Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/529

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CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. VII. 619 p. 354; lino 9. /or "46," read "66"; line 18, deU "in"; line 48, /or " extnct," read " extinO. Will, 1774, in Prerog. Ct [I. y* p. 867 ; line 84, for " 1896." read " 1898." p. 358; line 14, /or "m.," read **Ee m."; line 22, deU '*<<." to the end and eubtiUute " He m. MiirgAret, da. of Sir William Skipwitb, but d. a minor and ■.p., 6 Sep. 1589. His widow m. Sir Peter Cariw, who d. B.p. in Ireland, 1575 (after 26 No^.). She was living 20 Feb. 1575/6 when, as Lady Margaret Carew alias Taylboys, she renounced probate to his will." p. 359 ; line 15, dele " is said(<i) to have"; line 19, for '* 1885," read « 1855"; for «(•)," read "(c)"; Uue 28, /or "(V read "(*)." p. 380 ; last line, for " WEXFORD," read " WATERFORD." Note (*), afUr " Nioolas " intert a comma ; line 5, for " for merly," read ** formerly." p. 361 ; line 1, for " FURNINALL," read " PURNIVALL" Note (^), eondude "It should, however, be noticed that in the Act of Pari, passed 6 Qeo. I. [1719-20] for annexing the Duke's estates to the Earldom of Shrewsbury ' Charles Talbot, eldest son and then heir apparent of William, Lord Bishop of

  • Salisbury ' is mentioned, which seems to be strong evidence of his legitimacy."

p. 362; line 21, after cr.," add "3 July 1784"; line 26, /or "1792." read " 1793 "; line 84, for " May 1797," read *' May 1798 "; last line, for " 1808," read " 1782." P* 364; line 4, after "Satrrs," add "of Drogheda, timber merchant"; line 5,/or "78," read "88"; line 6, eondude "of bronchitis, aged nearly 80"; line 19, after "m.," add "at Arthurstone, oo. Perth"; line 26, for "1678," read " 1878"; line 29, eondude " She d. 24 Jan. 1898, at Malahide Castle." p. 365 ; lines 19, 20, 26, nud in note («), lines 2 and 5, for " Ossulton," read " Ossulston "; line 28, after " </.," add " at his house at Dawley." p. 366 ; line 34, for " d, there," read " who was b. 5 Oct. 1782, d. there, of paralysis "; line 36, /.»•• " Ossuston," read " Ossulston "; line 87, for " Mary- lebone," read "Berkeley square"; line 42, for "1866," read "1866-67 "; afler " m.," add " at Kimbolt.m Castle "; dde " or 5 Feb." p. 367; in margin, /or "1656?" read "1655." Une 38, for "«*. before 1666," read " was bar. there 21 Oct. 1665." p. 368 ; line 6, after " M.I.," add " Will, 1688, in Prerog. Ct [I.]. p. 369; line 13, after "and," add "in return"; last line but one, and last line, dele " His name" to the end, and intert on p. 870, line 4, after " 1298," the words so deleted under the next Baron, altering the date from " 1201 " to " 1801 " and transferring note (0 to the said p. 870. p. 370 ; line 14, eondude " Ejirldom, or, 1897." Note (b), line 3, after " Mina," add " Frances." Note (<-), line 4, for " Laurence," read " Lawience." p. 371; line 24, /or "setting," read "settling." p. 372 ; line 8, for " 1896." read " 1898 "; line 82, for " 14," read " 8." p. 374 ; line 81, after " waiting," add " July to Sep. 1887." Note («), eondude " See vol. i, p. 816, note ' b,' as to 0>urtesy titles." p, 375 ; in margin, for "1824," read "1846." Line 42, jfer "4 Oct. 1824," read " 21 Sep. 1846.'^ p. 376 ; Note (»}, line 2, dde " yr."; after " Tennyson," add " (himself a second son). p. 377 ; line 4, after " Emily," add " Sarah "; line 9, eondvde " Admon. at £1,864. p. 379 ; Kne 7, for " 1896," read " 1898." p. 380; line 20, for " 1729(d)," read "1729(^)." >f ft