Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/489

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. VI. 479 confused with hii father. [See note " a ** next abore]. He it waa who, in the spring of 1074, m., in defiaooe of the Ring's oommand, Emma FltaOsborne, to whom some seven yenrs before he had, with the King's oonsent, been affianced "; last line, ennHnde ** Shortly after May 1097." Note ("), line 8, fnr *< Jumieres," read " Jumi^es '*; line i,for " 111," read " iii ": line 10, for " Vuecomes/' remd " Vicecomes "; line 12, far ** Planohe's," rtad " Planeh6's.'^ p. 38 ; line 4, for " Qriiithv8nil," reoci " Orbntmbbril(^^)/' and ifinri oi mid nnU " (^) See vo, vi, p. 473 in the corrigenda to this page ; line 7, for ** follows,*' read '* fellows." Top note, line 6, for "Qentleman's *8iete/" rmi "writer's

  • Seize.' " Note ("), line 5, for " that the," read ** than the grotesqna" *' Note (*»),

line 2, for "Hugh," read "High." Note ('), line 6, for "Planche's," read

  • < Planches." Note (•), line 2, for " Huge," read " Hugh."

p. 39 ; line 25, /»r '< 1212," read <* 1207 "; line 81, dde " (as his second wife) "; Une 88, conclude " She d. (1247-48) 82 Hen. III." Note (^V eondude "See p. 201, note (*), «ufr ' Pembroke,' as to another wife attributed to hioL" Note (*), ybr "ri," read "v." p. 40 ; line 7, for " Burnrt," read ** BunNRLL, of Shropshire "; line 17, mfUr " Hai- nault," add " by Philippa, da. of Henry HI, Count or LoziMBUftO(M),'* and intni, a$ taid note " (<^) See vol. vi, p. 201, note C^), iub Pembroke "; line 27, oftcr "widow," add "of Italph (di Cobham) Lord CoBRAM,(f) (who d. 1827), and formeriy, it is said(<><>) "; ineert a$ mid noU " {^) See, however, Marsh's * AnnaU of Cheptiow Catile ' (pp. 148-4), where Reveral references are given to * N, and Q.,' that to the 8d series thereof, vol. viii, p. 800, being the most important "; line 29, for " become," read " became "; conclude " by his wife Alice "; lines 80 and 81, dde "m." io "and." p. 41 ; in margin, after "IX. 1400," add "March." Line 2, mfter "coheir," add " by his wife, Alice"; line 11, for " 1897," read " 1897(«')," «nd ineeH ae eaid noU " C«; See vol. vi, p. 474 in the eom'^^mfa to this page "; line 88, /or "[1822V' read "[1812]"; line 87, for " 1382-83," read "6 Aug. 1882"; line 89, for

    • B0Hiii," read "Bohun"; line 47, after "(thirdly)," add "before 16 Nov.

1416 "; After "Ufflbtb," add " whose will was pr. 12 Feb. 1420/1." p. 42 ; in margin, after " 1400," add " Sep." Line 10, for " 18," rtad " 19." p. 43 ; line I, for "about 1461," read "shortly after 1464 "; line 8, deU "pnt " to " in," and tubitittUe " beheaded at Northampton (with his father, Lord Rivers) 19 July"; line 16, after "Will." add "signed « M. Norff '(•)"; line 29, for " Duke," read " Dukedom "; line 81, dele " Will " to " 1461(«)." Note (»>), line 1, for " Four," read " Fivet" Note (0, Hne 1, dele the first " of." p. 44 ; line 22, for " 1477/8," read " 1480/1 ." Note (•), last lino, for " e," read " b." p. 45 ; note nfor " 1478," read, in three places, " 1481." P- 46 ; top note, line 28, for " loose " read " lose." p. 48 ; line 10, after " 1448," add "at Stoke Nayland"; line 86, after " Orbmbt," add " of Ditton, co. Cambridge." p. 49 ; in margin, for " 1646," read '< 1547." Line 1, for "da.," read "sister"; after " Philip," add " da. of Sir Hugh "; after " Lincoln," add " by (— ), da. of Walter Talbotb(0," and inecH a$ »aid note " (0 See P« Thompson^i Hiatorp of BoUon tor the Tylney pedigree "; line 8, for " 1489," fead " 1488 "; Une 18, for " threatning," read ^'threatening"; line 20, for " 1664," retul " 1684." Note («), last line, for " sports," read " spoils." p. 60; line 9, for "(probably in 1612)," read "shoHly after 22 Nor. 1611, and certainly "; line 18, e^fter '* hur.," add " 2 Oct"; line 16, /or " from whom," read "who was h. 1494 or 1497, and from whom, after 1684"; last line, for "9," read " 19." Note (^), dde, and iuhititute *' The main cause of their disagreement was his keeping as his mistress ' that drab, Bess Holland,' who had for eight years been ' Washer ' in the Duchess's nursery." Note (<l), for " 1478," rtad •* 1481 "; for " 1861 " read " 1681."