Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/567

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OBNBiUL INDEX. 557 Sheffield Place, Sasaez, Tii, 128, e. " Shepherd Lord/' ii, 292, 2. Sherborne, Dorset, iii, 121, 7. Sheridan, Rich. B.— , rii, 188, a. ,t Bisters, iii, 190, e. Sheriffdom of Aberdeen, iii. 409, h, SheriAnuir, Battle of—, tI, 289, a. Shifting peerages, ii, 69, a ; 429, b. Shortest duration of a peerage, tee Peerage* Shovel, Sir Cloudesley— ▼!, 897, 20. Shrewsbury Abbey, tU, 135, 9. „ Battle of—, Tii, 211, 25. Sidney, Sir Philip, iii, 285, 25. Signature of peers temp, Elis., iii. 888, c Silver, Reooinage of—, 1695 ; if, 185, h» " SiWertongued " Finch, i, 209, 19. Sinecures, Redemption of — , iy, 68, ef. Skirling estate, iv, 808, d. Skreens Castle, vi, 271, 7. '* Slight reminiscences of a septua- genarian,'* Till, 828, 8. Sl^o Abbey, iii, 868, 22. Slindon, Sussex, ri, 20, 42. Sloane, Sir Hans—, ii, 102, 5 ; 108, 80. Sluys, Battle of—, t, 871, 4. Smith, Robus, riii, 465, 4. „ Payne Smith, Bank, ii, 168, e, „ W. H.— k Son, Tiii, 241, 6. Smithfield Tournament, vi, 871, 9. Smollett's " Oapt Whiffle," i, 874, h. " Lady Frail," viii, 17, e. Snaps Oaatle, v, 25, /. Sodomy, Peers convicted of—, ii, 181, « : iv, 278, d. Solway Moss, Battle of—, viii, 124, 26. Somerhill estate, i, 261, e. Somerset^ J. H. Round on Dukedom of — , viii, 528, 22. „ Herald, ii, 270, h. „ House, vii, 174, b, Somerville, W.— , the poet, vii, 188, 28. Somnauth, Gates of—, viii, 888, 86. Southwold Bay, Battle of—, vi, 150, 21 ; vii, 50, 28. " Spanish Treason," vi, 484, 86. Spec, rem., see "Remainder." Spenser's *'8ir Soudamore," vii, 92,/. "Sports and pursuits of the English," viii, 162, a. '* Sporus " of Pope, ii, 27, b. Spurs at Coronation, iv, 107, d,

    • Squadrone voUinte," vii, 487, 18.

Stafford House, vii, 849, a. Stalbridge estate, vi, 186, a. Standard, Battle of the—, iii, 66, 1 ; 197, 28 ; viii, 212, 8. Standlynch Manor, vi, 8, 5. Standon, Herts, i, 168, 86. Stanhope, Lady Hester — ^ vii, 285, e. Stanley, co. Durham, viii, 186, 6. „ Dean Arthur—, vii, 289, 6.' „ Venetia — , iii, 150, a. Stanton Harooart, iv, 162, a. Stanwell, iii, 218, last line ; vi, 259, m ; viii, 185, a. Stopleton, Sir Miles—, vii, 241, d. State, Ot officers of—, iv, 212, * Statues, Equestrian— of peerp, vii, 292, a. Statute of Abaentees, vii, 189, a. Staveley, co. Derby, iii, 406, 7. Steam engine, Flrsthintfor a — ,viii, 208,a. Steel, *' Orev— ," 241. 28. Stetnman, G. S. — , viii, i, a, Stella, 00. Durham, viii, 186, 5. " Stella " of Sir P. Sidney, viii, 65, g. Stephen, Earls cr. by — , ii, 268, e; v, 86, a. Stephens, Kitty — , the singer, ill, 288, e. Stene estate, ii, 422, e. Stem Bros., Financiers, viii, 47, 21. Steward, Lord High—, iv, 212, * ,, of England, v, 42, b. „ „ Scotland, iv, 489, text and /. Steyne, "Marquis of—," in "Vanity Fair," iv, 229, a. Stichill, Barony of—, iv, 844, 87. Stoke, Battle of—, v, 25, 20 ; 98, 12 ; 166, 8. StourheaH, vii, 256, ft. Stratford Pkice, Midz., i, 69, 82. Strathaeldsaye estate, vi, 874./. Stratton, Battle of—, iv, 257, 81 ; vii, 228, 41. Straw, Jack—, vii, 72, 81. Strawberry Hill, ii, 288, 24 ; viii, 89, d, Strickland, Walter, " Lord—," viii, 617, 1. Strigul, vi, 196. ft. Strongbow, vi, 197, ft. Struts W., Q. and J. — , cotton brokers, viii, 808, 60. Stuart, '* La beiU-^," vi, 861, 14. „ Lady Arabella—, vii, 176, text Style, New—, v, 198. 25. <« Subtle " in " Ten Thou, a year," viii, 260, 7. Succession of half blood, viii, 56,/. of h. male to [L] peerage, viii, 2, 1st par. to [S.] peerage, vii, 45, 0; 46, e. Suckling's " BaUad on a wedding," vi, 165,/. Sudeley Castle, vii, 297, o, ft. „ estate, vi, 874,/. Summons, see " Writ," Surrenders of peerages, i, 298, ft ; vi, 806,0. Surfivance, Peerage [S.] vests by sim- ple—, U, 114, ft. Suspension of a peerage, vi, 1, 19 ; viilt 42,/ Sussex, Rapes of — , iii, 290, e. SutherUnd, " Birdie—," vii, 441, a. Swift's '* Battle of the Books," vii, 156, d.

  • ' Svbil," Disraeli's—, i, 289, ft.

Sydney, Sir J. Shelley—, v, 114, ft. II II