Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/527

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CORRIOENDA, ETC., TO VOL, VH. 617 STRICKLAND. Walter Strickland, previously spoken of in the Council Book M ' W Strickland/ nppearR therein early in Feb. 1656/6 m * LORD STRICK- LAND/ he and Laubkrt being the only members of the Privy Council who were styled * Lardi ' in 1666. («} imert tu taid note ** {*) The patent roils of the Protector are lost, but it would seem that he must have created peerages before 20 July 1667. [E9. it^nrm, J. H. Round]"; line 22, for "or Chepstow/' read "{otherwite Chepstow) "; line. 28, for " cause them to be/' i'ead *' was the cause of there being/' p. 295 ; line 7, for " place/' read " place(d)"; line 27, for " Lord," read "John, Lord"; line 29, conclude "(dr Montfort), Lord Montfort"; line 80, for " DR Montfort, of Beaudesert, co. Warwick," read " the 8d Lord "; line 88, for " Isabella/' read ** Eleanor/' p. 296 ; line 18, for ** Sudley/' read *' Sudeley. >* p. 297 ; line 4, afUr " Elisabeth," add " widow of Sir John Hinds, twice L. Mayo of London (d. 1 Aug. 1418) "; line 6, after « 140S)/' *uid "She d, 1462"; fo ror /or " m. secondly," read " (who had been excused for life, 26 Feb. 1461/2, from Pari, or other services, on the ground of age and debility) m. secondly (Lie 8 Jan. 1462/8)"; line 24, for " nine," read " a few." p. 300 ; line 2, for " Fanqokr," read " Fauquibr "; line 23, for " 1st," read " 2nd "; line 29, for "Edmund," read "Edward." Note (»»), line 1, for "2d Baron/' read " 8d Baron." It p. 301 ; Note (»), line 17, for " Prelate," read " Prelates. p. 302 ; Note («), last line, for " note < b,' above," read " p. 300 above, note * d.' " p. 304 ; Note (»), Une 2, deU " first." p. 305 ; line 16, for '* B.p.m.(l>)/' read " B.p.s." Note (^), dele. p. 306 ; line 9, after " Ozon," add " Speaker of the House of Commons." p. 308 ; Note (*), Une 1, /or " letter," read " letters." p. 309; Note (t>), line 8, for " oonsanguninity/' read " consanguinity." Note (•), Une 4, for " Hieraehy," read " Hierarchy," p. 311 ; line 81 ; for " Bromham in that county," read "Charlton afsd." p. 313 ; line 6, conclude " in Gerrnrd street, Sohn "; line 26, after "Gen.," add " he about 60, and she about 40 "; line 80, for " Nov./' read " Dec." p. 314 ; line 19, after " 1722," add " at Henbury afsd." p. 315 ; Top note, line 9, for " Blicking," read " Blickling." p. 316 ; line 2, for " Geo. XL," read " Geo. HI."; Une 18, for « 1808," read " 1828, aged 74." p. 319 ; Une 22, for " Mordena/' read " Modena." p. 320 ; line 22. after " (2./' add " of pleurisy, in PiccadUly." Note (b), lines 4 to 6, dde " who " to the end, and eubetUuU <* See note {^) below/' Note (k), line 1, for « Macky's," read « Macky/' p. 321 ; Une 16, for " Marlborodoh," read " Marlborough." p. 323 ; Note (»>), Une 1, for " the," read " Round's "; nfter « 822} " insert a full stop.