Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/56

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46 WALSINGHAM — ^WALTHAM. 27 April 1881, from injuries received by jumping oat of the window to avoid the said fire. Admon. June 1881. Both were 6«r. at Mertoo afo«L lY. 1831. 4. Thomas (ds Qrbt), Babon Wausingeam, br. and h. ; h. 10 April and bap. 8 May 1788, at St. Marylebone ; ed. at St John'a ColU Cambridge; M.A., 1799 ; took Holy Orden ; Rector of Herton afsd, 1803 ; Iteotor of Fawley, UatiU, 1806 ; Rector of Calboume, lale of Wight, and Preb. of Wtnoheiter, 1807; Archdeaoon of Surrey, 1814; iuc to the pttrage, 28 April 1881. He m. 12 Aug. 1802, Elizabeth, 8d and yst. da. of the Hon. Brownlow Mobth, L. Bishop of Wincheater (yr. a. of Francis, Int Eabl op Qoilforo), by Henrietta Maria, da. and coheir of John Bannibtib. He d. 8 Sep. 1889, at Merton Hall, aged 61, and was bur. at Merton. Will pr. 1889. His widow, who was 6. 26 Oct. 1776, d. 8 May 1845, in Upper Portknd place, in her 69th year. Will pr. 1846. V. 1839. 5, Thomas (dk Grby), Baron Wauiikgham, Ist & and h., b. 6 July 1804, at Winchester house, Chelsea ; ed. at St. John's ColL, Oambridge ; B.A., 1824, and Hon. LL.D«, 1842 ; Barrister (Lino. lun) 1827 ; tue. to the peerage, 8 Sep 1839. He m. firstly, 6 Aug. 1842, Augusta Louisa, 1st da. and coheir of Sir Robert Prankland, afterwarde PfUKKLAND-RuasBLL, 7th Bart., by Louisa Anne, da. of Lord Qeorge Murray, L. Bishop of St. David's. She d. 28 April 1844, at the resitlunce of her father, in Cavendish square. Will pr. 1849. He m, secondly, 25 Out. 1847, at Cnrson street chapel, Emily Elisabeth Julia, 1st da. and coheir of John (Thmaubson), 2d Baron Rknolbsiiaii [i.], by his second wife, Anne Sophia, da. and coheir of William Tatm ali.. Ho d. 81 Deo. 1870, at Mertou hall, aged 66. and was 6ttr. at Merton. Will pr. 10 Feb. 1871 under £70,000 personalty. His widow, who was 6. 81 Aug. 1817, d, 18 May 1879, at 28 Arlington street, aged 61. VI. 1870. 6. Thomas (db Gkby), Haron Walsinqham [1780], Ist 8. and h., being only s. of the first wife ; 6. 29 July 1843 in Stanhope street, Mayfair ; ed. at Eton and at Trin. Coll., Cambridge ; B.A., 1865 ; M.A., 1870 ; Hon. LL.D., 1895 ; M.P. for West Norfolk, 1865-71 ; t**e. to the peerage, 31 Dec 1870; a Lord in Waiting, 1874-75 ; Chairman of the Norfolk Quarter Seasions, 1880 ; High Steward of the Univ. of Cambridge, 1891 ; sometime Pres. of the Entomological Soc ; F.R.S., &&(») He m. 19 March 1877, Augusta Seliua Elisabeth sometime wife (marriage dinolved, at her auit, in the Eoglish court, Nov. 1876) of Luigi Caracciolo, Duo Di Samto Tbodoro [Arpimo f] and, before that, of Erneat Fitsroy Neville Fani^ UgUd Lord Buruhbrsh, da. and h. of William Lookb, sometime of Naples. Familp Bataie»,—Theae, in 1888, consisted of 12,120 acres in Norfolk ; 5,590 in the North and West Ridings of Yorkshire ; 1,075 in Suffolk, and 863 in Huntingdonshire. Total, 19,148 acrea, wortli £16,578 a year. Pritieipal &a<j.— Merton Hall, near Thetford, co. Norfolk, and Aldwark Manor house, near Easiogwold, co. York. WALTHAM. ».e., "Dbkny db Waltham," Barony {Denny cr. by writ, 1604; " Norwich " Earldom er, 1626 ; ex., with the Earldom of Cariisle, 1660. • WALTHAM OP PHILIPSTOWN. Barony [L] ^. Jqhk Olxius, of New Hall, in Boreham, and of I. 1762. Walthambury in Qreat Waltham, both co. Essex, only s. and h. of Juhn Olmiub, of Braintree in that county. Merchant of London (dL 20 Dec 17?!, being then Dep. Gov. of the Bank of England), by Elisabeth, da. and eventually h. of Thomas Clarkb, also a Merchant of London ; was 5. 18 July 1711 ; M.P. for Weymouth, 1737, and was cr. 22 June 1762, BARON WALTHAM OF PHILIPSTOWN, iu Kings Couotj [I.] He m. 8 Sep. 1741, Anne, 1st da. and eventually h. or coheir of Sir William Billbrs,!^) of Thorley, Herts, sometime (1788-84) L. Mayor of London, by Anne, da. of Sir Kowland Atmswoutu. He d. 4 mouths after his elevation to the peerage, 5 Oct. 1762, aged 51. Will pr. 1762. His widow d in Harley street, 6, or 8, June 1778. Will pr. 1778. (•) See vol. Ti, p. 869, note " b," eub Ripon." (t>) See Cltttterbuck's " i/crif .," vol iii, p. 270, for ped. of Billers.