Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/484

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474 OORRIQBNDA, ETC., TO VOL. V. p* 406 ; Hum 1 to 60, m also note (*), dde, and tubtUtuU as below — Barldom [I.] 1. Arthur (ANNBSiiBY), Viscount Vaijsntia,^ T 1 79^ Babon Mountnorbis and Bakom Altham [I.], aho a BMronet [I.], on the death of hU father, 14 Feb. 1761, mic to th9 peerage, ko. [I.], as above, but not to the EaHdom of Angl€aejf, fto. [E.], his legitimacy not being acknowledged by the Engluk House of Lords. He was er, 3 Dec. 1793, EARL OF MOUNTNOURLS [L]. He d. 4 July 1816, aged 71. II. 1816, 2. Gborqb (Annbslby), Earl of Mountnorris, to fto. [I], a. and h., b. 2 Nov. 1709 ; Uyled Viboodnt Valbntia, 1844. 1793-1816. He d. s.p.m.s. 23 July 1844, aged 74, when the EarUiom of MoutUnorrii [I. 1793] and the Barony of Aliham [I. 1681] became extindt but the other honours devolved on his distant cousin and h. male. See " Valbmtia," Viscountcy [I.] [Qborgb Arthur Annbslkt, styled Viscount Vatjentia, 1816-41, 8. and h. ap., 6. 20 Oct. 1793 ; d. s.p. and v.p. 16 March 1841, aged 47.] p. 407; line 82, eondwie ** Will, 1698, in Prerog. Ct [I.]"; line 39, for "about " 1675," rtail " (Lie. Lond., 4 Aug. 1679, he 28 and she 17)"; line 42, after ** d.," ,add ** of apoplexy." Note {^), line 2, for '< two," read *' four.** p. 408 ; line 15, for *' Nkwfort," read ** Newport"; line 18, after "d.," add "in Grosvenor sq." Note (<>), conclude " See also note, iub Hivsbsdalb.*' p. 409; line 5, after "1797," adil "was M.P. [I.] for Rosoommon borongh, 17901800 (obUining £15,000 for iU disfranchisement)"; line 6, after "Roe- common," add "[I.]"; line 7. after *' to his," add " two "; line 10, afUr " 63," add '< in Holies street^ Dublin "; after " year," *>dd " at CuUen's woo<l "; line 10, for " kllld in a riot," read " killed in a scuffle "; line 21, for " oo.," read " [[.] 1788-99, for the borough of"; line 23. ootidtute " at £100,000 "; line 35, eondwie "She d. 10 April 1896, at 25 St. James' place. Will pr. at £221,935. He m. secondly, 27 May 1897, at St. .Margaret's, Westm., Giivo, da. of Robert George TuFNKLL, Commander, R.N." p. 410: line 18, after " 1868-80," add " Groom-in- Waiting. 1837-41 "; line 83, for " 1898," read " 1898 *'; line 88, See vol. v, p. 431, in the eorrigenda to this page. p. 411 ; Note (^), eondude " See, for fuller details, a masterly article on The Feerm§e in the Quarterly Review for Oct. 1893." p. 412 ; line 4, after *' Lancaster." add " (grandson of Henry HI.) "; line 12, for " 1363," read " 1353 "; line 22. for " Rio. HI.," read " Ric. II."; line 24, conclude " when the h'arUiom of NoUingham became extinct "; line 26, for " 1367," read "about 1365"; /or " 1383/' i-eod "1882/3"; line 28. /or " apparently,*' read "considered (tho' in em>r) to have been"; line 30, for "May 1398," read "March 1899/400"; conclude "22. or"; line 31. /or -39,"r«ad "about 86." Note (•), line 1, after « such," add " apparently." p. 413 ; in margin, /w " 1478 ? " rtftd " 1481." Line 12, for " 1483," read " 1482 "; line 20, for " 1544," reed '* 1444 "; lines 27 snd 28, dde << at " to " m.," and eubeHluU " was 6. 10 Deo. 1472, and m. at her age of five, at St. Stephen's cliapel, Weatm."; line 29, after " who, " add " was b. 17 Aug. 1472 or 1473, and who '*; line 82, /or " [1478]," read " 15 Jan. 1480/1." p. 414: line 8, for ** Sea grave," read Segrave"; line 11, /or " MOBRAY," rMd " MOWBRAY "; line 22, for " Segrove," read " Segrave." Note {«>), Une 8, >br " as," read " if, as "; after <* text," add " they belonged to him."