for " haviDK," read ** at which plaee, he " ; line 9, mfter "widow," add who warn Up, 21 Jolj, 1777, aft Chichely, Boeka; " fir " 69 and waa hmr.;' rmd " 69, aft Norbitoa Hall, and waa ^nr. 24" ; line 12, /or

    • 1798," rmd *' 1796 "; lina 14, mfter " 1784." odd ** at 26 Hertlord atnei alML" ;

Iinal5,/0r'*atan aaiif a^e," r«cd " 1794-97 and acain 1801"; line 20^ a/ker 1810,"addat St. Geo." ; line 23, >r •* He d^'*rmd*'t 10 Pottman 3|iiare, and waa far. aft Piiehfonl, Salop. He d. aad«lenlj of heart diwin " Ota (•), hna 2,/or "^neiv," raad "^vorv." p. 125; in naigin, for "15801" rwmd "1592." Una 22, for «<beCm 24 Dee. 1580," f«ad " in 1592, aged abooft 61. ffia widow appaara to have bean moidered ■bortly before 18 Oet 1597"; Hoe 24, far "before 24 Dee: 1500," 1592 "; line 25, eomdmU '* i&.y p. 126 ; Um 9, mfter ^ inat," add " He waa anbaaqnentiy, 4 Dee: 1798,cr.yiSCOnNT LLANDAFF [L]. and finaDy, 22 Not. 1797, er. KARL OF LLAKDAFF [I.]"; line 13, a>icr "leoondly," mdd ^in Irehwd"; line 16, after "1796," mdd "in Marrion aq., Dublin "; line 18, comdude '< and d. in Dublin, Jolj 1887 "; tine 23, mfter "a.," odd "aft her father'a hoiiaa, Merrion aq., Dablin"; cancinde '«and oobeir "; line 26, mfter " Dublin," mdd " when aU kU kamoart beoune c:rtMc<(^)," and imaeH me mid noU ** (^) Theae tiUea (under the apeiling of * Landaff ') were daimed (about 1892) by Arnold Harria Mathew (6. 1855), aa gnmdaoo of Arnold NeabitMathew (d. in India, 1820) aaid to have been eldeat aon of the let Bail, tho' neither he, nor hie only aon (the datment'a father), ever aaaumed or claimed the title." Between Hnca 26 and 27, iiiMrt a«  LLANDAFF OF HEREFORD. f.«., ^' Llahdaff of Hsrsfobd, 00. Hereford," Visoountcy (Matthems tr, 1895 ; aee toL fiii, p. 245, in APFDrDiz. V<^ («), line 1, far **hj the," rmd " at the recommendation of Loid "; dOa Ministry "; line 3, /or '^ BIytheawuod," rmd " BIythawuod "; Uaft line, for •* ne," nead "one." p. 127; line 6, far *'Cbaw8Haw," read '* Cbawbhat"; line 17, far 'Miring 1S92," read *' d. 17 Jan. 1896, aged 94. WiU pr. at £71,862." Between liuw 23 and 24, intert as under -^ LLANTHONY, 8ee also Lakthoky. LOCH OF DRYLAAV. i.e., LooH OP Drylaw, co. Midlothian," Biironj (LoeJi)^ cr. 1895 ; vol. riii, p. 246, in Appindiz. Note (•), conclude ** and of aereral works on WtsUh cust«>m.H and anti<|uitiea,"