Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/517

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. CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. VII. 507 p. 58; line 24, fw "a yr./' rtad "8d and ysi." Note (•), line 2, fw <*pUused therein," rtoA *' identiaed." p. 59 ; line 2, conclude " The will, 1647, of Anne, hie widow, is in the Prorog Ct [I.] "; line 13, far « atUnted/' read " attainted." p. 60; line 84, afUr "1556," oiM *'wa8 of Doddinf^ton, oo. Lincoln, 1686-98; M.P. for Unooln, 1586." p. 61 ; line 0, far " b, about 1690." read " by second wife ; hap. 14 Sep. 1690, at Doddingtott afsd." ; line 23, /or ^'his nephew," r#mf "[the son of his illegit br., viz.]"; line 26, conclude "He d. unm. at Rufford Abbey, 28 Not. 1890, aged 78, and was bur, at Bilsthorpe. Will pr. at £87,088 personalty, the duties on his death being said to amount to £208,000. 11. 1896. S. John Savilb (Savilb-Lumtjit, formerly Lumlbt), Baron Sayilb of Rukpokd [1888], heir ncoording to the spec rem. in the patent of the Barotiy, being only s. and h. of the liey. Frederick SaTile Lumlrt, liector of Bilsthurpe afsd., by Mary,* only fla. of Itobert Castle Jbnkins, of Beachley, oo. Monmouth, which Fre<1erick (who d. 1859, nged 37) was illegit br. to the late Peer. He was b. 20 Sep. 1854 ; cd. at Eton ; was sometime in the diplom. service and Foreign Office, retiring 1889 ; sue. to ifie peerage, 28 Nov. 1896, as above stated, being introduced 6 July, 1897. He m. 8 Nov. 1894, st St Margaret*s, Westm., Gertrude Violet, widow of Horace Augustus Hrltaii, only ds. of Charles Fmnds WsBSTBR-WiDORitBURiT, by Ann, ds. of William Hkltae, of Coker Court, Somerset »» p. 65 ; lines 14 and 16, dele '< and who " to <* death.' p. 66 ; line 86, c^fter " s. and h.," add " ed. (1669) at Winchester." p. 67 ; line 14, after " ed.,'* add *' (1 696) "; line 16, dde " (1696)." Note (M, conclude " In the Hist MSS., smong Lord Snlisburv's MSS. fvol. iii., p. 186), is a letter, 25 Oct., 1586, from this Uiclinrd Fyncs, asking for tlio Rnrony of Snyo wUk ike old precedence, viz., that of the 18th Baron in a roll of (1454-66) 88 Hen. VI." p. 68 ; Une 28, dele " living " ; dele <* when she was " ; deU " the validity of"; lines 29 and 80, dele " before " to " died," and tubatilute '« She hsd lie. 16 Oct. 1709, to marry Vincent Oaklkt, ' Sequire: [Fac Office] " ; line 82, after " 1676," add " ed. (1688) at Winchester." p. 69; Une 14, after "He," add « was ed. (1780) at Winchester," ; Une 20, far " 1784," read " 1781." p. 70 ; line 26, for « b. 19 Feb. 1741," read " bap. 19 Feb. 1740/1 at Ambrosden " ; line 88, after the first "i/.," add "at Belvidere" ; line 48, trfUr "aged," add "nearly"; last Une, condude "at £46,000." Note («), Une 2, for "88," read "2a" p. 71 ; lines 6 and 6, far " 1821, aged 61," read " 1824, aged 64 "; Une 7, after** Win- csjheeter," add « (1711)." Note (•), last line, for " 1818," read " 1447." p. 72 ; line 4, efter " Robert," add " or Roger (•») " and insert as said note " {•») An inq. p.m. of Oct and Nov. 1486 ' is most precise in tracing the title to Newoells to a fine of 26 Nov. 1263, by which Alice de Scales enfeoffed Ro^er de Scales, father of the first Baron.' [JSx inform, J. H. Round.] I** p. 73; line 16, /or "da. of (^),"read "da. of John"; Hue 24, <&^" either" to "date," and subttUute "before 28 July 14610." Note (0 dele, and substituU "There is an important entry on the patent rolls, 28 July 1461, reciting the pardon of * Richard Wydville, Knt, of Rivers,' and of * Anthony WydvUle, Knt, of Scales,' which proves that the latter must have been already married. IB», tf^orm. J. H. Round]." p. 74; Note (•), line 6, for " 1609," read " 18 Dec 1409." p. 76 ; Une 14, efier " 1684/6," add " at St QUes in the Fields."