Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/521

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I CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL VH 511 p. 137 ; line 11, dde^the ntzi year " ; line 19, afUr " French/' «4» " and wm hur. at Rouen." p. 139 ; Une 6, for " [T.]," rtad " [I.]. " p. 140 ; line 26, /or " 1666," rwrf " 1666." p- 141 ; Note (ic), line 7, for ** Montohensy," r$a4 " Montolienoy.' p. 144 ; Note (b), last line, for " it," rood " such en toil." p. 145; line 27, after "1814." add «at Bnth " ; line 29, after '<]862," add "of fcTcr " ; last line, deU " (<)." Note (s), c/^/e. p. 146; line 6, for "cousin/* read '* 10th [!] cousin (once removed) "; line 14, for

    • Sherington/' read " Shnrington " ; lines 14 and 16, for **Salwarp," road

"Salwarpe" ; line 16, >f "1671," read "1681"; line 84. after "1828," add "at St. Geo. Han. sq." ; line 46, for " 1868," reod " 1868(«)," and weert ae eaid note " (<<) This was the first time for more than 200 years that the title had descended from father to sou " ; Hue 46, for " 1876/' read "1876-77 " ; afior "1866/' add "at St. James', Westm." ; last line, for "1896," read "1898." Note (b), conclude " See vol. vii, p. 361, note {^) tub Talbot." p. 147; Note («), lines 7 and 9, for "Snlwarp," read "Salwarpe"; line 8,/0r "rf. 1671," read "6ttr. at Lacock, 21 Dec. 1681"; lines 9 and 11, /or

  • <Sherington" and "Sherrington/' read "Sharington"; line 28, for "1727,"

read « 1827." p. 148 ; in margin,/or " 1798," read " 1799." p. 150 ; line 8. after "1842," add "under £36,000" ; line 16, for " Ist," read ** 2d but 1st surv.C**) " and infer/ at eaid note " (««) See vol. vii, p. 466, in the corrigenda to this page." p. 151 ; line 26, after " h./' add " 6. about 1627." p. 154 ; last line, for " sue/' read " nic" The last note should be headed " (•)," p. 156 ; line 8. for " Commisioners," read " Commissioners ' Note (c), line 6, for "the ihtr read "the" ; last line, after "over," add "those ot" p. 157 ; line 17, for " 1446," read " 1447." p. 158; line 2, deie "(b)"; line 14, after "149394," add " KnighUd, 1494": iinee 28 and 29, dde " by Janet, da. of Sir Lucas Dillon," and tubalUuie " {^),'* interi as said note " i^^) Q^ery, if she was not da. of Christopher, the 7th Lord [<f. 1661] tho' stated in ' Lodge ' to be da. of Christopher, the 9th Lord, who was 6. about 1664." p. 160 ; line 7, for " Maodohbll," read " Maodonnbll." p. 161 ; Note (»>), line 4, for " to," read " regards." p. 164 ; line 16, after " Lodge," add " in Shenley ' ; line 18, after " 1813," add " al St. Geo. Han. sq." p. 165 ; line 1, after "1823/' add "in Constantinople"; line 4, after " 1869," add ' in childbed, in Harley street, Marylebone"; line 6, eondude "He d 8.p.m. 30 Jan. 1896, at Mount Browne, near Quildford, aged 76. Will pr. at £28,491 personalty. His widow living 1898. lY. 1896. 4- John Thomas (Browne), Marquess of Sligo [1800], Barl op Altamont [1771], Viscount Wibtfort [1768], and Baron MONTRAGLB OP Wbstfort [1768], all in the peerage of Ireland, also Baron Montbaoli OP Wrstport [U.K. 1806], nest surv. br. and h. male, being 3d s. of the 2d Marquess; 6. 10 Sep. 1824, at Westport House afsd. ; styled Lord John Brownb till 1896 ; ed. at the Naval Ck>ll., Oosport; Lieut. RN., 1846; MP. for co. Mayo (Liberal int), 1867-68; sue, to the peerage, 80 Jan. 1896,"