Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/515

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CORRIOBNDAy BTC, TO VOL. VII. 505 p. 17; in margin, nfler Visootuitoy/' «U "and Barony." line 24, afUt «• jear," «« " 8 "; line 86, ofigr " France," Ud " 27." p. 18 ; in margin/' for " 1688. 8^' read " 1688. 7." Line 24, for " d," rtad " was 6iir. at filetso, 28 June." p. 19 ; line 10, after " 1720," add " at hta Beat, Woodford, oo. Northampton, and was bur. at Bletoo"; line lS,ofier "1722," add "at Woodford afsd.'^ line 28, for "1725," read "and bap. 27 Dec 1725; ed. (1744) at Winchester"; line 25, after " Louisa," add " (£200,000) "; line 32, after " Elisabeth," add " (£80,000) "; line 84, dele "(a" to "m." and tubHiiuU **B.p.m.s."; line 85, after the first "1825," add "in Keppel street, Bloomsbnry "; line iherflter " 1817," aM "at Melchboume, Beds."; last line, for " 1895," read " 1898." p. 20 ; Une 25, dele « only." p. 23 ; in margin, fi^r " ISIS," read •• 1814." Line 8, dele " («) "; Une 12, wndnde " before (1810/1) 4 Ed. II"; line 18, /or " 1818," read " 1814." p. 24 ; line 21, for " Si. Ze," read '* St. Lo, by his first wife, Alice, 1st da. and coheir of Sir John Patilbrbr, of Broke, oo. Wilts "; line 28, for " by her," read " d. 8 Feb. 1409/10. Her " ; after " 1409," add " pr. 18 March 1409/10 "; line 29, for '* Thomas FtYKit," read "Sir Thomas Pbyvrb"; line 82, cone{iiiie "She, however, is said (MU. Oen. ei Her., 2d S., ii., 815) to haTc died 26 July 1409. Each. 10 Hen. IV."; Une 88, /ar " 8 Not. (1415) 3 Hen. V.," read " 1468'^; lines 40 and 41, dde " eue. his father," to " and," and evibeiil/uU " b. about 1425-26 "; line 42, after " Maur," add " and eue. his father in 1468, in the Barony of Zouche de Haryngworth, being then aged above 30 "; last line, intert a$ a note thereto " (*) See vol. viii, p. 225, note () {eub Zouche), ss to a claim to the Barony made in 1825 by the well known T. 0. Banks." p. 25 ; line 25, /or " 1895," read " 1898." p. 27 5 line 7, for " 1817," read " 1816." Note (•), line 8, for " the," reeul " thai" p. 28 ; line 4, after " ed.," add " (1778) "; line 24, for " 1896," read " 1898 "; line 89, eondwde " From her he obtained a divorce (by decree ' nisi '), 80 July 1896, for crim. con. with Mr. William Thompson "; after last line iiuerl ae bdow — SALFORD. i.«., "Salford of Salford, co. Lancaster," Viscountoy {EgerUm)^ er. 1897, with "EoiRTOM of Tattoh," Earldom, which see. Note (»), line 3, for Rocketts," read " Rochetto." p. 29 ; line 5, />r "was living in 1142," read "<f. 1147." Note (•}, line 21, for " by," reoa " in or before." p. 30 ; line 6, after "secondly," add "in or soon after 1148." Note (•), etmditae " R. E. Chester Waters writes (June 1898) : ' I have a strong impression that Patrick was styled Karl (Comes) in his father's lifetime (ss cited aboye) not from any Earldom of Salisbury or Wilts, but from his being the husband of some French Countess, who was his first wife, Matilda. Count Aubrey de Vere, his contemporary, who was Count in hi* father's lifetime, through his marriage with the hetroM of Guisnes, is a precisely similar case.' " p. 33 ; line 18, for " 1254," read " 1244 (Pat 28 Hen. III.)"; line 19, /or the first "in," read "Jan." p. 34 ; Une 80, for ** 1848," read " 1844." p. 35 ; line 11, after " was," add '* aged 40 and more, in Oct. 1404 and was "; Ust line, after " heir," add " or ooheir." p. 36 ; lines 21 and 22, for " (s. of Qeoff'rey Chaocbr, the poet)," read "Speaker of the House of Commons (see p. 806, below, note (<*), eut. Sufiblk)." 2z