Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/499

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CORRIGENDA, BTO., TO VOL. VI. 489 p. 188 ; line 6, afUt " h./' add " by second wife." Note («), line 4, /or '< auildfonl," read "Guilford." p. 189 ; line 18, afUr " [S.]," add "She was Uving 1660 *'; line 26, /or "we," read "•KO." p. 190 ; line 1, for "MurgareV' rtad "before 1707, Mnrgimt 2d and "; line 8, after " 1728/' a(M" of pleurisv, aged 64"; line 82, after "m.," add "EratW"; line 88, for " in,** read " at Hospital field, co. Forfar, 4 Jone "; line 86, eonelude " at All Saints, Fulham " ; line 87, for " oemeUry," read " oetnetery "; line i2, for "Bbown,'* read "Broun.*' Note (») eonelude "The death, 80 June 1784, at Edinburgh, of ' the Hon. Harry Maule, commonly called the Earl of Panmure,' is given in the Gent. Mag., as also is that of ' the Earl of Panmure, at his seat in Scotland,' 12 Sep. 1734." p. 191 ; line 18, dde "[possibly Parr of Kbnball],'* for "1588," read "1589**; line 14, deU "[or 1689]"; line 19, after " NoHhampton, add " by Elisabeth, da. and h. of Thomas Wtlds, of Bromham, Beds"; for "that estate," read " the estate of Horton ;" between lines 86 and 86 ineert a$ ufider-- PAULETT or PAWLET, see Poulbtt. p. 192 ; line 28, after "husUnd," add "She was living (1801-02), 80 Ed. I."; line 29, after "Era," add "sometimes called Eva"; last Une eondude '<His widow m., before 8 May 1817, Edward St. JoHit." p. 193 ; line 19, for " however was," read " who m. a da. of Sir Hugh Watbviluk, was, however "; line 23, for " by," read " and secondly of Sir Thomas Nutbbani; by both of." p. 194 ; between lines 11 and 12 ineert at under — !.«., "LiviNGBTONB OP Pbbblbs," Barony [S.] (Livingston), er. 1656, with the ViscouNTOT of Tkviot [S.], but reeigned in 1698, for the Barony of Living- ttone of Bjfndfoord [S.] ; see Tivior, Visoountcy [S.], cr. 1696 ; ex, 1711. Between lines 18 and 14, imert ae under — PEEL OF SANDY. i,e,y " Pbbl of Sandt, co. Bedford," Viscouiitcy {Petd), er, 1895; see vol. viii, p. 247, in Appbndix. line 28, after " fields," add " (Lie. Vic. Qen. he abont 26, she about 16) "; line 26, oft€r "s.p.m.," add " in childbirth in London "; line 28, after " 1686," add " he about 88, and she about 18." p. 196 ; last line, dde *' His widow " to the end. Note if) dde. p. 199 ; line 2, after " Walter de Saluburt," 9dd " by SibO, da. of Patrick Chaworth." p. 200; Note 0*), line 8, after "office,*' add "and See voL viO, p. 460, in the eorrigenia to vol. v, p. 261." p. 202 ; Note (^), line 2, dde " Emena, or Anna "; line 8, after " Becherel," aid " da. of Alan de Dinan, by Agnorie, da. of Stephen, Lord of the honour of Richmcnd." p. 203 ; line 10, for " Edw.," read "Hon." Note 0»), See vol. vi, p. 477, in the corrigenda to this page. p. 204 ; top note, line 10, for " one of the two wives,*' read " first wife." p. 207; lines 8 to 10, dele *Mn June " to « Barons)," and iub$tiiuU *• 18 June 1296 ; was sum. 26 Jan. (1296/7), 26 Ed. I., to attend the King at Salisbury, but such summons cannot be considered in the light of a regular writ of summons to 2x