Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/493

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pp. 87, 88 and 89; the last two lines of p. 87, the whole of p. 88, and the first 20 lines of p. 89, should be enclosed within black lines, similar to the article "Nerford" on page 9 of the same volume.

p. 88; line 8, for "inherited," read "under his father's will succeeded to "; lines 8 and 9, dele "from his father"; line 14, after "Warwick," add Katharine, da. of Sir John Spencer." Note (a), conclude as in vol I. vi, p. 476 in the corrigenda to this page. Note (e), line 7, for "illustrous," read "illustrious"* Note ((illegible text)), line 1, for "that," read "for"; for "was," read "being."

p. 89; line 5, conclude "was 14 years old in 1628"; line 8, dele "Gouffier" to "Picardy," and substitute "(b. 1622), widow of (— ) Fabhoni, da. of Charles Antoine Gouffier, Seigneur de Braseux, by Françoise, da. of Leonor de Pissleu, Seigneur de Heilly"; line 13, dele "who; line 14, for "was living 1692," read " His will, dat. 29 April 1706, is among the archives of Bologna, at which place he d. soon after that date"; line 15, for "appears to have been his," read "and"; line 17, after " was," add "b. 1668; was a Knight of the order of St Stephen, and was"; line 18, dele "appears" to the end, and substitute "d. unm. in 1728,(d) aged 75 (being bur. at Home) "; line 26, for " to," read " with."

p. 90; line 11, after "44," add "and was bur. the same day at St. Crux in that city "; line 13, after " K.G.," add "She was living 21 March 1572"; line 19, after "h.," add " ap." Note (e), dele last two lines and substitute "his two nieces, Mary, and Gertrude (afterwards Baroness Penrhyn), daughters of his only br, the Rev. Henry Glynne), who had d., sp.m., 30 July 1872. There is a somewhat different and more elaborate account of the daughters and coheirs of this Earl in Banks's Bar. Angl, cone."

p. 91; line 4, after "secondly," add "in 1658"; after "d.," add "s,p. 17 June"; line 3O, conclude "May 1596, and was bur. at Petworth "; line 33, after "at," add St. Agnes, Aldersgate; M.I. at "; line 34, dele; lines 36 and 37, for "and bap, 13," read "at Essex House, 13 and bap. (the Queen being Godmother) 14."

p. 92; line 20, for "97," read " 82 (Evelyn's Diary) "; line 32, for "8th Earl," read "grantee and of his brother."

p. 93; line 3, after "and," add "She d. at Boughton"; line 10, for "early in," read "20 March"; line 25, conclude " at a very advanced age."

p. 94; line 9, dele "23 Oct. 1722 "; after "PERCY," add "and took his seat as such, 21 Jan. 1722/3"; line 38. conclude "by Act of Pari." Note (b), line 3, after "Percy," add "both of which were"; for "being," read "and."

p. 95; line 11. after "d.," add "at Sion House"; line 16, for "1760," read "1660 "; line 32, for "in," read " 16"; line 37, after "1818," add "under £700.000." Note (b), line 1, for "£12,000," read " 12,000." Note (c, conclude "and he was placed next above Lord de Ferrers." Note (e), conclude "H. Walpole says that in politics be had acted a very shuffling part."

p. 96; in margin and on line 4, for "1818," read "1817." Line 17, after "1817," add "at Northumberland House"; line 21, after "1787," add "at Florence"; line 29, after "fields," add "ed, at Eton "; line 43, for "1894," read "1898"; line 52, after "at," add "Eton and at"

p. 97; line 28, conclude " in Charles street, Berkeley square "; line 31, for "1827," read "1887"; conclude "at St George's, Campden hill, Kensington"; line 37, conclude "M.P. for South Kensington since 1895."

p. 98; line 11, after "Park," add "aged 78 "; line 31, for "1894," read "1898."

p. 100; line 41, after "m.," add "before 9 March 1599."

p. 101; line 4, for "11," read "3"; line 35, for "success," read "fortune"; line 40, conclude "aged 49."

p. 102; line 1, for "1659." read "1668/9"; line 2, for "Ipswich," read "Brightwell, Suffolk "; line 3, after "Essex," add "in his 46th year. M.I."; line 14 for " 1656," read "1653/4."