Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/560

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550 OBN&ttAL IKBBIL Kielmtinegga, Coantan tod—, iii, 24, 45. Kilbirnie castle, ii, 418, e, Kildare abbey, iu, 869, 8. KiMrummie eiUte, iii, 268, 26 ; y, 284, 2, Killieorankie, Battle of—, iii, 208, 26 ; 218, 26 ; 217, 27 ; ▼, 70, 86. Kilmainham, Prior of—, ii, 814, 29. KUomn, Coll. Ch. of—, ii, 129, 8. Kilpec, Barony of—, Yiii, 485, 18. Kilruah, Battle of—, ▼, 896, 6. Kilayth, Battle of—, 868, 42. Kingmaker, viii, 62. 10 and 6. King of the Isle of Wight, viii, 59, A. Kingston, Earl of—, vii, 78, 5. Kirkby Hall, Northants, viii, 188, 18. Kirtle, Battle of—, v, 275, 1. Kirtliog Hall, vi, 66, d. Kit Gat Club, ii. 84, 28. Knaith estate, viii, 155, last line but two. Knights of the Garter (see Carter). KuockTuagh, Battle of—, iv, 57, 10; 272, 18, ; 870, 17 ; 877, 6, Knole PHrk, Kent, i, 80, 11 ; iii, 52, 84 ; 153, 29. Kyle, Tiii, 514, 16. Kynaston claim to title of Qrey de Powrs, iv, 101, text. Labouchere, Henry, vii, 870, e, Ijicock abbey, vii, 81, 18.

  • ' Ladies Cabinet," vi, 456, e.

•< Ladies March," vii, 229, /. Lady Mai^garet Professorships, vi, 857, 23 LafTeldt, Battle of—, vi, 425, 12. Lageham, Surrey, vii, 21, 4 and 10. Lagos, Battle off Cape—, vi, 820, Ust line. Lamb^ Lady Caroline, v, 287, 18. " LamenUble Lory," vi. 882, a. Lancaster Herald, ii, 270, ft. Landen, BaUle of—, vi, 888, 28. Langenbourg, Prince of Hohenlohe — , iv, 858, & Langensalsa, Battle of — , ii, 442, e. Xiangsyde, Battle of—, v, 100, 29; vi, 186, 88. Lsswary, Battle of—, y, 1, 24. Lathom House, Siege of— iii, 78, 29. Latimers, Bu<^ U, 221, a ; v, 22, 22 ; 28, Ust line. " Lawyer's Fortune," The—, iv, 119, c

    • Lay of the Last Minstrel," u, 46, a.

Layers Plot, vi, 156, 87. Leeds Ckstle, Kenl i, 215, 1 ; ii, 829, 6 ; iii, 806, 80 ; 807, a. Lees Priory, viii, 68, /. " Legend of Montrose," v, 802, d. Leignton family, viii, 244, c Leiningen, Prince of—, iv, 858, c LepeU, MoUy— , ii, 27, e. Levant, "YisitB to Monasteries in — ," viii, 227, /. " Lex Terra;* ii, 207, 4. Liberties, Charter of—, ii, 228, 29. Lieutenants, Lords — , dismissed by James II, i, 28, a. Life peer, Early case of — , sum. to Pari., iv, 286, /. „ peemgesi viii, 94, b ; 818, 4. I. [S.], iv, 28, o.

  • ' UllibuUero," viu, 127, e.

Limerick, Capitulation of — , v, 169, 88. Limitation of a peerage must make it descendible in course known to Law, viii, 164, a. „ Peerage with very wide — , vi, 426, b, Limminge, Robert — , vii, 40, e. Lindtleld College, ii, 828, 9. Lindsay familv, ii, 408, 6. Lindsays, ** Lives of the—," ii, 419, 41. Liulithguw, Battle of—, iv, 81, 8 ; v, 63, 27. Linstead Lodge, vii, 886, b, Linton esUte, ii, 882, 18 ; vii, 186, Ust line; viii, 270, 80. Linton. «* Worm of—," vii, 184, /. Liria, Duke of—, i, 849, 21. Lisaanoure estate, v, 190, b. Lister's Light Dragoons, vi, 889, 26. « litUe John of Campes," vi, 168, Urt line but one. Little Worley, Essex, iv, 201, 82. Loch Geary, Battle of—, y, 809, 4a Lochleven, '* Seven porches of — ," y, 100, c. Lochmaben, vi, 188, 6. Logarithms, Invention of—, vi, 4, 88. Logic- Almond estate, vi, 285, e. Lombard, Peter — , viii, 44, «. London, County of — , viii, 281,/. Long IsUnd, Battle of—, iv, 269, 15. „ „ Colonisation of — , vii, 246, 8. Longevity, Case of—, iii, 86, c. Longueville, claim to Barony of Grey de Buthyn, iv, 105,/. „ Count of—, iii, 156, 24. Lords, Conflicting dedsions of H. of — , vui, 164, a, „ Justices in absence of Wil. Ill, iii, 115, e. „ on demise of Anne, iii, 116, 6. Lieutenants dismissed by James II, i, 28, a. „ of Appeal, iv, 157, a. „ Summons of 1st s. and h. ^>. to [I.] H. of—, i, 2, a. Lorn, The BUck Kt of—, i, 184, 82. Loughboro' Castle, i, 286, 7. Love Day Procession, viii, 60, 86. Lowestoft, Battle of—, vii, 50, 19. i> I*