Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/60

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50 WARDOUR — WARRINGTON. WARDOUR. i.e^ " Arundiu, of Wardour, co. Wilts,'* Baiony {ArundeU), er. 1605. WARENNK [Ths Earusi of SuRRBt, who originally were of the name of Warenne, were frequently spoken of as Eablb Wabinnb. See "Surrey " Barldom, er. 1088 1] t.e., '^SuRRST AND Warbmnb" Earldom {Mawbray)^ cr, 1451; see

    • NoBfOLK " Dukedom, cr. 1897, under the 6th Duke ; ex. 1476.

«.«., " Warknnb *' [presumably tantamount to " Surrey "1 Earldom (Pfantopentf), er. 1478 with the Dukbdo3I of Nobvolk ; see **Tobk" Dukedom, cr. 1474 ; ex. 1488. WARKWORTH. ».0., " Warkworth of Warkworth Castle, oo. Northumberland/' Barony (Sejfmour, afterwards Smiihiim and finally Percy), er. 1749 with the Eabldom or NOBTHUMBBBLAMD, whlch BOO. WARLEIGH. Risdon, in his ** Survey of Devon'*' (p. 191) speaks (by a pal- pable mistake) of "Gorges" as "EARL OF WARLEIQH/'(») saying tlmt John Bonvile, by a da. of " Gorges, Earl of Warleigh, had issue Aune .... the heir of GK>rges, wedded to Philip Gopleston, of Gopleeton.*' WARMINSTER. «.tf , Thtnkk of Warhinstbr, CO. Wilts," Barony {Thynne), cr. 1682 with the YisoonifTOT op Wbtm outh, which see. WARR, or LA WARR, see Db La Warr. WARREN, see Warbnnb. WARRINGTON. See "BoTBLBR db Wbrinqton [/.«., Warrington, co. Lancaster], Barony (fiotelcr), er. by writ 1295 ; ex. or dormant, 1828 I Thoicas (FitzWilliam), Ist Viscount FitzWilliah of Mbryon g.], was cr. EARL OF WARRINGTON, by privy seal, dat. 1 May 1645, at xford, but the patent (which was in possession of the heir male of his body, the 9th and last Viscount, who d. 1888). was without seal and was never enrolled. The grantee d. before the restoration. See ** FiTZWUXiaii of Mbbtom," Visoountcy [I.], er. 1629 ; ex. 1888. Earldom. i. Hbnry (Booth), 2d Baron Dblambr of Dunham T I6d0 Massbt, CO. Chester, 2d but 1st surv. s. and h.(^) of George (Booth), X. 107V. j^^ Babon Dblambb or Dunham Massbt (so cr. 20 April 1661) by his second wife, Blizabetli, ds. of Henry (Grby), 1st Earl op Stam- ffOBD, was 6. 18 Jan. 1651/2 ; was M.P. for Cheshire, 1678-81. and was (like his father) O Warleigfa, close to the river Tamar, is in the parish of Tamerton Foliot, Devon, (b) His elder br. William, 6. 17 AprU 1648 ; d. T.p. 20 Jan. 1661/2, aged 18.