Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/512

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502 OORRIOENDA, ETO.| TO VOL. YI. p. 433 ; Une 4, aJUr " Christian," add (diipena. to many, Sep. 1414) "; line 11, §fUr " Albaht [S.]," add " From her he appear* to hare been divoroed in July 1460 "; eondude " before 24 May(») "; Une 18, t»fter " 1469/' add '< being then over 18"; line 14, for c. 1486," rmtd "before May 1478'*; line 18, afUr '* 1491," add " and waa livinic 22 Feb. 1509/10 "; line 20, conclude " (•») "; iiuert at 9aid note " (*»} Fraaer states [Douylat Book, vol. ii, p. 64] that George, Earl of Rothes [Q^. if the Ist or 2d Karl], m. before 1492, Jane, widow of David Soott, the younger, of Buccleuch, 5th da. of George (Douglas), Earl of Angus, by Isabel, da. ox Sir John Sibbald. She, who apparently boi*e the Earl a son, was dead in 1494. An action for his sister's terce was brought by the Earl of Angus against the Earl of Rothes." Note (b), line 1, dde " 21 " to " date," and iubUUuU "May 1748 ; m. about 21 Jan. 1477/8." V. 434 ; line 6, for " 1629/80," read <* 1628/9 "; line 6, after *' Cambusnethan," add "She d. between 10 July 1689 and 11 May 1642"; line 19, after '« attainted," add "14 Aug. following"; Une 26, afur "He," add** who was b. about 1627"; Une 89, ddc "between," to "Sep " and iubOUuU "m or shorUy after Oct. "; Une 42, for " before," read " between 1 July 1692 and." p. 436 ; line 2, for <* in 1674," read " aratly (contract 11 Jan. 1674/6 "; Une 18, for *Mn," read "contract, 10 to 28 Deo. "; line 87, after *'m.," add "contraoi at Holyrood, 1 Jan. and 4 Feb. 1648 ; (dowry 20,000 Scots) "; last line, ** after " [S.]," add *< She was Uviug 7 Nov. 1678." Note (0. conOude ** The form in the patent is Bambreieht according to the rejiort on the llothcs' muniments in the Hist. M3S. commissiou." p. 437 ; line 4, for '* firstly." read " firstly(»«)," and ituert a$ eaid note, " (••) His marriage with ' Miss Hamilton, of Qrosvenor Street,' appears in the OeiU, Mag. as on 26 Feb. 1740/1 ", line 29, for " d," read " who was h. 26 May 1742, d. in Park Street." p. 438; line 1, after " 81," add <*and was bur, at Laughton, Sussex"; Une 8, after

    • 48," add " suddenly at Betchworth Castle (having burst a blood vessel when

riding), and was bar, 20, at Wotton. M.I. there and at Dorking"; line 4, after "Surrey," add "and was bur. 30, at Wottuu "; lines 10 aud 20, eonciude " Both bur. in Leslie Kirk Yanl "; Uue 16, after ** 1881," aitd «*at MalU "; Une 24 eoneiuda. and line 80, qfUr " 64," add " aud was bur. in LesUe Kirk Yard "; line 89, for "Oct.," read **Nov." p. 442 ; Une 9, for *' 1869," read " 1867, at Frankfort on Maine." Note (<t), Une 4, a/<#r "and," add "of." p. 443 ; line 6, conclude ** K.O. V.O., 1897." Note («), Une 4, for " oreaUons," read " creation." p. 444 ; line 6, for '* Feb. 1612," read " 3 Feb. 1618/4 "; line 14, after ** extinct;* add " WiU dat at Brozmouth, 28 Feb. 1648 "; line 21, after ** wife," add " ed. at Eton, 1681-88 "; Une 26, for " in," read " ahorUy after (the date of his will) 81"; after <*m.," add <' before 9 Feb. 1646." P^ 445 ; Une 6, after " 1676," add " Will dat. at Kelso, 11 Nov. 1674 "; Une 88, far " 1708," read " 1707/8 ; (Uc. Fac., 26 Dec. 1707.) " p. 446 ; line 11, for " 1741/2," read ** 1740/1." Note (0, Une 2, for " Valdafer," read " Valdarfer." p. 447 ; Une 27, for " She <f .," read <' at York house, Twickenham. She d. at Richmond, 9"; Une 44, eofichtde "(4th)." Note (% Une 6, for "annuity to," read " annuity of." p. 448; line 8, after "Walter," add "Frederick"; Une 19. after " m.," add "at St. Maryleboue"; Une 21, after ** widow," add " who was b. 28 Aug. 1814, at Hemingford, oo. York"; Une 22, for "siuce 1868," read "186596"; far " living 1896," read **d, 7 May 1895, at 1 Hereford Gardens, aged 80"; line 84, • after "1854," add "in Lower Brook street"; Uue 36, after "1892," add "Extra Lady in Waiting, 1895 ; Lady of the Bedchamber, 1897 "; Une 86, for " 1896," read " 1898." p. 449; Une 27, /er "1784," read "1788/4"; line 84, after "v.p.," add "at Edinburgh "; line 86, far " 1742," read ** 1741/2 "; conclude " Admon. 80 Jane 1742"; fine 40, for "Jan. 1747," read **% Jii. 1746/7"; Une 42, conduda " He survived her."