Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/54

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44 WALPOLB — WALSINGHAM. 1784-40 ; • Tdlar of the Bscliequer, 1741, and was «r., 4 June 175e, BARON WALPOLB OF WOLTRRTON, oo. Norfolk. He a., 21 July 1720, Mary Magdalen, da. and coheir of Peter Lombakd.(*) He iI. 6 Jan. 1757, aged 79, and waa hur. at Wkkmere, oa Norfolk. WiU pr. 1767.(i>) Hia widow d. at Whitehall, 9 Hareb 1788, and waa bur. at Wickmere af^L WUl pr. March 1788. IL 1 767. i?. Horatio ( Walpolk), Babon Walpolb of Woltrrton, lat a. and h. ; 6. 12 June 1728 ; waa M.P. for Kingi Lynn from 1747 till he we. to Hu peera^, 6 Feb. 1757. Forty yeara later, hy the death, 2 March 1797, of hIa couain, Horatio, 4th Rarl of Orford, he tuc aa Babon Walfolb of Walpole, under the apea rem. in the creation (1 June 1728) of that dignity. Ue waa or., 10-AprU 1806, BARL OF ORFORD ; aee that dignity. WALSH, or WAILSH. In 1745, Antoinb Vinobnt Walsh, was cr. BARON, or (accord- ing to aome acooiiuU) EARL WALSH by the titular Jamea IK. He waa a. of Philippe Walah, by Aune, da. and h. of Jnmea Whyti of the city of Waterford, which Philippe waa a. of Jtun^ Walah of Ballyimoully, who emigrated to France. («) He waa 5. at St. Maloin 1708, and having been instru- mental in conveying '* Prince Charlea Kdward" to Scotland in 1745, waa rewarded with a peerage by that Prinoe*a father.(^) WALSINGHAM. Barldom. 1, Mblusina (or PKTRONiiiLK ^Iblusinb) Von dbr I 1722 SoHULKNBBRQ, Spinster, illegit. da. of George I., by (hia favourite ^ ' Miatreas) Ermengarde Meluaina (born VuN dbr Souulkmbbrq), mo 1770 i^*^ DuOHBSS OF Kbmdal, Spin8ter,(*) was 6. about 1698, and waa er, ^^' 7 April 1722, BAKONESS OP ALDBOKOU(<H, oo. Suffolk, and OOUNTfiSS OF WALSINGHAM, oo. Norfolk, for life. She hi. H May, or 6 Sep., 1788, Pliilip Dormer (Stamuopb), Earl or CuBarBBViBLD, when ahe thenceforth adopted the title of her huaband. He d. a. p. 24 March 1778, iu hia 79th year. See fuller partieulan of him under " Chesterfield. *' She d. a.p. 16 Sep. 1778, when her peerage konoun became exiincL Will pr. Sep. 1778. (*) Thia Peter used to be called by the famoua Ducheaa of Marlborough " my tailor." Hia aaid da. when aaked by the Queen at tlie Court of Fmuce " Do quelle fsmille etea voua, Madame/* ia reported to have modestly replied ** D* aucune.*' However, in the " BiU, Reg." the death of '* Peter Lombard, E%q.;* ia recorded, 5 May 1726. The marriage licence (Yic. Oen.), 22 March 1692/8, of Peter Lombard of St. Martin'a in toe fielda, Qenb, about 50, Widr., with Mra. Mariana Emault, of London, Maiden, probably refera to him. (f) Of him, writes hia nephew, the better known Horace Walpole (** Oeo, //.," ToL i, p. 110), that '* he knew aomething of everything, but how to hold his tongue, or how to apnly hia knowledge ; * * * hia mind waa a atraoge mixture of aenae, alloyed by abaurdity ; wit, by mimicry ; knowledge, by buffoonery ; bravery, by meanneaa ; honeaty, by aelfiahneaa ; impeitinence, by nothing.'* Acoordmg to Qeorge II. (Hervey'a Memoira) he waa *' a dirty buffoon." In Cuze'a ** WalpUp* a long and highly eulogistic character is given of him, in which it ia said (apparently with justice), that " he maintained an unimpeached character for truth and mtegrity." («) ** Notee and (^Mria*' 7th a iv, 42. His "nobleaae d'extraction " was confirmed in 1754, aa bemg 18th in deaoent from Philip Walah, aurnamed ** Le Breton,*' who eaUbliahed hunaelf in Ireland. Count Theobald Walsh, killed at St Domingo in 1793 and " Le Vicomte " Joaeph Walsh (that Gount'a brother) were hia nephewa. if) See vol. i, p. 59, noU ** b," eub *' Albemarle," for a liat of "Jacobite " Creatu>na, 1689-1760. (•) Set vol. iv, p. 842, note "a^" euh ElmidaL"