Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/532

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52? CORRIOBI^DA^ BTO., TO VOL. VII. ]». 427 ; luie 19> /^ " 1896/' read " 1898 "; line 26, eomlude » He m. Moondly, 7 Deo. 1897i at Christ church, Down street, Roaemond Catherine, Dow. Coiimthm of Bantbt [I.]> da. of the Hon. Edmund Qeorge Pstbb (5th a. of the 8th Baroh PiTiiB OF Writtli), by Mary Anne Jane, da. of Londne M. KwiB. iShe was 6. 25 Aug. 1857." p. 428 ; in margin, fir " 1565 I " read " 1563 f " Line 24, eonclude " but d. before 15 March 1563/4 "; line 26. fir " 1586/' read '* 1561 "; line 27, fir " 1565/' read " 1563"; line 31, conclude **The will of * Dame Amy Tyan [sic] Dowager Lady Trimlitstown,' 1600, is in the Prerog. Ct [L]." p. 429 ; line 9, fir " 1639/' read " 1639/40 "; line 35, conclude " WUl, 1771, in Prerog. Ct. [L]"; line 40, afUr "1779/' add "Will, 1785, in Prerog. Ct [L]"; fifr " 1782,*' read " 1781." Note (»>), line 7, /or " there," read " their." p. 432 ; Una 19, /or « 28/' read " 27." p. 434 ; line 10, for " 1709," read " 1609 "; line 22, fir " 21," read " 11." p. 435 ; lines 2 and 8, /or " sinoe," read « from." p- 436; line 15, fir "eminent services)," read "eminent) serTices"; line 27, fir " 1626/' read " shout 1625 "; line 83, for " Pari.." read " ParI.(W»)," and imaeri ae said note " (^^) He was one of the four Scotch Pears, who sat in that Pari. See vol. viii, p. 395 in the corrigenda to vol. iii, p. 310." p. 438 ; line 26, /or " (— ) da. of (— ),(») which John," read " Dorothy, da. of John Hathobst, a labourer at Queenmore, Lancashire, (s) which John Hay above- named." Note (>), dele line 1, and iubetitute " £x. infirm, Francis J. Grant, Carrick Pursuivant, who adds ' it has been questioned if they were ever really married.' John Hay d, 10 Deo. 1755." p. 439 ; line 1, for " 1788/' read " 1758 "; line 85, fir " Twbbdati," read " Twbbd- dalb." p. 440 ; Una 2, ybr " 52," read " 64 "; line 6, fin' << 1896," read " 1898 "; line 2, fi»r " QiBpoBD," read " Qiffobo." Note (»), line 20, fitr *' Caatlerosse," read " *Ca8tleroBse." p. 441 ; line 19, /or " 1896," read " 1898 "; line 21, after " 1849/' add "at 4 Upper OroBvenor street"; line 25, o/ler *M873/' add "at St. Jumes', Westm."; lines 87 and 38, /or "Timdall," read " Tindal.'

  • f

p. 442 ; line 21, conclude " Will, 1788, in Prerog. Ct [L] "; line 23, deU "6. 1690." p. 443 ; line 8,/or " aged/' read " said to be aged." Note (P), ctmdude " He is some- times said (N. ds Q., 9th S., vol. i, p. 168), to have m. on her retiring from the stage. Miss Wewitiser, who first appeared at Covent Ganleu theatre, 14 Nov. 1776." p. 445 ; last line, after " firstly/' add " in 1669." p. 447 ; line 32, for " She," read " Having left her husband, she lived oiienly with the Bad of Strathmore, and "; lines 32 and 33, deU " when " to " Strathmore." p. 448 I line 15, after " 62," add "and was 6ur. at Owselbury, co. York.' p. 449 ; line 10, for " 1592," read " 1542." p. 451 ; last line but one, for "1661," read "1661/2." Note («), last line, fir " 1709," read " 1704." Note («), conclude " See vol viii, p. 820 in corrigenda to vol. ii, p. 2, for similar cases." p. 453 ; line 9, oondude " Their wills, 1704 and 1730 respectively, at Prerog. Ct. [I.] '* line 27, conclude "Their wills, 1763 and 1769 respectively, at Prerog. Ct. [L]."