Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/569

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OBNBRAL INDRX. 559 Vernon, Adml. — , tii, 182, c „ Claim to Barony of Powyt, !▼, 100, tMt«. >Sn«m. ,9 James — , Sec of State, Tii, 182, c „ -Harcourt family, viii, 28, e. Vioe-ChaDC. or. a peer, ii, 403, 38. Victoria, First Commoner ennobled by — , ▼., 62, d. ., „ peerage, or. by—, v, 62, «. , , Peers or. at the Coroaation of — , ii, 146, b. „ „ „ „ „ Jubilee of—, il, 238, a. Viotories oomroem. in grantees' titles, i, 79, a, viii, 269, 36. Villaret, Adml.— , iv, 270, 2. Villiers, KIie.— , iv, 816, 5. Vinculo, What warrants diroroe, "a — *' Virginia, Settlement of — , iii, 60, 1. Visouunt, First — er, i, 286, last line. „ Seconder., i, 898, e. „ S. and h. of — , sum. v.p. in his father's barony, ii, 846, a. „ [I.] Premier — , iv, 56, c „ fS.] First 12— cr., ir, 215, /. „ „ Premier—, 826, 6. Vyne estate, vii, 67, d. Wadham, Nicholas—, viii, 206, d. Wakefield, Battle of—, vi, 468, 6. Walden Abbey, Essex, i, 204, 8, iii, 280, 11. „ Sufiblk, iv, 265, 12. Wales, PriDoe of—, ii, 226, e ; 228, h ; 229, e; 280, a; 864, ^, c. n II II — I Motto, ii, 870, a ; 874,(1. ,1 Principality of—, ii, 226, h ; 231, b. Wallitce, Sir Rich., iv, 229, 6. Waller's " Sacharissa," vii, 819, a. Wallop, Origin of name — , vi, 280, b, Walpole, Horace, — , vi, 131, 10. Walter, Peter-, the Usurer, iv, 119, d, vi, 186, a. Walters, Lucy—, v, 882, /. Wanstead, Essex, v, 877, ; 401, 18. Warbeck, Marrii^e of Perkin— , iv,296, a. Ward family, viii, 48, d, „ Seth — , viii, 92, a. Wardour Castle, viii, 160, e. „ Street, i, 167, 6. Ware Manor, iii, 817, 27. Warleigh, Devon, viii, 60, a. Warley, Little—, Essex, iv, 201, 82. Warrant of precedence to widow of h. to a peerage, iv, 77, c Warren Coat, vii, 826, b. „ Family, u, 74, e, iii, 97, d. Warren, Sir G.— , K.B.| Til* 828, f. „ 5^"TenThott: a Tear." Warwick Castle, ii, 82, 10. „ Manor, ii, 82, b. Watchmaker, Peer a—, viii, 285, 81. Waterperry estate, vii, 884> b ; 885, €, Welbeck estate, vi, 179, e. WellcMltty fiimily, viii, 626, 8. Wentworth-Woodhouse estate, vii, 264, 6. Weobley, co. Hereford, viii, 25, e. West Dean estate, vi, 826, d. WHstenhanfi;er estate, vii, 276, 8 ; 277, 18. Westminster Bridge, vi, 224, a, Wewitzer, Miss— ,the actress, viii, 622, 36. Wherwell Abbey, Hants, iii, 48, 1. Whiffle, -"Oapt.— ," in "Roderick Random," i, 874, b, Whitbread and Co., Brewers, ii, 88, 1 ; vii, 19, 82. " White Doe of Rylstone," ii, 292, a. White Knights near Reading, v, 256, c " White Ship," ii, 228, 7 ; iv, 88, e. Whitehaven estate, v, 189, 40. Whittlebury estate, vii, 197i d, Whorlton, co. York, iii, 19, 86. Wick-Warr, co. Glouc, iii, 47, 7. Widdrington, " Lord—," tee " Ten Thons. a Year." Widow discontinuing peer's title, vi, 876, 6, vii, 277,/. „ Warrant of precedence to — ^ of h. to a peerage, iv, 77, e. Wight, King of Isle of—, viii, 69, text and A. „ Lordship of Isle of—, iii, 100, /, 102, 18. Wilderness estate, ii, 125, 16, 18. WiL III, Dukes cr. bv— , ii, 274, a. „ „ Mistress of—, iv, 816, b. „ „ Peers inviting to resne England, V, 85, e. „ IV., Peerages cr. at Coronation of — , ii, 812, a. Williams, Deacon and Co., Bankers, ▼, 72, 4 and 18. Willoughby, "Diary of Lady—," viii, 156,/; 167. flp; 178, rf. WUmot, Olive—, ii, 441, d.

  • Wilton Castle, iv, 118 6.

„ Church, iv, 210, 6. „ House, vi, 216, g. Wimbledon Manor, v, 255, 10. Wimpole, co. Camb., iv, 166, 88; vi, 179, 6. Windsor Herald, ii, 270, (. Winton, vi, 489 fi. •« Wise William," iv, 406, 18. " Witch of Bndor," vii, 222, e, Witley Court, co. Wore., iii, 189, 88. Wives, tee ** Uxarit" " Wolf of Badenochi" tee <* Badenooh.** Woman, First — f ennobled by creation, vi, 215, d.