Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/510

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500 CORRIOENDA, BTO., TO VOL. VI. p. 401 ; in mwrgin, fir *' 181617," read " 1816 "; fir " 1884/' read 1888." Line 6. dele, "d. (1816-17) 10 Ed. II. and "; line 7, eondudt Will pr. 20 Sep. 1316"; line 36, fir *' liArgaret," read " Beatrice "; line 39, a/Ur '* m./' udd " in 1385 "; line 41, after June," add *' [bU, but qy. if not Jan.] "; line 42,/0r *' 1415," reftd " 1414 [iie. but qy, if not 1415] "; line 44,/ar '« 1384," read *' 1883 "; last line, fir " 4," read " 10 and 21 "; for " 24," read *' 29." p. 402 ; lines 42 and 48, dde " before," to " 1472 "; line 48, after ** thirdly," add " as his third wife, 26 Aug. 1471, at Eye, oo. Suffolk "; after " QuuiSTOM," add '* who d. 23 Sep. 1478, and was bur. at Thomdon)." p. 404 ; Note («), eondude ^ Much light is thrown on this apparent paradox by ^e Mutiand Papei'i recently calendered, especially p. 194, July 7» 1634, toI. Ist, and p. 497, Jan. 6, 1635, from which it appears that the Duch«saa of Buckingham sold some or all of her Belvoir i>roperty to her uncle, the Castle itself -going, by old entail, with the Earldom. [Letter from the Duke of Rutland, 31 May 1898]." 11.405; line 1, fir ** 42," read «54"; line 19, after "She," add *<was living 1642, but"; Note (^), conclude The Duke of Uutlaud remarks hereon, *I submit that what they [the Earls of Rutland] claimeil was not the old, but the new [1616] Barony of Rooe, and that their claim to it was admitted by the Sovereign and Pari, up to the close of the last century, when it apiMsara to have been dropped, under what circumstances does not appear. My grandfather w4s entered at Eton under that name.' [Letter IS July 1896]." p. 407; note (•), line I, fir a Mr.," read *< John"; after "Gumming," add '*(well known in ' Club life ' at that iiurio<l)." p. 408 ; line 1, /ur " Licbllbs," read " Lascbllbs "; line 20, after " Queen," add " as extra 186*2-67, and as ordinary"; line 21, Jor "1885," read *' 1885-86 and 1886-92; KO.V.O., 1897"; ofler "»*.." add "firstly"; Ime 24, conclude "He fit., secondly, 14 Jan. 1896, at Christ church, Down street, Mary Qeruldine, 1st da. of the Itev. Sir William Veaey lioss Mauon, 4th Bart., by Jane, da. ot the Rev. Henry Kino, of Bnllyliu, King's county." p. 409 ; liue 21, conclude " Uo tn. Eustachia. He d. s.p.s. before 28 May 1310." Note {^), conclude "See Hist. MS., Com., app. 6ih Itep., p. 359, which seems to shew that he was son of Robert de Roe. See also Genealoyiti, N.S., vol. i, p. 198." p. 410 ; line 18, after " who," add " was Uving 1834 (8 Ed. IIL), being then of Eggefield, Norfolk, but." Note (>>), for " LupooU," read " Sapoote." p. 411 ; Une 15, after " thirdly," add " between 1622 and 1627 "; line 18, conduda "The wiU of his widow, 1652, is in the Prerog. Ct [L]"; line 2i,fir "24," read " 27." p. 412 ; line 18, condude " Will, 1694, in Prerog. Ct. [L]"; line 15, /or "an infant of tender years," read " under age "; line 29, conduUe " Will, 1748, in Prerog. Ct. [[.](^)," and imert ae eaid note " (*■) The death of ' Lady Roaoommon, sbter to Lord Bruce,' at Edinburgh, 8 Aug. 1740, appeurs in the Qent* May,**t ls*t line, Sor ** 1782," read "at Knockrany, 27 Aug. 1782, aged 62." p. 413 ; line 18, after "killed," add "(at Ross, 5 June)." Note (^). Ime 1, aftar "Dillon," add "(ci. 1840 in the Marahalsea, Dublin, having been a prisoner 80 years)." p. 414 ; line 4 from bottom of the page, after "cr.," add " 10 April 1708." p. 416 ; line 1, fur " in Feb. 1690," read " (Lie Vic Qen. 8 Feb. 1690/1, he 25, she 18, both of St. James' Westm., with consent of her grandmother, Mrs. Anne Neville)"; line 2, after "York," add "by Anne, da. of Sandford Nbvilb, of Chevet " ; line 4, fir " Rosbbkuut," read " RoiiBiiBUY." p. 416 ; line 6, for " 1819," read " 5 July 1319 "; line 12, /«!• " 1855," read 1815 "; liue 13, after " 1819," add " at the chapel of Holkham, Norfolk "; line 15, fir " 1866," read " 1868 "; line 26, for " 1896," read " 1898"; line 31./tfr " 1868," read" 1828"; last line, fur "1894," read "March 1894 to June 1895; K.T., 1895," Note (»>), line 2, for "He," read "Sir Henry"; line i, fir "bergh," reiid " burgh "; conclude " at Nice."