Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/497

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OURRIOKNDA, ETC., TO VOL, VI. 487 p. 148; line 1, afler ** ffrant,'* add "(1588)**; deh "in 1587"; line 10, after "subsequently" add <* after 1549"; line 31, after "blincl/' add " WUl, 1614, in rrorng. Gt [I.]"; lino 82, /sir "</. 1642," rea/f " m. shortly before Aug. 1616, Tliomiu (80MIIB8ET), V18CODNT SouRR8*T OF Cashbl [i.], who d, B.p.m, about 1650. 8he d. 1642, both being bur. at Rag1an(M)"; add ae $aid noU *'(<«) See vol. fi, p. 477, in the conigenda to this page. p; 149 ; line 11, conclude '< Will, 1688, in Prerog. Ct. [I.X*)"; intert at taidnete "{•) The will of * Dame Jane Butler, Otaorr, Dowager Upper Oeiory,' in Prerog. Cfe. [I.]. 1682, is difflonlt to identify"; line 18, fir 'Mn 1620-80,*' read "about 160910." p. 160 ; line 6, after " 1684," add ** in St Jamea' sq."; Une 28, after *« T.p.," add '* at Arlington House." p. 151; line 2, after "who," add "was naturalised 18 Sept. 1660, and who.'* Note (•). line 11, /or "couragious," read " courageous." p. 162 : line 1 7, fir " ros," read " m.s." Note {^), line 2, fin' " Ormnde," read •« Ormonde."

p. 153; line 25. for "Jan. 1794," read " 31 Dec. 1793, at Kilkenny Castle"; line 33, after "1795," add "at Kilkenny Castle"; line 35, for "10 and 1," read "11 and 1 " ; line 43, after " 1805," add " at Exmouth, Devon " ; line 44, deU " Job " to " Hants," and Muhstitute " Joseph Hart Pbtcb-Clarkr, formerly Prtob, of Stitton Hull, CO. Derby and Aldershot, Hants, by Anne, sister and [1774] heir of Godfrey B. Clabkr, of Sutton HaU afsd."; line 48, for "11 and i," read "It and i." p. 164 ; line 8, for " i58," read " 68, of a cold, at Odienne's hotel, Dublin " ; line 4, conditde "of bronchitis"; line 5, /or "2, 12," read "2, 18"; line 10, /or " 1820-32," read " 1830-32 " ; line 13, for •• 1841-62," rend " 1841-46 " ; line 14, after "1843," add "at St. Luke's, Chelsea"; line 18, for "at," read "of npoplexy, while bathing in the sea, near " ; after " Wexford," adil *' and was 5ifr. 2 Oct iu Kilkenny cathedral " ; line 20, /or " 1894," read " 1898 '* ; line 21, /or "3, 13,"r«irf"3, 14." p. 156 ; line 10, conclude, " Will, 1682, in Prerog, ot. [I.] " ; Une 29, for " 28," read " 23." P- 157 ; line 9, fir *' See SnirDROOK," read ** Viscountcy [I.], er. 1776 ; see

  • SiiirBROOK OK Nkwrt.' "

p. 158; line 20, /or "before May 1673," read "about 1 Feb. 1671/2"; line 24, dele " 10." p. 159 ; line 8, for " Lloto," read " Lotd " ; between lines 18 and 19 ineert at tinder — OVERSTRAND. 2.6., " Battrrsba of Battkrsba, 00. London and of Ovsrstrand, co. Norfolk," Barony (Plower cr. 1892 ; see vol. viii., p. 235, in Appkndix. line 80, after " 1886." add " ex. 1898." Note (») line 1, for " and definite views," read " experience and capacity." p. 160 ; line 6, after " secondly," add " after April 1682 " ; line 20, eondude " His widow (/. 1 July 1758, in her 82d year." Note («) condude "See vol. vL, p. 460, note (*) as to such votes." p. 163; Note 0, eonelade "and this, so called. Quarter of Pranot was in all probability merely a diapering ; a view held by Planch6 (Sea his Pureuivani of Arm%) and G. W. Watson." p. 164 ; line 88, /or "nun's," read "nuns'." Note (•) line 4, /or " Mortfort," read " Montfort."