Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/554

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544 OBNBRAL INDBX. •f »t •I M Caiuurd 6t«inuhip Co., ▼»!, 248, 9. Cupbearer, Office of Chief—, i, 71, a.

    • Curae of ScotlaDd," tu, 228, a.

CurtoD eeUtes, Ozon., Tii, 887, 21. „ Foreign Barony of~, viii, 860/1. Cunon, Origin of name—, viii, 228, a. Dalkeith eaUU, ▼, 886, 6. Dangan oaatle, ▼, 876, 17. Dapifer, ▼, 48, teit and 6. Darien f eheme, tii, 486, d,

    • Dark Udy/' Sbakapere'a— , ▼!, 219, ir.

Davenport, Eliath. — ,the actreaB,Ti,l76,/.

  • 'De." Uae of prefix in modern tiuies,

iii, 87, 6.' " Do corpora bug," aee " Corpore." J>e faelo Sovereign. Power of, to cr. honoura, ii, 88, g, Deoeaaed wife'a aiater. Marriage of — , i, 288, i. Decreet of Banking, iv, 22, e; 81, e; 86,6. Degradation from Marqueeaate, iii, 146, 29 ; vii, 170, a. Order of Garter, ii, 64, d; vi, 69,26; 182, 20. Peerage, i, 67, 6 ; 292, 12 ; 295, 22 ; iii,297, a ; iv, 210, 29. Degrees of. Oxford (1686), vii, 818, a. „ „ (1668), vii, 812. d. Detapr6 Nanuery, Northaiita, iv, 288, 80. Delhi, Battle of—, v, 1, 28. Denton, oo. Northumberland, vi, 892, g, „ 00. Tork, iii, 806, 86. Denxi!l family, iv, 244, /. "Derby." The— won by Premier, vi, 416/7, e. Derry. Bp. of—, ii, 28, 81. Derwentwater eatatea, iv, 1, 6. Deaoent uuneoeiaaiy to enjoyment of precedency, vii, 164, h, Deaignation invalid without reaignation, vii, 162, and c. D'Eate, Mile.-, vii, 482, 1. Dettingen, Battle of—, v, 79, 80 ; 266, 11. Devolution of Baroniea, [E.] and [T.], con- traated, vl 408, 6. " Diamond Jubilee," Peers cr. at — , viii, 289, a. " Diary of Lady WillouRhby." viu, 166, /; 167, p; 178, <f ; 821,26. Dignities, Aiaumptions of — , vi, 46, { „ Erroneous recognition of — , vi, 47, • „ formerly reverted to Crown in caae of co-heirs, vi, 68, a. „ of same name, but lower grade, merged in higher title, vi, 809, a; 811/2, e. Dingley, Northants, iu, 168, 2. Directors, Peers — of oompanies, vii, 440^««  Discontinuance of title by Peer's widow, vi,876,6; vii. 277,/ " Dismal." viii, 180, e. Diaqualiiication for the Commona of ons entitled to Peerage [Q.B.], vii, 106, 88. Disraeli'a " Ooningaby," vi, 480, /. „ " Sybil," i, 289, 6. Divoroe, a pina/io, what warrants — , vi, 467, (f. „ Fimt— by set of Pari., vi, 467, d. „ First — in Scotland for deaertion, viii, 278, 87. Doddingtou, co. Lioc, viii, 618, 28. Domesday, Only peersge family descended in male Uue from anceator, living in time of — , vii, 18 a. Domicile, Peer can tacitly lose his £ng- liah— , iv, 268, b. " Zhmiuui" When— equivalent to " Laird," ii, 428. c. Don Carloe, vi, 266, 80. Donauwerth, Battle of—, v, 268, 80. Doncaater, '* Lord of—," ii, 162, & Dormant Baronies, Revival of—, i, 288, 6. D'orsay, Count Alf.— i, 868, b; viii, 814, 7. Doublefee, " Sir BuUfaoe— ," iv, 81, a. Douglas caatle, vi, 188, a. Doveridge eatate, viii, 74, a. Dowager peereaa, Adoption of christian name to indicate — , li, 283, 6. Dnipier Letters, iv, 88, 6. Draycot, Wilu, ii. 894, 4 ; v, 878, a. Drayton, Northauta, iii, 168, 86 ; vii, 1, 6; 2,e. Drummond's Bank, vii, 280,/. Dryden'a " Absalom and Achltophel," rii, 117, c „ ** Essay upon Satire," vi, 897, b. „ " Medal," vu, 117, «. Duchess, ** The mad—," i. 69, 8. Duchess Countess, vii, 814, 17. Dudington, co. Edinburgh, I, 4, 10. Dudleiana, l«laod of—, vi, 88, 10. Dudley, Barons of — , viii, 48, 6 „ Dukedom of—, viii, 861, 14. ., Edmuud — , v, 117, 18. Duel, viii, 182, a; 219, a. Duke. "The proud—," vii, 178, 80. Dukedom, First — of. on one not of blood royal, iii, 176, e ; vi, 166, a. First-r^r., ii, 227, a. Firat cr. in Scotland, i, 48, last line. „ Only— cr. by Geo. II, vi, 24, 6. „ (s) cf . on bastarda of Chaa. II, iv, 66, g. „ First two— cr. in England, t. 7.C „ Five— cr. iu 1897, iii, 176, c ; 297, a ; vi, 166, €, „ Five cr. in 1694, it 274, «• Dukeriea, The—, v, 218, a. $1