Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/524

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514 00RRIO£NDA, ETC., TO VOL. VH. Pi 214 ; line 7, eomdude ** Sha wm li?ing, « old and Tory Mck/ 80 Jidy 1646." Note (k), line 2, >br " cobler/' rtmd •' oobUer." p. 216 ; Um 20, /or " 1668," rtad " about 164&" p. 218 ; iMi Uoe, for ** da./' read " 1st da. and coheir." p. 210; line 6, after "80," add "and was hur. 11 at Coetessy "; line 13, after '* 1866," add ** from rupture of a blood Tesael, st Costeasy park "; line 19, finr •' 1896," read *' 1898 "; last Una, otmdude and bap. 20 at Trentbam." p. 220 ; in margin, after " Barony," add " by writ." Line 12, <ie{e " 1746, or "; line 18, after "bur.," add *'26 "; line 22, /ur " 60," read " 74, and was bur. 26 at Trentbam." Note («}, line 1, lUe *' 1746, or." p. 221 ; in mangin, after " Barony," add " by vrrit." Line 88, /or "Sep.," read " 6 Sep."; Une 84. far '* 6 Sep. 1407," read *' on tbat date." p. 222 ; in margin, after " Barony," add, in two places, " by writ "; after " and, add *' Barony by patent." Note («), conclude " See vol. vii, p. 228, note (<*). •I p. 223 ; note (»), eomdude ** With respect to ' Kijile,' i.e., < Kyle ' (OoiUe being Qaelio for the word forest), this title was probably contemplate<l for the uew Earldoiu in 1708, at which date the title of ' Steir ' was oerteiiilT under a cloud. Stair is said to be 'a Barony in the county [tjo] of Kyle m the west of Scotland.' [' ImpaHial aeeount,' etc, pub. 16961" p. 224 ; line 21, for " 1774," read " 1747." p. 225 ; in margin, for " 1762," read " 1768." Lines 7 and 22, for " 1762," read " 1768 "; line 22, for " thirteen," recuf ** twenty-one." p. 226 ; line 10, for " s.," read " 4th but Ist sutt." pb 227; l*st line, eondude ** She, who inherited the extensive estate of Bargany, in Argyllshire, d. 80 June 1896, at Lochinch." p. 228 ; line 82, after " d," add " Got 1611." p. 229 ; line 16, deU " She " to " him "; line 16, conclude " His widow, who was bap, 24 Sep. 1626, m. QusUyus Mackwortu, who was slain in the Cheahire rising, and was living as his widow, 4 June 1660." P> 230 ; lines 6 and 6, see vol. vii, p. 468, in corrigenda to this psge ; line 82, for « « wife's," read " mother's." p. 231 ; line 89, /or " 1896," read " 1898." p. 232 ; line 12, for " 1896," read " 1898 "; line 22, for " 1892," read •* 1892(«) "; between lines 28 and 224, inaert at under— [RoGBB Grbt, Btpled Lord Grbt of Grouy, Ist s. and h. ap. ; 6. at Whitehall Court, 27 Oct, and bap. 8 Dec 1896, at the Chapel Koyal, St James'.J 1^ 233 ; line 6, for *' whow as," read " who was." p. 235 ; line 2, for ** 1728," read " 1722/3, of consumption." p. 237 ; line 18, for " 1620," read " 1621 " ; line 23, after " Jane," add " QoaoB." p. 238 ; lines 16, 17, 19, 22, and 24, /or " Knookin," read " Kmokin " ; line 21, /or " 1872," read " 1672." p. 239; line 20, for "year," re^d "yeiir(d)"; line 21, after "widow," add "who was b. 8 Jan. 1771"; conclude "Both were 6ttr. at Alderley"; line 26, for " 1822-41," r«a<i" 1882-41.' M p. 240 ; Une 86, for <* Kmookth," read *' Kmokim."