Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/58

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48 WANTAGE— WARD. WANTAGE OF LOCKINGE Barony. i. Sir Robert James Lotd-Lind8at, formerly Lindsay, I 1885 K.O.B., 2d i. of Lieut Geo. James LinmayX^) of Balcarrea, oo. Fife (d. 4 Deo. 1855, aged 62), by Anne, da. of Sir Coatti Trottib, Bart, was 6. 16 April 1882; od. at Eton ; entered the Scots Fusilier Gfuards, 1850, retiring as Lieut. OoL, 1859, having been Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Simpson during the Russian war, and been present at the battles of the Alma, BalaklaTa. and Inkerman, and at Sebastopol ; V.O., medal with 4 clasps, Knight of the Me«ljidie, Knight Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour ; Equerry to the Prince of Wales, 1858*59. Having in., 17 Nov. 1858, at St Martin's in the Eelds, Harriet Sarah, only ohUd of Samuel Jones (I.oyd), Baiiun Ovkiistonk, by Harriet, da. of Ichabod Wuiqht, he, by royal lie, 23 Oct 1858, touk the name of Loyd before his patronymic of Litkdwit, and on the death of that nobleman (the well known Banker), 17 Nov. 1883 (in his 88th year), his wife ma. to his vast estates and property. He was ^.P. for Berks, 1865-85 ; Financial Sec to the War Office, 1877-80 ; K.O.B. (civil), 1881 ; and was cr., 23 July 1885,(^) BARON WANTAGE OF LOCKINGS, co. Berks ; L. Lieut of Berks, 1886 ; If on. Col. (having sometime being Col. Comm.) of the Berks Royal Volunteers ; extra Equerry to the Prince of Wales. Family BUaUi, — ^These, in 1888 (t.«. those at that time held bv Lord Overstone, but whtc^ are believed to have been inherited by his ds., the Lady Wantage), consisted of 15,045 acres in Northamptonshire ; 5,072 in Bucks ; 4,460 m Warwickshire ; 2,402 in ' Cambridgeshire ; 1,712 in Huntingdonshire; 1,276 in Leicestershire; 501 in Ozon ; 284 in Berks ; 50 in Beds. ; 24 in liidz. ; and 23 in Carmarthenshire. Toial^ 80,849 acres, worth £58,098 a year. Principal ^Seato.- Overstone Park, co. Northampton, and Lockinge House, near Wantage, co. Berks. WARD, see Dk La Ward. WARD OF BIRMINGHAM. Barony. i. Sir Humbiji Waru,("*) only a. and h. ap of William I. 1644 Ward,(*^) of Heal, co. Stafltird, and of Cheapside, Loudon, Goldsmith (a person of great wealth), by Eliziibetli, da. of (wluise issue became heur to) Kiohnnl Huiiblk,(o) of Qooaehayes in Hornchurch, co. Essex, and of Southwark. co. Surrey, Yiutuer, 6. about 1014 ; m. (settl. 17 Feb. 1628) at his sge of 14 or 15, Frances, da. and h. of Sir Ferdiuando Sutton, otherwite Dudlkt, K.B., grandaughter and h. apparent of Eilward (Sutton, or Dudlby), Lord Dudlkt. See fuller particulars of her under that title, a 1342. She sue. as tuojure BARONESS DUDLEY, on her said grandfather's death, 23 June 1643, her said husband Ijeing knighted, the next day, by the King, at Oxford, and being cr., 23 March 1648/4, BARON WARD OF BIRMINGHAM, oo. Warwick, with rem. *< to the heirs male of his body by Lady Frances Dudley, his wife."!") lie d. 14 and wns bur. 17 Oct. 1670, at Himley, op. SUfford, aged about 53.(0 Will dat. 1 July 1655, pr. 11 Nov. 1670. His widow, iheitiojure Baroness Dudlrt, who was 6. 23 July 1611, in Dudley Castle, survived him 27 years, and was bur, 11 Aug. 1697, at Himley afsd., aged 86. (*) He was s. and h. of the Hon. Robert Liuds:iy, br. of Alexander, Earl of Crawford [S.], both beiug sons of James (Lindsay), 5th Earl of Bsdcarres [S.] (^) This creation was one of a batch of a dozen Baronies nominated by the retiring (GUdstone) ministry and the incoming (Salisbury) ministry, to which last this one belongs. See vol. iv, p. 285, note *' a," iub '* Htibhouse." (e) In " The BarOM of Dudley;* by H. Sydney Graeebrook (vol. is of the ** William Salt Arch, Soe**)^ will be found many notices of the family of Ward, and a good account of that of Humble. {^) Edward Ward, of Poswyke, afterwards of Bexley, co. Norfolk, the father of this William Wsrd, had a grant of arms, 29 Oct. 1595. His eldest son, Edward, was ancestor of the family of Ward, of Bexley, Baronets, 1663—1770, William (ancestor of these Barons), being the 6th and yst. son. (•) See *' CVsolums, 1483—1646," in ap. 47th Rep. D.K. Pub. Records. (0 See vol. iii, p. 185, note *'d," as to his sitting in the House in 1661, tho' holding a peerage of which the rem. was lot than to him and the heirs male of his body.