Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/540

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530 CORRIGENDA, ETC., TO VOL. VHI. P> 237 ; between linei 18 and 19 insiri m undir — BURTON OP BURTON ON TRENT AND OF RANGEMORE. t.«., '* Burton of Burton on Trent and op Rangkmorb both in 00. Sufford/' {Bat$) er, 1897 with a apeo. rem. See voL ii, p. 90 and ctHrrtpemim thereto. Note («), Uiat line, fir** to that," read " for that" p. 239 ; Hoe 80, fir " 1 897," r$ad ** 1898." Note (<"), line 8, afiir " yeaia," add or diamond " ; laat line, fir " Strathcona," read ** (6) Btrathcona." p. 240 > between lines 4 and 5 inuri a$ under — ESHER. i.e., '<EsHSR of Esher, co. Surrey," Viscountcy {BreU cr. 1897; aee voL iii, p. 278 and corrignida thereto. line 88, Mfitf/iM^# " She d, of peritonitis, at Chateau St. Midiael, Cannes, 28 March 1898, and was bur,, from Hampstend, 6 April, in East Finchley cemetery." p. 241 ; line 9, fir " 1877-80," read 'M877-80(<>)," and inaeri mm miV note •"(<>) This iippointment was supposed to be humorously hinted nt in W. 8. Gilbert's amusing play of JT.M.S, JHnafire,

  • I alwaya Toted at my Party's csll,

And I thought but little for myself at all ; I thought so little, they rewarded me By msKing me the Ruler of the Queen's Na-Tee," p. 244 ; Une 86, /or " 1897," r$ad *' 1898." p. 248 ; line 84, afier " 3," oifi <M9 Dec."; last Une, wnduds ** He d. at 42 Prince's Gardens, 28 Oct. 1897, and was bur. 1 Nov., in Brompton cemetery, aged 72. Will pr. at £55,930. His widow living 1898. II. 1897. )9. Herculks Arthur Tbmplb (Robinson), Baron RofiMiAD OF Rosmiad AND OP Tafklbibo [1896], only s. and h., h» 6 Not. 1866, in Ceylon ; ed. at Eton ; Lieut Royal Irisli Fusileers ; iuc to ths purage 28 Oct 1897. He m. 10 OoL 1891, at Moydrum, co. Athloue, Kdith Louisa, 3nl da. of Uichard (Handoook), 4th Bauon Cabtijeiiaini of Moyomum [L] by Louisa Matilda, da. of William George (liAUUi8),2d Bauon HAUiiia of Sibinqapatam. She was b. 1 Sep. 1865. p. 249; line 2, ofl$r *<AND," read *<0F"; lines 5 and 14, /or **Aug." fMif

    • 2d Aug."; line 6, /ur "• Rotall," rMJ *'IIotal"; last line, eonelude *'and

introduced 15 Feb. 1898. He si. Isabella Sophia, da. of Richard Habdistt, of Canada."