Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/552

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542 GBNfettAL INBBX. "Obloiilationf relating to loadstonei," i, 8, 46. Cambasnethtn CoUte. Cb., Yii, 185, 5. Gambden Hoom, i, 812, 6. Oambray, Siege of—, lii, 801, 10. Camden Town, ii, 125, 11. Camoene, Tranatation of—, vii, 277i 14. Campen, Battle of—, ui, 167, 5. Campion, Edward—, the Jesuit, viii, 19,10. Gampes, '* LitUe John of—," vi, 168, laat line but one. Canada, Lordship of—, Tii, 246, last line. Canadian, hered. — title, v, 187, b, „ rebellion, iv, 85, 18, Canal, Bridgewater, ii, 22, 85. Canons, Little Sianmore, ii, 205, a. Cape Town, Capitn. of—, iv, 834, 88. CardiflT Docks, li, 98, b. Cardinal, First English-, since Pope Clement IV, ii, 800, a. Cards, cheating at — , vi, 407, e. Carey, Sir Qeorge — , vil, 418, 5. Carliugford, Battle of—, iv, 278, 5. Carloa, Don—, vi, 256, 80. Carminow Scrope Controversy, vii, 84, d. Camock estate, iv, 888, 14. Carnwarth estate, vii, 186, last line. Caroline, Trial of Queen—, iii, 62, b and e» Carribbee islands, viii, 155, 22. Carrick Begg Friary, vi, 140, 2. Carton, iv, 874, 87. Cartulary of Flaxley Abbey, iv, 212, 6. CashelCath.,vi,61,5. Castello Rodrigo, Battle of—, vii, 80, 81. Castile, King of—, v, 8, 18. Castle Blayney estate, i, 862, 22. Castle of London, iii, 869, 'd. Castlecombe, vii, 85, b. ; 401, 19. Cateley, Ann — , the singer, iii, 127, a. Catesby, Thoa.— , vi, 185, d. CaUageHall. vi, 166,^ Catskin, Earls—, iv, 287, b. Causeway, <' Cleanse the—," ui, 240, 12. Cavalier peers imprisoned (I655},v, 171,^. Census, The—, ii, 827, 46. '* Century of Inventions," viii, 208, 4. Chamberlain. Lord, Qreat— , i, 207, d; iv, 212, •;vi,171,/;l78,a; 175 «. „ Precedence of—, viii, 270, last four lines. Chancellor, First lay Lord — , vii, 804 a. FirstR.C.—, since Jaa. lL,viii, 485, 10. Length of tenure of office of — , iv, 164, c. Lord High—, iv, 212.

    • CharaoterisUcs," Shaftesbury's—, vii,

118, e. Charlee L, Last three peers or. by — , v, 171, a. „ II., Bastards of—, vi, 861, g. f, „ ^rls cr. by—, ii, 275, d. >» •I II Charles IL, Peerages cf. on bastarda and mistressea of—, vi, 862, «. „ „ Peers cr. by—, when in edle, V, 14, b. „ „ Titles cf. on bastards of — | iv, 66,^. Charleville House, vi, 156, 17. Charlton, Kent, vii, 12,6. „ Wilta,vii, 811/. <* Charter of Liberties," ii, 228, 29. Charteris, Col. F.— , viii, 86, e. Chartley, iii, 66, 17, 888,a. ChasUllon, Battle of—, vU, 187, 18. Chatellerault, Dukedom of — , i, 5, • ; 407 ; iii, 76, a. Cheating at cards, vi, 407, e. i Chelsea, ii, 108, 29 ; vi, 28, 14. Chenies, i, 297, /. Chester Herald, ii, 227, e ; 270, b. Chetwode, Sir liich. — , viii, 85 a. Chetwood, Jonathan — , viii, 85, 6. Chevalier da St. Qeorge, ii, 872, a. Chevening House, Kent^ iii, 4, 89 ; 6, 7. Chevy Chase, viii, 272, last line but two. Chicksand Priory, iU, 280, 18. Chief Justice, only instance of—, in Cabinet, viu, 888, 28. „ of England, Precedenoe of—, u, 881. Chiffinch, Will.-, iv, 829, 27. Child, Robt— , the Blanker, iv, 830, 48 ; viii, 119, 5. Child Murder, viii, 258, 26. Chippenham, ca Camb., vi, 129, c Chiswick Villa, ii, 81, o. Chivak-y, Contest in Court of — ,iv, 181, 26. „ " The flower of—," i, 188, 14. Christian Art, " History of—," ii, 419, 41. „ name first used to indicate Dow. Peeresa, ii, 288, b. Christ's Coll.. Camb., vi, 857, 24. "Chronicles of the Canongate," vii, 224, a. Chndleigh, Elizabeth-, ii, 28, 14. Churchill, Arabella—, i, 849, 6. „ '* Rosciad " of—, vi, 428, b. Chute, Challenor — , vii, 57, d, Ciutra, Convention of — , viii, 81, a. Claims to [I] Peerages, v, 157, d. Clane Abbey, iu, 859, 8. Clare Hall, Camb., u, 269, 7 ; iii, 17, 19 ; viii, 25, 22. Claremont, ii, 810, c. Clarenceux, King of Arms, ii, 270, 6, Clavers, " Bloody—," iii, 208, 16.

  • ' Cleanse the Causeway," iii, 240, 12.

Cleve Abbey, Somerset, vii, 886, 6. '• Clodio, " Identity of Pope's—, viii, 129,y. Clonnis MouMstery, ii, 88, 22. Clonyn, co. Wettmeath, viii, 108, a. Coat armour. Collateral adoption of — . vii, 62, a. Cobham College, ii, 817, 11 ; 819, 40. Cobham Hall, u, 820,/,