Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/471

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. V. 461 throws more doubt than arer on tho alleged Marehalehip of Btrongbow, his father, in which I don't beUeTe "; line 48, afUr *< Elicabeth," aid "d€ Jur€, tuo Jure Baroness Sigiutb"; line 44, ^fter <*h./' odd **[1858]"; last line, for " abovenamed," read "yr. s. of Edward I. He." p. 262; line 4, eeneluds " considered (tho* erroneonsly) to have been"; line 5, for '*39," read "33"; line 19, after "h.,"a<M *'6. 12 Sep. 1416"; line 2i, after h,," add "18 Oct." p. 263 ; line 88, for «* life(«)," read « life(b)." p. 266 ; line 45, for ** Wrothesley," read " Wriothesley." p. 266 ; line 18, for *'<!.," read *' wss slain at the battle of Bannockbnm, 24 June." p. 267 ; line 28, for " or," read « op." Note (•), lines 2 and 5, for *< Marshal," read ««MarUn." p. 268 ; Hoe 8, t^Ur " d.," add <' 1 July '*; after " secondly," add "A Feb. 1782 "; line87, after '< m.," add '* before 1642/3 "; last line, for " Sep. 1686," read *' in Dublin, 23 Sep. 1665. Will, 1665, and that of his widow, 1686, iu Prerog. Ct [I.]." Note (»»), line 3, for " af," read " of." Note (<«), line 1, for " Eardoms," remf '* Earldoms "; line 3, after "dignity," add " with remainder." p. 269; in margin, for "1738, r^ad "1789." Line 16, for "after 1666," read " about 1660 "; Une 82, for " 1738," read " 1788/9 "; last line, for *' 1740," read " 1740/1, in Dublin." p. 270 ; line 20, <^/Ker " <i," add " at Wickwar Castle "; line 27, after " 1811,*' add in South fttreet, Grosvenor square"; line 86, after " in," add " Merrion street "; line 38, eondude, " at Donaghadee, aged 76 "; last line, eondude ** at Portobello, near Dublin." p. 271 ; line 2, for " LonaRirRA," read *' LouoRVitAaR "; line 84, after "Antigua*" add "Shod, at Snir Castle, Ireland, about Pec. 1784 "; eondude "at Stagdale lodge, Ireland. Will, 1788, in Pierog. Ct. [I.] "; line 40, after " 67," add " in William street, Dublin. Will, 1790, in Prerog. Ct. [L] "; line 48, after " 1792," add " at Port Patrick." p. 272 ; line 5. after " 1886," add " at Kilkea, oo. Kildare "; line 12, for " 1898, read "1898"; line 27, jfbr " J obm," read "John"; line 32, after "MAULE, add "OF fillECHIN AND NAVAR"; line 83, after "Mauli," add "of. Note (»), line 1, /or " there being also no," read " without" p. 273; in margin, for **1810," read "1808?";ybr "111.5," read "IV. -f"; for "IV. 4" read "V. 5." Lines 3 and 4, dele "by" to "Lobd Gakt," inteH " called Peter de Mauley ' le Second,* ((2. 1279), by some wife, other than Joan de Brus(»*)"; ineert a$ §aid note "(■*) Tlie corrections to these Lords are chieflT from an article on them by C. L. Kingsford in the Engliek Hiei, Rewiew (¥01. zi, pp. 616-520) for July 1896 "; line 7, for " writs," «od " writ "; for " Malalaem, from," read '* Malolaeu"; line 8, dele "to 12 Dea (1809) 3 Ed. IL"; lines 11 and 12, dele " Eleanor " to the end, itttfrt " Nicliola, sister and coheir of Gilbert (dr Gamt), Lord Gavt. He d. shortly before 25 Aug. 1309. Inq. p. mort"; line 14, after " aged," add " 18 on 26 Dec. 1297, and "; line 15, eondude " from 26 Oct. (1809) 8 Ed. II. to 22 Jan. (1335/6) 9 Ed. III. ; Warden of Parts beyond the Trent, 1314 ; styled the ' elder,' Dec. 1314 ; served in Scotland, 1315 ; made a grant as Peter de Mauley */< Quart,' 22 March 1322. He m. Eleanor, da. of Thomas (Furnivall), Lord Furhiyall. He d. between 21 Jan. and 24 Aug. 1886. III. 1336. 3. PiTBR {dm Maulbt), Lord Maulbt, or Lord db Maulit, s. and h. ; was described as a man at arms, 1824, and as

  • Le Quyitl,' 22 March 1822, and as < the Younger,' 7 Not. 1882, and 23 May 1884.

He was sum. to Pari."